
rwp@1Peter:2:21 @{For hereunto were ye called} (\eis touto gar eklˆthˆte\). First aorist indicative of \kale“\, to call. They were called to suffer without flinching (Hort), if need be. {Because} (\hoti\). The fact that Christ suffered (\epathen\) lifts their suffering to a new plane. {Leaving you an example} (\humin hupolimpan“n hupogrammon\). Present active participle of the late Ionic verb \hupolimpan“\ (in the papyri) for the common \hupoleip“\, to leave behind (under), here only in N.T. \Hupogrammos\ is also a late and rare word (from \hupograph“\, to write under), a writing-copy for one to imitate, in II Macc. strkjv@2:28; Philo, Clement of Rome, here only in N.T. Clement of Alex. (_Strom_. V. 8. 49) uses it of the copy-head at the top of a child's exercise book for the child to imitate, including all the letters of the alphabet. The papyri give many examples of \hupographˆ\ and \hupograph“\ in the sense of copying a letter. {That ye should follow his steps} (\hina epakolouthˆsˆte tois ichnesin autou\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \epakolouthe“\, old verb, to follow closely upon, with the associative-instrumental (1Timothy:5:10,24|) or the locative here. \Ichnos\ is old word (from \hik“\, to go), tracks, footprints, in N.T. only here, strkjv@2Corinthians:12:18; strkjv@Romans:4:12|. Peter does not mean that Christ suffered only as an example (1:18|), but he did leave us his example for our copying (1John:2:6|).

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