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* Then Nahash the Ammonite came up and encamped against Jabesh Gilead ; and all the men of Jabesh said to Nahash , "Make a covenant with us , and we will serve you ." * And Nahash the Ammonite answered them , "On this condition I will make a covenant with you , that I may put out all your right eyes , and bring reproach on all Israel ." * Then the elders of Jabesh said to him , "Hold off for seven days , that we may send messengers to all the territory of Israel . And then , if there is no one to save us , we will come out to you ." * So the messengers came to Gibeah of Saul and told the news in the hearing of the people . And all the people lifted up their voices and wept . * Now there was Saul , coming behind the herd from the field ; and Saul said , "What troubles the people , that they weep ?" And they told him the words of the men of Jabesh . * Then the Spirit of God came upon Saul when he heard this news , and his anger was greatly aroused . * So he took a yoke of oxen and cut them in pieces , and sent them throughout all the territory of Israel by the hands of messengers , saying , "Whoever does not go out with Saul and Samuel to battle , so it shall be done to his oxen ." And the fear of the LORD fell on the people , and they came out with one consent . * When he numbered them in Bezek , the children of Israel were three hundred thousand , and the men of Judah thirty thousand . * And they said to the messengers who came , "Thus you shall say to the men of Jabesh Gilead : "Tomorrow , by the time the sun is hot , you shall have help ."' Then the messengers came and reported it to the men of Jabesh , and they were glad . * Therefore the men of Jabesh said , "Tomorrow we will come out to you , and you may do with us whatever seems good to you ." * So it was , on the next day , that Saul put the people in three companies ; and they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch , and killed Ammonites until the heat of the day . And it happened that those who survived were scattered , so that no two of them were left together .

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