
rwp@1Peter:2:7 @{The preciousness} (\hˆ timˆ\). Or "the honour." Explanation of \entimon\ and \ou mˆ kataischunthˆi\ and only true "for you which believe" (\tois pisteuousin\ ethical dative of articular present active participle of \pisteu“\ to believe). {But for such as disbelieve} (\apistousin de\). Dative present active participle again of \apiste“\, opposite of \pisteu“\ (Luke:24:11|). {Was made the head of the corner} (\egenˆthˆ eis kephalˆn g“nias\). This verse is from strkjv@Psalms:118:22| with evident allusion to strkjv@Isaiah:28:16| (\kephalˆn g“nias=akrog“niaion\). See strkjv@Matthew:21:42; strkjv@Mark:12:10; strkjv@Luke:20:17|, where Jesus himself quotes strkjv@Psalms:118:22| and applies the rejection of the stone by the builders (\hoi oikodomountes\, the experts) to the Sanhedrin's conduct toward him. Peter quoted it also (and applied it as Jesus had done) in his speech at the Beautiful Gate (Acts:4:11|). Here he quotes it again to the same purpose.

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