
rwp@1Peter:4:1 @{For as much then as Christ suffered in the flesh} (\Christou oun pathontos sarki\). Genitive absolute with second aorist active participle of \pasch“\, to suffer, and the locative case of \sarx\ (flesh). The \oun\ (then, therefore) draws and applies the main lesson of strkjv@3:18-22|, the fact that Christ suffered for us. {Arm ye yourselves also} (\kai humeis hoplisasthe\). Direct middle first aorist imperative of \hopliz“\, old verb from \hoplon\ (weapon, strkjv@John:18:3|), in metaphorical sense, here only in N.T. {With the same mind} (\tˆn autˆn ennoian\). Accusative of the thing (content), \ennoian\, old word (from \en, nous\), putting in mind, thinking, will, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:4:12|. "Here again _Christus Patiens_ is our \hupogrammos\" (Bigg). {For} (\hoti\). Reason for the exhortation. {Hath ceased from sin} (\pepautai hamartias\). Perfect middle indicative of \pau“\ to make cease and the ablative singular \hamartias\, but B reads the dative plural \hamartiais\ (cf. strkjv@Romans:6:1f.|). Temptation has lost its appeal and power with such a man.

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