
rwp@1Peter:1:7 @{The proof of your faith} (\to dokimion hum“n tˆs piste“s\). The identical phrase in strkjv@James:1:3| and probably derived from there by Peter. See there for discussion of \to dokimion\ (the test or touchstone of faith). {Being more precious} (\polutimoteron\). No word for "being" (\on\) in the Greek. The secondary uncials have \polu timi“teron\. The text is the comparative of \polutimos\, late adjective (Plutarch) from \polu\ and \timˆ\ (of great price) as in strkjv@Matthew:13:46|. {Than gold} (\chrusiou\). Ablative case after the comparative adjective. {That perisheth} (\tou apollumenou\). Present middle articular participle of \apollumi\ to destroy. Even gold perishes (wears away). {Though it is proved by fire} (\dia puros de dokimazomenou\). Present passive articular participle (in the ablative like \chrusiou\) of \dokimaz“\ (common verb for testing metals) with \de\, which gives a concessive sense to the participle. Faith stands the test of fire better than gold, but even gold is refined by fire. {That might be found} (\hina heurethˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \heurisk“\, common verb, to find. As in strkjv@2Peter:3:14|, this is the result of the probation by God as the Refiner of hearts. {Unto praise and glory and honour} (\eis epainon kai doxan kai timˆn\). Here probably both to God and man in the result. Cf. strkjv@Matthew:5:11f.; strkjv@Romans:2:7,10; strkjv@1Timothy:1:17|. {At the revelation of Jesus Christ} (\en apokalupsei Iˆsou Christou\). Songs:also in strkjv@1:13; strkjv@4:13; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:7; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:7; strkjv@Luke:17:30| of the second coming of Christ as the Judge and Rewarder (Bigg).

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