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* In like manner the wives , submitting yourselves to the own husbands , so that even if some are disobedient to the word , through the of the wives conduct without a word they may be gained , * having seen the in fear pure conduct of you . * Of whom let be not the outside , of braiding of hairs and placing around of golden chains or wearing of clothes , adorning ; * but the hidden of the heart man , with the incorruptible of the meek and quiet spirit , which is in presence of the God very precious . * Thus for formerly also the holy women , those hoping in the God , adorned themselves , submitting to the own husbands ; * as Sarah hearkened to the Abraham , lord , him calling , of her you became children , doing good and not fearing not one terror . * The husbands like manner , dwelling with according to knowledge as a weaker vessel with the female , bestowing honor as also being joint –heirs of gracious gift of life , in order that not to be hindered the prayers of you . * The but end , all of like mind , sympathizing ones , lovers of brethren , compassionate ones , humble –minded ones , * not returning evil on account of evil , or reviling on account of of reviling ; on the contrary but invoking blessings ; knowing , that for this you were called , so that a blessing you may inherit . * The for one wishing life to love , and to see days good let him restrain the tongue of himself from evil , and lips of himself of the not to speak deceit ; * let him turn away from evil , and let him do good ; let him seek peace , and let him pursue her . * Because the eyes of Lord on just ones , and ears of him towards prayer of them ; a face but of Lord against those doing evil . * And who the one will be injuring you if of the good imitators you become ? * But if even you suffer because of righteousness , happy ones . The but fear of them not do you fear , neither should you troubled ; * Lord but the God do you sanctify in the hearts of you ; prepared and always with a defence to all to the one asking you an account concerning the in you hope , with meekness and fear ; * a conscience having good , so that in what they may speak against you as of evil –doers , they may be ashamed those slandering of you the good in Anointed conduct . * Better for doing good , if may will the will of the God , to suffer , or doing evil ; * because even Anointed once concerning sins suffered , a just one on behalf of unjust ones , so that us he might lead to the God , being put to death indeed in flesh , being made alive but in spirit ; * by which also to those in prison having gone he published , * having disobeyed once , when was waiting the of the God patience , in days of Noah , being prepared an ark , in which a few (this is eight ) lives were carried safely through water ; * which also us a representation now saves a dipping , (not of flesh a putting away of fifth , but a conscience good seeking after towards God ,) through resurrection of Jesus Anointed ; * who is at right of the God , having gone into heaven , having been subjected to him messengers and authorities and powers .

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