
rwp@1Peter:3:1 @{In like manner} (\homoi“s\). Adverb closely connected with \hupotassomenoi\, for which see strkjv@2:18|. {Ye wives} (\gunaikes\). Without article. About wives see also strkjv@Colossians:3:18; strkjv@Ephesians:5:22; strkjv@Titus:2:4|. {To your own husbands} (\tois idiois andrasin\). \Idiois\ occurs also in Ephesians and Titus, but not in Colossians. It strengthens the idea of possession in the article \tois\. Wives are not enjoined to be in subjection to the husbands of other women, as some think it fine to be (affinities!) {Even if any obey not the word} (\kai ei tines apeithousin t“i log“i\). Condition of first class and dative case of \logos\ (1:23,25; strkjv@2:8|), that is, remain heathen. {That they be gained} (\hina kerdˆthˆsontai\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and first future passive indicative of \kerdain“\, old verb, to gain (from \kerdos\, gain, interest) as in strkjv@Matthew:18:15|. See the future with \hina\ also in strkjv@Luke:20:10; strkjv@Revelation:3:9|. {Without the word} (\aneu logou\). Probably here "word from their wives" (Hart), the other sense of \logos\ (talk, not technical "word of God"). {By the behaviour of their wives} (\dia tˆs t“n gunaik“n anastrophˆs\). Won by pious living, not by nagging. Many a wife has had this blessed victory of grace.

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