
rwp@1Peter:5:4 @{When the chief Shepherd shall be manifested} (\phaner“thentos tou archipoimenos\). Genitive absolute with first aorist passive participle of \phanero“\, to manifest, and genitive of \archipoimˆn\, a compound (\archi, poimˆn\) after analogy of \archiereus\, here only in N.T., but in _Testam. of Twelve Patrs_. (Jud. 8) and on a piece of wood around an Egyptian mummy and also on a papyrus A.D. 338 (Deissmann, _Light, etc._, p. 100). See strkjv@Hebrews:13:20| for \ho poimˆn ho megas\ (the Shepherd the great). {Ye shall receive} (\komieisthe\). Future of \komiz“\ (1:9|, which see). {The crown of glory that fadeth not away} (\ton amarantinon tˆs doxˆs stephanon\). For "crown" (\stephanos\) see strkjv@James:1:12; strkjv@1Corinthians:9:25; strkjv@2Timothy:4:8; strkjv@Revelation:2:10; strkjv@3:10; strkjv@4:4|. In the Gospels it is used only of the crown of thorns, but Jesus is crowned with glory and honor (Hebrews:2:9|). In all these passages it is the crown of victory as it is here. See strkjv@1:4| for \amarantos\, unfading. \Amarantinos\ is made from that word as the name of a flower \amaranth\ (so called because it never withers and revives if moistened with water and so used as a symbol of immortality), "composed of amaranth" or "amarantine," "the amarantine (unfading) crown of glory."

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