
rwp@1Peter:2:4 @{Unto whom} (\pros hon\). The Lord, carrying on the imagery and language of the Psalm. {Coming} (\proserchomenoi\). Present middle participle masculine plural of \proserchomai\ (\proselthate\ in the Psalm) agreeing with the subject of \oikodomeisthe\. {A living stone} (\lithon z“nta\). Accusative case in apposition with \hon\ (whom, the Lord Christ). There is apparent an intentional contradiction between "living" and "stone." Cf. "living hope" in strkjv@1:3| and "living word" in strkjv@1:23|. {Rejected indeed of men} (\hupo anthr“p“n men apodedokimasmenon\). Perfect passive participle of \apodokimaz“\, old verb to repudiate after test (Luke:9:22|), in the accusative case agreeing with \lithon\. {But with God} (\para de the“i\). "By the side of God," as he looks at it, in contrast with the rejection "by men" (\hupo anthr“p“n\). {Elect} (\eklekton\). From strkjv@Isaiah:28:6| as in \entimon\ (precious, for which see strkjv@Luke:7:2|) rather than \dokimon\ (proved) expected after \apodedokimasmenon\ as meaning far more in God's sight, "a pre-eminence of position with" (Hort).

rwp@1Peter:2:4 gives ref to strkjv@Isaiah:28:6 for elect and proved. This verse does

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