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* Be in subjection [therefore ] to every human institution for the Lord 's sake ; whether to [the ] king as supreme , * or to rulers as sent by him , for vengeance on evildoers , and praise to them that do well . * Because so is the will of God , that by well-doing ye put to silence the ignorance of senseless men ; * as free , and not as having liberty as a cloak of malice , but as God 's bondmen . * Shew honour to all , love the brotherhood , fear God , honour the king . * Servants , [be ] subject with all fear to your masters , not only to the good and gentle , but also to the ill-tempered . * For this [is ] acceptable , if one , for conscience sake towards God , endure griefs , suffering unjustly . * For what glory [is it ], if sinning and being buffeted ye shall bear [it ]? but if , doing good and suffering , ye shall bear [it ], this is acceptable with God . * For to this have ye been called ; for Christ also has suffered for you , leaving you a model that ye should follow in his steps : * who did no sin , neither was guile found in his mouth ; * who , [when ] reviled , reviled not again ; [when ] suffering , threatened not ; but gave [himself ] over into the hands of him who judges righteously ; * who himself bore our sins in his body on the tree , in order that , being dead to sins , we may live to righteousness : by whose stripes ye have been healed . * For ye were going astray as sheep , but have now returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls .

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