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* Wherefore (note :)Having laid for the foundation the Spirit of God effectually working by the word , and having built on it three virtues which are the grounds of all Christian actions , that is , faith , hope , and charity : now he proceeds to a general exhortation the first part being that we flee all show of both secret and open malice .(:note ) laying aside all malice , and all guile , and hypocrisies , and envies , and all evil speakings , * * * * Ye also , as lively stones , are built up a spiritual house , (note :)Continuing , he compares us now to priests , placed for this purpose in the spiritual temple , that we should serve him with a spiritual worship , that is , with holiness and righteousness : but as the temple , so is the priesthood built upon Christ , in who alone all our spiritual offerings are accepted .(:note ) an holy priesthood , to offer up spiritual sacrifices , acceptable to God by Jesus Christ . * * * And a stone to stumble at , and a rocke of offence , euen to them which stumble at the woorde , being disobedient , vnto the which thing they were euen ordeined . * * Which in time past were not a people , yet are nowe the people of God : which in time past were not vnder mercie , but nowe haue obteined mercie . * * * * Or unto governors , as unto them that are sent by him (note :)The second argument taken from the end of this order , which is not only most profitable , but also very necessary : seeing that by that this means virtue is rewarded , and vice punished , in which the peacefulness and happiness if this life consists .(:note ) for the punishment of evildoers , and for the praise of them that do well . * * As free , and not as hauing the libertie for a cloke of maliciousnesse , but as the seruauntes of God . * * * * For what praise is it , if when ye be buffeted for your faultes , yee take it paciently ? but and if when ye doe well , ye suffer wrong and take it paciently , this is acceptable to God . * * Who did no sinne , neither was there guile found in his mouth . * Who , when he was reviled , reviled not again ; when he suffered , he threatened not ; but (note :)He shows them a remedy against injuries , that is , that they commend their cause to God , by the example of Christ .(:note ) committed [himself ] to him He seems now to turn his speech to masters , who have also themselves a master and judge in heaven , who will justly avenge the injuries that are done to servants , without any respecting of people . that judgeth righteously : * * For ye were as sheepe going astray : but are nowe returned vnto the shepheard and Bishop of your soules .

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