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* Peter , an apostle of Jesus Anointed , to chosen ones sojourners of a dispersion of Pontus , of Galatia , of Cappadocia , of Asia and of Bithynia , * according to foreknowledge of God a Father , in sanctification of spirit , for obedience and sprinkling of blood of Jesus Anointed ; favor to you and peace may be multiplied . * Blessed the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed , that according to the great of himself mercy having begotten us to a hope of life through a resurrection of Jesus Anointed , out of dead ones , * to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and unfading , having been kept in heavens for you , * those by power of God being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in season last ; * in which rejoice you , a little while now (if necessary it is ) having been distressed by manifold trials , * so that the proof of you of the faith much more precious of gold of that perishing , by means of fire but being proved , may be found to praise and honor and glory , at a revelation of Jesus Anointed ; * whom not seeing you love , on whom , now not looking , believing but , you rejoice with a joy unspeakable and having been glorified , * obtaining the end of the faith of you , a salvation of souls . * Concerning which salvation sought out and examined closely prophets , those concerning the for you favor having prophesied ; * examining , to what things or what season did point the in them spirit of Anointed , testifying before the for Anointed sufferings , and the after these things glorious ; * to whom it was revealed , that not for themselves , for you but they ministered these things , which things now were told to you through those having announced glad tidings you with spirit holy having been sent from heaven , into which things earnestly desire messengers to look attentively . * Therefore having girded up the loins of the minds of you , being vigilant , perfectly do you hope for the being brought to you gift in a revelation of Jesus Anointed ; * as children of obedience , not conforming yourselves to the former in the ignorance of you lusts , * but according to the one having called you holy , and yourselves holy ones in all conduct become you ; * because it has been written : Holy ones become you , because I holy am . * And if a Father you call on him without respect of persons judging according to the of each work , in fear the of the sojourning of you time pass you ; * knowing , that not by corruptible things , by silver or by gold you were bought off from the foolish of you conduct handed down from your fathers , * but with precious blood , as of a lamb spotless and unblemished , of Anointed ; * having been foreknown indeed before a laying down of a world , having been manifested but in last of the times on account of you , * those through him having believed in God , that one having raised up him out of dead ones and glory to him having given , so that the faith of you and hope to be in God . * The lives of you having been purified in the obedience of the truth through spirit to brotherly kindness unfeigned , out of a pure heart each other love you intensely ; * having been begotten again not from seed corruptible , but incorruptible , through word living of God and remaining . * Because all flesh like grass , and all glory of her like a flower of grass ; withered the grass and the flower of it fell off ; * the but word of Lord abides to the age ; this now is the word that having been announced to you .

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