
lesserot@1Samuel:1:1 @ And there was a certain man of Rama–thayim–zophim, of the mountain of Ephraim, whose name was Elkanah, the son of Yerocham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tochu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:2 @ And he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:3 @ And this man went up out of his city from year to year to prostrate himself and to sacrifice unto the Lord of hosts in Shiloh. And at that place were the two sons of ‘Eli, Chophni and Phinehas, priests of the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:4 @ And when the day was come that Elkanah offered, he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons and her daughters, portions;

lesserot@1Samuel:1:5 @ But unto Hannah he gave a double portion; for Hannah he loved; but the Lord had shut up her womb.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:6 @ And her rival also provoked her continually, in order to make her fret; because the Lord had shut up her womb.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:7 @ And he did so year by year, as often as she went up to the house of the Lord, so did she provoke her; wherefore she wept, and did not eat.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:8 @ Then said to her Elkanah her husband, Hannah, why wilt thou weep? and why wilt thou not eat? and why should thy heart be grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?

lesserot@1Samuel:1:9 @ And Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk; and ‘Eli the priest was sitting upon a chair by the door–post of the temple of the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:10 @ But she had bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept greatly.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:11 @ And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thy handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thy handmaid, but wilt give unto thy handmaid a man–child: then will I give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall come upon his head.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:12 @ And it came to pass, as she continued praying long before the Lord, that ‘Eli watched her mouth.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:13 @ Now as for Hannah, she spoke in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice could not be heard; wherefore ‘Eli regarded her as a drunken woman.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:14 @ And ‘Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from off thee.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:15 @ And Hannah answered and said, No, my Lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit; but neither wine nor strong drink have I drunk, and I have poured out my soul before the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:16 @ Esteem not thy handmaid as a worthless woman; for out of the abundance of my grief and vexation have I spoken hitherto.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:17 @ Then ‘Eli answered and said, Go in peace; and may the God of Israel grant thy petition which thou hast asked of him.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:18 @ And she said, Let thy handmaid find grace in thy eyes. The woman then went on her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no longer as before.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:19 @ And they rose up early in the morning, and prostrated themselves before the Lord, and returned, and came to their house at Ramah; and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lord remembered her.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:20 @ And it came to pass, after the lapse of some time, that Hannah conceived, and bore a son; and she called his name Samuel, saying, Because from the Lord have I asked him.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:21 @ And the man Elkanah went up, with all his house, to offer unto the Lord the yearly sacrifice, and his vow.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:22 @ But Hannah did not go up; for she said unto her husband, So soon as the child shall be weaned, then I will bring him, that he may appear before the Lord, and abide there for ever.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:23 @ And Elkanah her husband said unto her, Do what seemeth good in thy eyes; tarry until thou hast weaned him; only may the Lord fulfill his word. So the woman remained behind, and gave her son suck until she weaned him.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:24 @ And she took him up with her, when she had weaned him, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and she brought him unto the house of the Lord at Shiloh; although the child was yet young.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:25 @ And they slew a bullock, and brought the child to ‘Eli.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:26 @ And she said, Pardon, my Lord, as thy soul liveth, my Lord, I am the woman that stood by thee here, to pray unto the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:1:27 @ For this lad did I pray; and the Lord hath granted me my petition which I asked of him;

lesserot@1Samuel:1:28 @ Therefore also have I lent him, for my part, to the Lord; all the days that have been assigned to him shall he be lent to the Lord. And he bowed himself there before the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:1 @ And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart is glad in the Lord, my horn is exalted through the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over my enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:2 @ There is none holy like the Lord; for there is none beside thee; and there is not any rock like our God.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:3 @ Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogance come out of your mouth; for a God of knowledge is the Lord, and by him are actions weighed.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:4 @ The bow of the mighty is broken, and those that stumbled are girded with strength.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:5 @ They that were full hire themselves out for bread; and they that were hungry cease: while the barren hath born seven, she that hath many children fadeth away.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:6 @ The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:7 @ The Lord maketh poor and maketh rich: he bringeth low and also lifteth up.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:8 @ He raiseth up out of the dust the poor, from the dunghill he lifteth up the needy, to set them among nobles, and he assigneth them the throne of glory; for the Lord’s are the pillars of the earth, on which he hath set the world.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:9 @ He ever guardeth the feet of his pious ones, and the wicked shall be made silent in darkness; for not by strength can man prevail.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:10 @ The Lord––his adversaries will be crushed; out of heaven will he thunder upon them: the Lord will judge the ends of the earth; and he will give strength unto his king, and lift up the horn of his anointed.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:11 @ And Elkanah went to Ramah to his house. And the lad was ministering unto the Lord before ‘Eli the priest.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:12 @ And the sons of ‘Eli were worthless men: they knew not the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:13 @ And the custom of the priests with the people was, that, when any man offered a sacrifice, the priest’s servant came, while was seething the flesh, with a fork with three teeth in his hand;

lesserot@1Samuel:2:14 @ And he struck it into the pan, or the kettle, or the caldron, or the pot; all that the fork brought up the priest took away with it. So did they unto all the Israelites that came thither, to Shiloh.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:15 @ Even before they had yet burnt the fat, the priest’s servant would come, and say to the man that sacrificed, Give flesh to roast for the priest; for he will not take from thee sodden flesh, but raw.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:16 @ And if the man said unto him, They will surely presently burn the fat, and then take whatever thy soul may long for: then would he say, No; but thou shalt give it me now; and if not, I will take it by force.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:17 @ And the sin of the young men was very great before the Lord; for the men despised the offering of the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:18 @ But Samuel was ministering before the Lord, being a lad, girded with a linen ephod.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:19 @ Moreover his mother used to make him a little overcoat, and brought it to him from year to year, when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:20 @ And ‘Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, and said, May the Lord give thee seed from this woman instead of the loan who is lent to the Lord. And they went back unto his place.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:21 @ And truly the Lord visited Hannah, and she conceived, and bore three sons and two daughters. And the lad Samuel grew up before the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:22 @ Now ‘Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons were in the habit of doing unto all Israel; and how they would lie with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:23 @ And he said unto them, Why will ye do such things? for I hear of your evil dealings from all this people.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:24 @ No, my sons; for the report that I hear is not good, which the Lord’s people spread abroad.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:25 @ If one man sin against another, the judge shall judge him; but if against the Lord a man should sin, who shall pray for him? Nevertheless would they not hearken unto the voice of their father, because the Lord desired to slay them.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:26 @ And the lad Samuel was constantly growing and increasing in favor both with the Lord, and also with men.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:27 @ And there came a man of God unto ‘Eli, and said unto him, Thus hath said the Lord, Did I appear unto the house of thy father, when they were in Egypt, in Pharaoh’s house?

lesserot@1Samuel:2:28 @ And did I choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to me as a priest, to offer upon my altar, to burn incense, to wear an ephod before me? and did I give unto the house of thy father all the fire–offerings of the children of Israel?

lesserot@1Samuel:2:29 @ Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and at my meat–offering, which I have commanded in habitation? and honoredst thou thy sons above me, to fatten yourselves with the first of every offering of Israel my people?

lesserot@1Samuel:2:30 @ Therefore saith the Lord the God of Israel, I had indeed said, Thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever; but now, saith the Lord, Be it far from me; for those that honor me will I honor, and those that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:31 @ Behold, days are coming, that I will hew off thy arm, and the arm of thy father’s house, so that there shall not be an old man in thy house.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:32 @ And thou shalt behold a rival in my habitation, in all that by which he will do good for Israel: and there shall not be an old man in thy house in all times.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:33 @ And yet I will not cut off the men descended from thee from my altar, to consume thy eyes, and to grieve thy soul: and all the increase of thy house shall die as men.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:34 @ And this shall be unto thee the sign, that shall happen on thy two sons, on Chophni and Phinehas: On one day shall they, both of them, die.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:35 @ And I will raise up to me a faithful priest, who shall do in accordance with what is in my heart and in my mind; and I will build for him an enduring house; and he shall walk before my anointed in all times.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:36 @ And it shall come to pass, that whoever is left in thy house shall come to bow down to him for a gera of silver and a loaf of bread, and shall say, Attach me, I pray thee, unto one of the priestly offices, that I may eat a piece of bread.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:1 @ And the lad Samuel was ministering unto the Lord before ‘Eli. And the word of the Lord was scarce in those days: prophecy was not extended.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:2 @ And it came to pass one day, when ‘Eli was lying down in his place, and his eyes had begun to grow dim, he could not see;

lesserot@1Samuel:3:3 @ And the lamp of God had not yet gone out, while Samuel was lying down in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was;

lesserot@1Samuel:3:4 @ That the Lord called Samuel: and he said, Here am I.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:5 @ And he ran unto ‘Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And he said, I did not call: lie down again. And he went and lay down.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:6 @ And the Lord continued to call again, Samuel. And Samuel arose and went to ‘Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And he answered, I did not call, my son: lie down again.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:7 @ And Samuel knew not yet the Lord, nor had the word of the Lord been as yet revealed unto him.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:8 @ And the Lord continued to call, Samuel, the third time; and he arose and went to ‘Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And ‘Eli then perceived that the Lord was calling the lad.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:9 @ And ‘Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down; and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth. And Samuel went and lay down in his place.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:10 @ And the Lord came, and placed himself, and called as at previous times, Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel said, Speak; for thy servant heareth.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:11 @ And the Lord said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing in Israel, at which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:12 @ On that day will I fulfill on ‘Eli all that I have spoken concerning his house: I will begin and finish.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:13 @ And I tell him that I will judge his house for ever; for the iniquity that he knew that his sons were drawing a curse on themselves, and he restrained them not.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:14 @ And therefore have I sworn unto the house of ‘Eli, that the iniquity of ‘Eli’s house shall not be atoned for with sacrifice or meat–offering for ever.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:15 @ And Samuel lay until the morning, when he opened the doors of the house of the Lord; and Samuel feared to tell the vision unto ‘Eli.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:16 @ But ‘Eli called Samuel, and said, Samuel, my son. And he said, Here am I.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:17 @ And he said, What is the word which he hath spoken unto thee? do not, I pray thee, conceal it from me: may God do to thee thus, and continue to do so, if thou conceal any thing from me of all the word that he hath spoken unto thee.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:18 @ And Samuel told him all the words, and concealed nothing from him. And he said, He is the Lord: let him do what seemeth good in his eyes.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:19 @ And Samuel grew up, and the Lord was with him, and he did not let fall any one of all his words to the ground.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:20 @ And thus knew all Israel from Dan even to Beer–sheba’ that Samuel was accredited as a prophet of the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:3:21 @ And the Lord continued to appear in Shiloh; for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:1 @ And the word of Samuel became known to all Israel. Now Israel went out against the Philistines to battle, and encamped beside Eben–ha’ezer; and the Philistines encamped in Aphek.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:2 @ And the Philistines put themselves in battle–array against Israel; and the battle became general, and Israel was smitten before the Philistines: and they slew on the battle–ground, in the field, about four thousand men.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:3 @ And when the people were come back into the camp, the elders of Israel said, Wherefore hath the Lord smitten us this day before the Philistines? Let us bring over to us out of Shiloh the ark of the covenant of the Lord, that it may come in the midst of us, and deliver us out of the hand of our enemies.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:4 @ So the people sent to Shiloh, and they brought away from there the ark of the covenant of the Lord of hosts, who dwelleth over the cherubim: and the two sons of ‘Eli, Chophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:5 @ And it happened when the ark of the covenant of the Lord came into the camp, that all Israel set up a great shout, so that the earth trembled.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:6 @ And when the Philistines heard the noise of the shouting, they said, What meaneth the noise of this great shouting in the camp of the Hebrews? And they understood that the ark of the Lord was come into the camp.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:7 @ And the Philistines were afraid; for they said, God is come into the camp. And they said, Woe unto us! for the like of this hath not been, yesterday or the day before.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:8 @ Woe unto us! who shall deliver us out of the hand of these mighty Gods? these are the Gods that smote the Egyptians with every plague in the wilderness.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:9 @ Be strong, and act like men, O Philistines, so that ye become not servants unto the Hebrews, as they have been servants to you: therefore act like men, and fight.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:10 @ And the Philistines fought, and the Israelites were smitten, and they fled every man unto his tent: and the defeat was very great; and there fell of Israel thirty thousand men on foot.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:11 @ And the ark of God was taken; and the two sons of ‘Eli, Chophni and Phinehas, died also.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:12 @ And there ran a man of Benjamin from the battlefield, and came to Shiloh on the same day, with his clothes rent, and earth upon his head.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:13 @ And when he came, lo, ‘Eli was sitting upon a chair by the wayside watching; for his heart was anxious for the ark of God. And when the man came to tell it in the city, all the city cried out.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:14 @ And when ‘Eli heard the noise of the crying, he said, What meaneth the noise of this multitude? And the man came in hastily, and told it to ‘Eli.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:15 @ Now ‘Eli was ninety and eight years old; and his eyes were fixed, so that he could not see.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:16 @ And the man said unto ‘Eli, I am the person that came from the battlefield, and I myself fled from the battlefield today. And he said, What was it that took place, my son?

lesserot@1Samuel:4:17 @ And the messenger answered and said, Israel is fled before the Philistines, and there hath also been a great slaughter among the people, and also thy two sons, Chophni and Phinehas, are dead, and the ark of God hath been taken.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:18 @ And it came to pass, when he mentioned the ark of God, that he fell from off the chair backward by the side of the gate, and his neck was broken, and he died; for the man was old, and heavy. And he had judged Israel forty years.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:19 @ And his daughter–in–law, the wife of Phinehas, was with child, near to be delivered: and when she heard the tidings concerning that the ark of God had been taken, and that her father–in–law and her husband were dead, she sank down and gave birth; for her pains came suddenly upon her.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:20 @ And at the moment of her dying, the women that stood around her spoke, Fear not; for a son hast thou born. But she answered not, nor did she take it to heart.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:21 @ And she named the child I–chabod, saying, Glory is departed from Israel; because of the taking away of the ark of God, and because of her father–in–law and her husband.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:22 @ And she said, Glory is departed from Israel; for the ark of God hath been taken away.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:1 @ And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it from Eben–ha’ezer unto Ashdod.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:2 @ And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:3 @ And when the people of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was lying upon his face on the earth before the ark of the Lord. And they took Dagon, and set him again in his place.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:4 @ And when they arose early on the morning of the following day, behold, Dagon was lying upon his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the fish portion was left on him.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:5 @ Therefore do the priests of Dagon, and all that come into Dagon’s house, not step on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod even until this day.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:6 @ And the hand of the Lord became heavy upon the people of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with hemorrhoids, even Ashdod and its territory.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:7 @ And when the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, The ark of the God of Israel shall not remain with us; for his hand is sore upon us, and upon Dagon our God.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:8 @ And they sent and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines unto them, and said, What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel? And they answered, Let the ark of the God of Israel be removed unto Gath. And they removed the ark of the God of Israel thither.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:9 @ And it happened, after they had removed it, that the hand of the Lord was against the city with a very great confusion; and he smote the men of the city, both small and great, and they had hemorrhoids in their secret parts.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:10 @ And they sent away the ark of God to ‘Ekron. And it came to pass, as the ark of God came to ‘Ekron, that the ‘Ekronites cried out, saying, They have removed to us the ark of the God of Israel, to slay us and our people.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:11 @ So they sent and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines, and said, Send away the ark of the God of Israel, that it may return to its own place, so that it may not slay us, and our people; for there was a confusion of death throughout all the city; the hand of God was very heavy there.

lesserot@1Samuel:5:12 @ And the people that did not die were smitten with the hemorrhoids; and the lamentation of the city went up to heaven.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:1 @ And the ark of the Lord was in the fields of the Philistines seven months.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:2 @ And the Philistines called for the priests and the diviners, saying, What shall we do with the ark of the Lord? let us know wherewith we shall send off it to its place.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:3 @ And they said, If ye send away the ark of the God of Israel, send it not away empty; but ye must to a certainty return him a trespass–offering: then will ye be healed, and it will be known to you why his hand is not removed from you.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:4 @ And they said, What shall be the trespass–offering that we shall return to him? And they answered, According to the number of the lords of the Philistines, five golden hemorrhoids, and five golden mice; for one plague affected them all, and your lords.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:5 @ Therefore make images of your hemorrhoids, and images of your mice that devastate the land; and give glory unto the God of Israel: perhaps he will lighten his hand from off you, and from off your gods, and from off your land.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:6 @ And why will ye harden your heart, just as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their heart? Did not they, when he had wrought wonderful deeds among them, dismiss them, and they departed?

lesserot@1Samuel:6:7 @ And now make a new wagon, and take two milch–cows, on which there hath come no yoke, and harness the cows to the wagon, and bring their calves home away from them:

lesserot@1Samuel:6:8 @ And take the ark of the Lord, and place it into the wagon; and the articles of gold, which ye return him as a trespass–offering, ye must put in a casket alongside of it; and then send it away, that it may go.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:9 @ And then see, if it go up by the way to its own boundary, to Beth–shemesh, then hath he done us this great evil; but if not, then shall we know that not his hand hath smitten us; it is a chance which hath happened to us.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:10 @ And the men did so; and they took two milch–cows, and harnessed them to the wagon, and their calves they shut up at home:

lesserot@1Samuel:6:11 @ And they placed the ark of the Lord in the wagon, and the casket with the mice of gold and images of their hemorrhoids.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:12 @ And the cows went straight forward on the way on the road to Beth–shemesh: on one highway they did go along, lowing as they went, and turned not aside to the right or to the left; and the lords of the Philistines went after them as far as the border of Beth–shemesh.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:13 @ And they of Beth–shemesh were reaping their wheat harvest in the valley; and when they lifted up their eyes, and saw the ark, they rejoiced to see it.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:14 @ And the wagon came to the field of Joshua, the Beth–shemite, and stood still there; and there was a great stone; and they split the wood of the wagon, and the cows they offered as a burnt–offering unto the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:15 @ And the Levites took down the ark of the Lord, and the casket that was with it, wherein were the articles of gold, and put them on the great stone; and the men of Beth–shemesh offered bunt–offerings and sacrificed sacrifices on the same day unto the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:16 @ And when the five lords of the Philistines had seen it, they returned to ‘Ekron on the same day.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:17 @ And these are the golden hemorrhoids which the Philistines returned as a trespass–offering unto the Lord: For Ashdod one, for Gazzah one, for Ashkelon one, for Gath one, for ‘Ekron one.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:18 @ And the golden mice were according to the number of all the cities of the Philistines under the five lords, from the fortified city, down to the open village, even unto the great stone whereon they had set down the ark of the Lord, and which is unto this day in the field of Joshua, the Beth–shemite.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:19 @ And he smote among the men of Beth–shemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the Lord, namely, he smote among the people seventy men and fifty thousand men: and the people mourned because the Lord had caused among the people a great slaughter.

lesserot@1Samuel:6:20 @ And the men of Beth–shemesh said, Who is able to stand before the Lord, this holy God? and to whom shall it go up away from us?

lesserot@1Samuel:6:21 @ And they sent messengers to the inhabitants of Kiryath–ye’arim, saying, The Philistines have brought back the ark of the Lord: come ye down, and fetch it up to you.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:1 @ And the men of Kiryath–ye’arim came, and fetched up the ark of the Lord, and brought it unto the house of Abinadab on the hill, and Elazar his son they sanctified to guard the ark of the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:2 @ And it came to pass, from the time the ark remained in Kiryath–ye’arim, and the time was long, and it was twenty years: that all the house of Israel followed anxiously after the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:3 @ And Samuel said unto all the house of Israel, as followeth, If with all your heart ye do return unto the Lord, then put away the gods of the stranger and the ‘Ashtaroth from your midst, and direct your heart unto the Lord, and serve him alone: and then will he deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:4 @ Then did the children of Israel put away the Be’alim and the ‘Ashtaroth, and served the Lord alone.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:5 @ And Samuel said, Assemble all Israel together at Mizpah, and I will pray in your behalf unto the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:6 @ And they assembled themselves together at Mizpah, and drew water, and poured it out before the Lord, and fasted on that day, and said there, We have sinned against the Lord. And Samuel judged the children of Israel in Mizpah.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:7 @ And when the Philistines heard that the children of Israel had assembled themselves at Mizpah, the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel. And when the children of Israel heard it, they were afraid of the Philistines.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:8 @ And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Do not abstain, so as not to cry for us unto the Lord our God, that he may help us out of the hand of the Philistines.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:9 @ And Samuel took one sucking lamb, and offered it for an entire burnt–offering unto the Lord: and Samuel cried unto the Lord in behalf of Israel; and the Lord answered him.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:10 @ And as Samuel was offering up the burnt–offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel; but the Lord thundered with a loud noise on that day over the Philistines, and brought them into confusion, and they were smitten before Israel.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:11 @ And the men of Israel went out of Mizpah, and pursued the Philistines, and smote them, as far as below Beth–car.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:12 @ And Samuel took one stone, and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Eben–ha’ezer, saying, As far as this hath the Lord helped us.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:13 @ So were the Philistines humbled, and they came no more into the territory of Israel; and the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:14 @ And the cities which the Philistines had taken from Israel came again to Israel, from ‘Ekron even unto Gath, and their territory did Israel deliver out of the hand of the Philistines. And there was peace between Israel and the Emorites.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:15 @ And Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:16 @ And he went from year to year and traveled in circuit to Beth–el, and Gilgal, and Mizpah, and judged Israel in all these places.

lesserot@1Samuel:7:17 @ And his return was to Ramah; for there was his house; and there he judged Israel: and he built there an altar unto the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:1 @ And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he appointed his sons judges over Israel.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:2 @ And the name of his first–born was Joel; and the name of his second Abiyah: they judged in Beer–sheba’.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:3 @ But his sons walked not in his ways, and they inclined after their own advantage, and took bribes, and perverted justice.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:4 @ Then did all the elders of Israel assemble themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah,

lesserot@1Samuel:8:5 @ And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons have not walked in thy ways: now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:6 @ But the thing was displeasing in the eyes of Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:7 @ And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they may say unto thee; for not thee have they rejected, but me have they rejected, that I should not reign over them.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:8 @ In accordance with all the deeds which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even until this day, when they forsook me, and served other gods: so do they also unto thee.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:9 @ And now hearken unto their voice: nevertheless thou must still solemnly forewarn them, and tell them the manner of the king that will reign over them.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:10 @ And Samuel said all the words of the Lord unto the people that had asked of him a king.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:11 @ And he said, This will be the manner of the king that will reign over you: Your sons will he take, and appoint them for himself with his chariots, and among his horsemen; and they will have to run before his chariot;

lesserot@1Samuel:8:12 @ And to appoint for himself captains over thousands, and captains over fifties; and to plough his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and the instruments of his chariots.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:13 @ And your daughters will he take for ointment makers, and for cooks, and for bakers.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:14 @ And your fields, and your vineyards, and your olive–yards, yea the best, will he take, and give them to his servants.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:15 @ And of your seeds, and of your vineyards will he take the tenth, and give to his officers, and to his servants.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:16 @ And your men–servants, and your maid–servants, and your best young men, and your asses will he take, and employ for his work.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:17 @ Of your flocks will he take the tenth: and ye yourselves will become his servants.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:18 @ And ye will cry out on that day because of your king whom ye will have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you on that day.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:19 @ Nevertheless the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel; and they said, No; but a king shall be over us;

lesserot@1Samuel:8:20 @ That we also may ourselves be like all the nations: and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:21 @ And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he spoke them before the ears of the Lord.

lesserot@1Samuel:8:22 @ And the Lord said to Samuel, Hearken unto their voice, and appoint them a king. And Samuel said unto the men of Israel, Go ye every man unto his city.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:1 @ Now there was a man of Benjamin, whose name was Kish, the son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphiach, the son of a Benjamite, a mighty man of valor.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:2 @ And he had a son whose name was Saul, young and handsome; and there was not a man among the children of Israel handsomer than he: from his shoulders and upward he was taller than any of the people.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:3 @ And there were lost the asses belonging to Kish, Saul’s father; and Kish said to Saul his son, Do take with thee one of the servants, and arise, go seek the asses.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:4 @ And he passed through the mountain of Ephraim, and passed through the land of Shalisha, but they found not; then they passed through the land of Sha’alim, and there was nothing there; and he passed through the land of Benjamin, but they found them not.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:5 @ When they were come in the land of Zuph, Saul said to his servant that was with him, Come, and let us return; lest my father relinquish the care for the asses, and become anxious for us.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:6 @ And the other said unto him, Behold now, a man of God is in this city, and the man is honored; all that he ever saith will surely come to pass: now let us go thither; perhaps he can tell us our way that we should go.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:7 @ Then said Saul to his servant, But, behold, if we should go, what shall we bring to the man? for the bread is spent out of our vessels, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God: what have we with us?

lesserot@1Samuel:9:8 @ And the servant answered Saul again, and said, Behold, I have here in my hand the fourth part of a shekel of silver; and I will give this to the man of God, that he may tell us our way.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:9 @ In former times it was custom in Israel, that when a man went to inquire of God, he said thus, Come, and let us go as far as the seer; for the Prophet of the present day was in former times called a Seer.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:10 @ Then said Saul to his servant, Thy word is good: come, let us go. So they went unto the city where the man of God was.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:11 @ As they went up the ascent to the city, they found some maidens going out to draw water; and they said unto them, Is the seer here?

lesserot@1Samuel:9:12 @ And they answered them, and said, He is; behold, he is before you: make haste now, for this day came he to the city; because the people have a sacrifice today on the high–place;

lesserot@1Samuel:9:13 @ As soon as ye are come into the city, ye will straightway find him, before yet he can go up to the high–place to eat; for the people will not eat until he be come, because he always blesseth the sacrifice; afterward eat those that are invited; and now go you up; for just today will ye surely find him.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:14 @ And they went up into the city. They were entering into the city, when, behold, Samuel came out toward them, to go up to the high–place.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:15 @ And the Lord had revealed to Samuel’s ear one day before Saul’s coming, saying,

lesserot@1Samuel:9:16 @ About this time tomorrow will I send unto thee a man out of the land of Benjamin, and thou shalt anoint him as chief over my people Israel, that he may save my people out of the hand of the Philistines; for I have beheld my people, because their cry is come unto me.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:17 @ And when Samuel saw Saul, the Lord addressed him, Behold, the man of whom I spoke to thee, This one shall rule over my people.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:18 @ And Saul drew near to Samuel within the gate, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, where is the house of the seer.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:19 @ And Samuel answered Saul, and said, I am the seer: go up before me unto the high–place, and ye shall eat with me today; and I will let thee go in the morning, and all that is in thy heart will I tell thee.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:20 @ And as for thy asses that were lost unto thee this day three days ago, do not set thy heart on them; for they have been found. And to whom belongeth all that is desirable in Israel? Is it not to thee, and to all thy father’s house?

lesserot@1Samuel:9:21 @ And Saul answered and said, Am not I a son of Benjamin, of one of the smallest tribes of Israel? and my family the least of all the families of the tribes of Benjamin? wherefore then hast thou spoken to me such thing?

lesserot@1Samuel:9:22 @ And Samuel took Saul and his servant, and brought them into the apartment; and he assigned them a place at the head of the invited guests, who were about thirty persons.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:23 @ And Samuel said unto the cook, Hand here the portion which I gave thee, of which I said unto thee, Put it away by thee.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:24 @ And the cook took up the shoulder, and that which was on it, and set it before Saul; and he said, Behold what is left! set it before thee, and eat; for unto this time hath it been kept from thee, since I said, I have invited the people. And Saul ate with Samuel on that day.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:25 @ And they went down from the high–place into the city, and he spoke with Saul upon the roof.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:26 @ And they got up early; and it came to pass when the morning–dawn arose, that Samuel called Saul to the roof, saying, Up, that I may send thee away. And Saul arose, and they went out, both of them, he and Samuel, into the street.

lesserot@1Samuel:9:27 @ As they were going down to the end of the city, Samuel said to Saul, Say to the servant that he pass on before us,––and he passed on,––but thou remain standing a while, and I will let thee hear the word of God.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:1 @ And Samuel took a flask of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Behold, it is because the Lord hath anointed thee over his inheritance as chief.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:2 @ When thou goest this day away from me, thou wilt find two men who are now by Rachel’s sepulchre, on the boundary of Benjamin at Zelzach; and they will say unto thee, The asses which thou wentest to seek are found: and, lo, thy father hath given up the matter of the asses, and is anxious for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?

lesserot@1Samuel:10:3 @ Then shalt thou go on forward from there, and thou shalt come as far as the grove of Tabor, and there shall meet thee three men going up to God to Beth–el, one carrying three kids, and another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a bottle of wine:

lesserot@1Samuel:10:4 @ And they will ask thee after thy welfare, and give thee two loaves of bread, which thou must take from their hand.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:5 @ After that shalt thou come to the hill of God, where the outposts of the Philistines are; and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither to the city, that thou wilt meet a company of prophets coming down from the high–place, having before them a psaltery, and a tambourine, and a pipe, and a harp; and they will be prophesying;

lesserot@1Samuel:10:6 @ And the Spirit of the Lord will suddenly come over thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and thou shalt be changed into another man.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:7 @ And it shall be, that, when these signs are come unto thee, then do thou what thy hand may be able to effect; for God is with thee.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:8 @ And thou shalt go down before me to Gilgal; and, behold, I will come down unto thee, to offer burnt–offerings, to sacrifice sacrifices of peace–offerings: seven days shalt thou tarry, till I come to thee, and then will I tell thee what thou shalt do.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:9 @ And it happened, that, as he turned his back to go away from Samuel, God changed his heart into another; and all these signs came to pass on that same day.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:10 @ And when they came thither to the hill, behold, a company of prophets met him; and the Spirit of God came suddenly over him, and he prophesied in the midst of them.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:11 @ And it came to pass, when all that knew him before saw, that, behold, he prophesied with the prophets, then said the people one to another, What is this that hath happened to the son of Kish? is Saul also among the prophets?

lesserot@1Samuel:10:12 @ And one of that place answered and said, And who is their father? Therefore it became a proverb, Is Saul also among the prophets?

lesserot@1Samuel:10:13 @ And when he had made an end of prophesying, he came to the high–place.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:14 @ And Saul’s uncle said unto him and to his servant, Whither were ye gone? And he said, To seek the asses; and when we saw that they were nowhere, we went to Samuel.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:15 @ And Saul’s uncle said, Do tell me, I pray thee, what did Samuel say unto you.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:16 @ And Saul said unto his uncle, He told us plainly that the asses had been found. But of the matter of the kingdom, whereof Samuel had spoken, he told him not.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:17 @ And Samuel called the people together unto the Lord to Mizpah;

lesserot@1Samuel:10:18 @ And he said unto the children of Israel, Thus hath said the Lord the God of Israel, I brought up Israel from Egypt, and delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of all the kingdoms that oppressed you;

lesserot@1Samuel:10:19 @ And ye for your part have this day rejected your God, he who hath saved you out of all your misfortunes and your tribulations; and ye have said unto him, Nevertheless, thou must set a king over us: and now present yourselves before the Lord according to your tribes, and according to your thousands.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:20 @ And Samuel caused all the tribes of Israel to come near; and the tribe of Benjamin was seized.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:21 @ And he caused the tribe of Benjamin to come near according to its families, and the family of Matri was seized, and then was seized Saul the son of Kish: and they sought him, but he could not be found.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:22 @ And they inquired again of the Lord, Is the man yet come hither? And the Lord said, Behold, he hath hidden himself among the vessels.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:23 @ And they ran and fetched him thence, and he placed himself erect in the midst of the people, and he was higher than any of the people from his shoulders and upward.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:24 @ And Samuel said to all the people, Have ye seen him whom the Lord hath made choice of, that there is none like him among all the people? And all the people shouted, and said, Long live the king.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:25 @ Then did Samuel speak to the people the rights of the kingdom, and wrote it in a book, and laid it down before the Lord. And Samuel sent away all the people, every man to his house.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:26 @ And Saul also went to his home to Gib’ah; and there went with him a large crowd, whose heart God had touched.

lesserot@1Samuel:10:27 @ But the worthless men said, In what can this help us? And they despised him, and brought him no present. But he acted as though he were deaf.

lesserot@1Samuel:11:1 @ Then came up Nachash the ‘Ammonite, and encamped against Yabesh–gil’ad: and all the men of Yabesh said unto Nachash, Make a covenant with us, and we will serve thee.

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