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* Then came up Nachash the ‘Ammonite , and encamped against Yabesh –gil ’ad : and all the men of Yabesh said unto Nachash , Make a covenant with us , and we will serve thee . * And Nachash the ‘Ammonite said unto them , On this condition will I make it with you , that ye all have put out the right eye , that I may lay it as a reproach upon all Israel . * And the elders of Yabesh said unto him , Grant us seven days ’ respite , that we may send messengers throughout all the boundary of Israel ; and then , if there be none to save us , will we come out to thee . * And the messengers came to Gib ’ah of Saul , and spoke the words in the ears of the people ; and all the people lifted up their voice , and wept . * And , behold , Saul was coming after the herds out of the field ; and Saul said , What aileth the people that they weep ? And they told him the words of the men of Yabesh . * And the spirit of God came suddenly over Saul when he heard these words , and his anger was kindled greatly , * And he took a yoke of oxen , and cut them in pieces , and sent them about throughout all the boundary of Israel by the hand of the messengers , saying , Whosoever goeth not forth after Saul and after Samuel , shall have his herds thus treated . And the dread of the Lord fell on the people , and they went out as one man . * And he numbered them in Bezek ; and the children of Israel were three hundred thousand , and the men of Judah thirty thousand . * And they said unto the messengers that were come , Thus shall ye say unto the men of Yabesh –gil ’ad , Tomorrow shall ye have help , when the sun shineth hot . And the messengers came and told it to the men of Yabesh ; and these were glad . * And the men of Yabesh said , Tomorrow will we go out unto you , and ye can do unto us in accordance with all that seemeth good in your eyes . * And it happened on the morrow , that Saul put the people in three companies ; and they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch , and they smote the ‘Ammonites until the heat of the day : and it came to pass , that those that remained were scattered , and no two among them were left together . * And the people said unto Samuel , Who is there that saith , Shall Saul reign over us ? give up the men , and we will put them to death . * And Saul said , There shall not a man be put to death on this day ; for today the Lord hath wrought deliverance in Israel . * And Samuel said to the people , Come and let us go to Gilgal , and renew there the choice of the king . * And all the people went to Gilgal ; and they appointed there Saul as king before the Lord in Gilgal ; and they sacrificed there sacrifices of peace –offerings before the Lord ; and Saul with all the men of Israel rejoiced there very greatly . * And Samuel said unto all Israel , Behold , I have hearkened unto your voice in all that ye said unto me , and I have set a king over you . * And now , behold , the king is walking before you ; and I am old and gray –headed ; and my sons , behold , they are with you ; and I have walked before you from my youth even until this day . * Behold , here am I ; testify against me in the presence of the Lord , and in the presence of his anointed : Whose ox have I taken ? or whose ass have I taken ? or whom have I defrauded ? whom have I oppressed ? or from whose hand have I received any ransom so that I withdrew my eyes from him ? and I will restore it you . * And they said , Thou hast not defrauded us , nor hast thou oppressed us , and thou hast not taken from any man ’s hand the least . * And he said unto them , The Lord is witness against you , and his anointed is witness this day , that ye have not found in my hand the least : and they answered , He is witness . * And Samuel said unto the people , It is the Lord who did Moses and Aaron , and who brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt . * And now stand up , that I may hold judgment with you before the Lord concerning all the benefits of the Lord , which he hath done to you and to your fathers . * When Jacob was come into Egypt , then did your fathers cry unto the Lord , and the Lord sent Moses and Aaron , and they brought forth your fathers out of Egypt , and caused them to dwell in this place . * And when they forgot the Lord their God , he sold them into the hand of Sissera , the chief of the host of Chazor , and into the hand of the Philistines , and into the hand of the king of Moab , and they made war against them . * And they cried unto the Lord , and said , We have sinned , because we have forsaken the Lord , and have served the Be ’alim and the ‘Ashtaroth ; and now deliver us out of the hand of our enemies , and we will serve thee . * And the Lord sent Yerubba ’al , and Bedan , and Yiphthach , and Samuel , and he delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on every side , so that ye dwelt safely . * But when ye saw that Nachash the king of the children of ‘Ammon came against you , ye said unto me , No ; but a king shall reign over us : when the Lord your God is your king . * And now here is the king whom ye have chosen , whom ye have asked for ! and , behold , the Lord hath set over you a king . * If ye will fear the Lord , and serve him , and obey his voice , and will not rebel against the will of the Lord : then shall both ye and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the Lord your God . * But if ye will not hearken to the voice of the Lord , and rebel against the will of the Lord : then will the hand of the Lord be against you , as it was against your fathers . * And now stand up and see this great thing , which the Lord is about doing before your eyes . * Is there not wheat –harvest today ? I will call unto the Lord , and he will send thunders and rain ; and ye will perceive and see that your wickedness is great , which ye have done , in the eyes of the Lord , to ask for yourselves a king . * And Samuel called unto the Lord ; and the Lord sent thunders and rain on that day : and all the people feared greatly the Lord and Samuel . * And all the people said unto Samuel , Pray in behalf of thy servants unto the Lord thy God , that we may not die ; for we have added unto all our sins yet this evil , to ask for ourselves a king . * And Samuel said unto the people , Fear not ; ye have indeed done all this evil : yet turn not aside from following the Lord , and serve ye the Lord with all your heart ; * And turn ye not aside ; for then would ye go after vain things , which cannot profit nor deliver ; because they are vain . * For the Lord will not forsake his people for the sake of his great name ; because it hath pleased the Lord to make you a people unto himself . * Moreover as for me , far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray in behalf of you ; but I will teach you the good and the right way : * Only fear the Lord , and serve him in truth with all your heart ; for see what great things he hath done with you . * But if ye will in any wise do wickedly , both ye yourselves as also your king shall perish . * When Saul had reigned one year ,––and two years he reigned over Israel ,–– * Saul chose for himself three thousand men out of Israel ; and there were with Saul two thousand in Michmash and on the mountain of Beth –el , and a thousand were with Jonathan in Gib ’ah of Benjamin : and the rest of the people he sent away every man to his tents . * And Jonathan smote the outpost of the Philistines that was at Geba ’, and the Philistines heard of it . And Saul blew the cornet throughout all the land , saying , Let the Hebrews hear it . * And all Israel heard it , saying , Saul hath smitten the outpost of the Philistines , and the Israelites also have put themselves in ill –favor with the Philistines . And the people were called together after Saul to Gilgal . * And the Philistines gathered themselves together to fight with Israel , thirty thousand chariots , and six thousand horsemen , and people as the sand which is on the sea –shore in multitude ; and they came up , and encamped in Michmash , eastward from Bethaven . * And when the men of Israel saw that they were in a strait , then did the people hide themselves in caves , and in thickets , and in rocks , and in strongholds , and in pits . * And some of the Hebrews passed over the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gil ’ad . As for Saul , he was still in Gilgal , and all the people followed him hastily . * And he tarried seven days , according to the set time that Samuel had appointed ; but Samuel came not to Gilgal ; and the people were scattering themselves from him . * And Saul said , Bring hither to me the burnt –offering and the peace –offerings . And he offered the burnt –offering . * And it came to pass , that , as soon as he had made an end of offering the burnt –offering , behold , Samuel came ; and Saul went out to meet him , that he might greet him . * And Samuel said , What hast thou done : And Saul said , Because I saw that the people were scattering themselves from me , whereas thou camest not at the appointed day , and the Philistines are gathering themselves together at Michmash ; * And I said , The Philistines will now come down unto me to Gilgal , and I have not yet made supplication unto the Lord : wherefore I forced myself , and offered the burnt –offering . * And Samuel said to Saul , Thou hast done foolishly : thou hast not kept the commandment of the Lord thy God , which he had commanded thee ; for now would the Lord have established thy government over Israel for ever . * But now thy government shall not endure : the Lord hath sought out for himself a man after his own heart , and the Lord hath ordained him to be chief over his people ; because thou hast not kept what the Lord had commanded thee . * And Samuel arose , and went up from Gilgal unto Gib ’ah of Benjamin . And Saul numbered the people that were to be found with him , about six hundred men . * And Saul , and Jonathan his son , and the people that were to be found with them , were lying in Geba ’ of Benjamin ; but the Philistines were encamped in Michmash . * And the troop of freebooters went out of the camp of the Philistines in three companies : one company turned into the way to ‘Ophrah , unto the land of Shu ’al ; * And another company turned into the way to Beth –choron ; and the other company turned into the way to the frontier that looketh over the valley of Zebo ’im toward the wilderness . * Now there was no smith to be found throughout all the land of Israel ; for the Philistines said , So that the Hebrews shall not make themselves swords or spears . * But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines , to sharpen every man his plough –share , and his coulter , and his axe , and his mattock . * And they used a file for the mattocks , and for the coulters , and for the three –pronged forks , and for the axes , and to sharpen the goads . * So it came to pass on the day of battle , that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan ; but they were found with Saul and with Jonathan his son . * And the outpost of the Philistines went out to the pass of Michmash . * Now it happened one day , that Jonathan the son of Saul said unto the young man that bore his armor , Come , and let us go over to the Philistines ’ outpost , that is on the other side yonder . But unto his father he told nothing . * And Saul tarried in the lower part of Gib ’ah under the pomegranate tree which is by Migron : and the people that were with him were about six hundred men . * And Achiyah , the son of Achitub , the brother of I –chabod , the son of Phinehas , the son of ‘Eli , the priest of the Lord in Shiloh , wore the ephod . And the people knew not that Jonathan was gone . * And between the passes , by which Jonathan sought to go over unto the outpost of the Philistines , there was a sharp point of rock on the one side , and a sharp point of rock on the other side : and the name of the one was Bozez , and the name of the other Seneh . * The one point rose up abruptly northward opposite Michmash , and the other southward opposite Geba ’. * And Jonathan said to the young man that bore his armor , Come , and let us go over unto the outpost of these uncircumcised : it may be that the Lord will work for us ; for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by means of many or by means of few . * And his armor –bearer said unto him , Do all that is in thy heart : turn thee ; behold , I am with thee according to thy heart . * Then said Jonathan , Behold , we will pass over unto these men , and we will show ourselves unto them . * If they say thus unto us , Stand still until we come to you : then will we remain standing in our places , and will not go up unto them . * But if they say thus , Come up unto us : then will we go up ; for the Lord hath delivered them into our hand ; and this shall be unto us the sign . * And when both of them showed themselves unto the outpost of the Philistines , the Philistines said , Behold , Hebrews are coming forth out of the holes wherein they have hidden themselves . * And the men of the outpost addressed Jonathan and his armor –bearer , and said , Come up to us , and we will let you know something . Then said Jonathan unto his armor –bearer , Come up after me ; for the Lord hath given them up into the hand of Israel . * And Jonathan then ascended upon his hands and upon his feet , and his armor –bearer after him : and they fell before Jonathan , and his armor –bearer was killing after him . * And that first defeat , which Jonathan and his armor –bearer caused , was about twenty men , within about the half of a field , which a yoke of oxen might plough . * And there arose a terror in the camp , in the field , and among all the people ; the outposts , and the free –booters , they also were terrified , and the earth quaked ; and it became a very great terror . * And the watchers of Saul in Gib ’ah of Benjamin looked ; and , behold , the multitude became scattered , and ran hither and thither . * Then said Saul unto the people that were with him , Muster now , and see who is gone away from us . And they mustered , and , behold , there was neither Jonathan nor his armor –bearer . * And Saul said unto Achiyah , Bring hither the ark of God ; for the ark of God was on that day with the children of Israel . * And it happened , while Saul was speaking unto the priest , that the confusion which was in the camp of the Philistines went on and increased more and more : And Saul said unto the priest , Withdraw thy hand . * And Saul and all the people that were with him were called together , and they came to the battle ; and , behold , the sword of every man was against his fellow , the disorder being very great . * And the Hebrews that were with the Philistines as before that time , those namely who had gone up with them , were in the camp round about ; but these also resolved to be with the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan . * And all the men of Israel who had hidden themselves on the mountain of Ephraim , heard that the Philistines had fled ; and they also followed hard after them in the battle . * So the Lord saved Israel that day : and the battle passed over unto Beth –aven . * And the men of Israel were hard urged that day ; and Saul adjured the people , saying , Cursed be the man that will eat food until the evening , until I have been avenged on my enemies . And the whole people tasted thus no food . * And all the land came to a forest ; and there was honey upon the surface of the field . * And when the people were come into the forest , behold , there was a stream of honey ; but no one put his hand to his mouth ; for the people feared the oath . * But Jonathan had not heard his father charging the people with the oath ; he therefore put forth the end of the staff that was in his hand , and dipped it in a honey –comb , and carried his hand again to his mouth ; and his eyes became clear . * Then commenced one of the people , and said , Thy father strictly charged the people with an oath , saying , Cursed be the man that will eat food this day ; though the people were faint . * Then said Jonathan , My father hath troubled the land : see , I pray you , how my eyes become clear , because I have tasted a little of this honey . * How much more , if haply the people had eaten freely this day of the spoil of their enemies which they found ? for would there not have been now a greater defeat among the Philistines ? * And they smote on that day among the Philistines from Michmash to Ayalon ; and the people were very faint . * And the people flew upon the spoil , and took sheep , and oxen , and young steers , and slew them on the ground : and the people did eat upon the blood . * And they told Saul , saying , Behold , the people are sinning against the Lord , in eating upon the blood . And he said , Ye have acted treacherously : roll unto me this day a great stone . * And Saul said , Disperse yourselves among the people , and say unto them , Bring near unto me every man his ox , and every man his lamb , and slaughter here , and eat ; and sin not against the Lord in eating by the blood . And all the people brought near every man his ox by his hand that night , and slaughtered there . * And Saul built an altar unto the Lord : the same was the first altar that he built unto the Lord . * And Saul said , Let us go down after the Philistines by night , and spoil them until the morning –light , and let us not leave a man of them . And they said , Do whatsoever seemeth good in thy eyes . Then said the priest , Let us draw near hither unto God . * And Saul asked counsel of God , Shall I go down after the Philistines ? wilt thou deliver them into the hand of Israel ? But he answered him not on that day . * And Saul said , Draw ye near hither all the chief of the people : and know and see through what this sin hath happened this day . * For , as the Lord liveth , who saveth Israel , that if it be in Jonathan my son , he shall surely die . But no one answered him among all the people . * Then said he unto all Israel , Ye shall be on one side , and I and Jonathan my son will be on the other side . And the people said unto Saul , Do what seemeth good in thy eyes . * And Saul said unto the Lord , God of Israel , O , show forth the perfect truth . And Jonathan and Saul were seized ; but the people came forth . * And Saul said , Cast the lot between me and Jonathan my son . And Jonathan was seized . * Then said Saul to Jonathan , Do tell me what thou hast done . And Jonathan told him , and said , I did but taste with the end of the staff that was in my hand a little honey : lo , I am willing to die . * And Saul said , May God do thus now , and in future also ; for thou shalt surely die , Jonathan . * And the people said unto Saul , Shall Jonathan die , who hath wrought this great salvation in Israel ? This shall not be : as the Lord liveth , there shall not fall one hair of his head to the ground ; for with God hath he wrought this day . So the people rescued Jonathan , and he died not . * Then went Saul up from following the Philistines ; and the Philistines went to their own place . * So Saul strengthened himself in the government over Israel ; and he fought on every side against all his enemies , against Moab , and against the children of ‘Ammon , and against Edom , and against the kings of Zobah , and against the Philistines : and whithersoever he turned himself , he caused terror . * And he gathered an army , and he smote the ‘Amalekites , and delivered Israel out of the hands of those that spoiled them . * Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan , and Yishvi , and Malkishua ’: and the names of his two daughters ––the name of the first –born was Merab , and the name of the younger Michal . * And the name of Saul ’s wife was Achino ’am , the daughter of Achima ’az : and the name of the captain of his army was Abner , the son of Ner , Saul ’s uncle . * And Kish the father of Saul , and Ner the father of Abner , were each the son of Abiel . * And the war against the Philistines was violent all the days of Saul : and when Saul saw any strong man , or any valiant man , he took him unto himself . * And Samuel said unto Saul , Me did the Lord send to anoint thee as king over his people , over Israel ; and now hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the Lord . * Thus hath said the Lord of hosts , I remember what Amalek did to Israel , how he lay in wait for him on the way , when he came up from Egypt . * Now go and smite ‘Amalek , and devote all that they have , and spare them not ; but slay both man and woman , infant and suckling , ox and lamb , camel and ass . * And Saul ordered the people to assemble , and he numbered them in Telaim , two hundred thousand men on foot , and ten thousand of the men of Judah . * And Saul came to the city of ‘Amalek , and he fought in the valley . * And Saul said unto the Kenites , Go , depart , get you down from the midst of the ‘Amalekites , lest I destroy you with them ; whereas ye acted kindly with all the children of Israel , at their coming up out of Egypt . And the Kenites departed from the midst of the ‘Amalekites . * And Saul smote the ‘Amalekites from Chavilah until thou comest to Shur , that is before Egypt . * And he caught Agag the king of the ‘Amalekites alive , and all the people he devoted to the edge of the sword . * But Saul together with the people had pity on Agag , and on the best of the flocks , and of the oxen , and of the fatlings , and the fat lambs , and all that was good , and they would not destroy them ; but all the cattle that was of little value and weak , that they destroyed . * And the word of the Lord came unto Samuel , saying , * I repent that I have set up Saul as king ; for he hath turned back from following me , and my word hath he not performed : and it displeased Samuel , and he cried unto the Lord all the night . * And Samuel rose up early to meet Saul in the morning ; and it was told to Samuel , saying , Saul came to Carmel , and , behold , he set himself up a monument , and then went about , and passed on , and went down to Gilgal . * And Samuel came to Saul ; and Saul said unto him , Blessed be thou unto the Lord , I have performed the word of the Lord . * And Samuel said , What is then this bleating of the flocks in my ears , and the lowing of the oxen which I hear ? * And Saul said , From the ‘Amalekites have they brought them ; because the people had pity on the best of the flocks and of the oxen , in order to sacrifice unto the Lord thy God ; and the rest have we destroyed . * And Samuel said unto Saul , Stay , and I will tell thee what the Lord said to me this night : and he said unto him , Speak . * And Samuel said , Is it not that , however little thou wast in thy own eyes , thou art the head of the tribes of Israel ? and the Lord anointed thee as king over Israel ? * And the Lord sent thee on a journey , and said , Go and destroy the sinners , the ‘Amalekites , and thou shalt fight against them until they be consumed . * Wherefore then didst thou not hearken unto the voice of the Lord , and didst fly upon the spoil , and didst the evil in the eyes of the Lord ? * And Saul said unto Samuel , Yea , I have fully hearkened unto the voice of the Lord ; and I went on the way which the Lord had sent me ; and I have brought Agag the king of ‘Amalek ; and the ‘Amalekites have I destroyed . * And the people took of the spoil , of the flocks and oxen , the chief of the devoted things , to sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in Gilgal . * And Samuel said , Hath the Lord as much delight in burnt –offerings and in sacrifices , as in obeying the voice of the Lord ? Behold , to obey is better than sacrifice , and to attend more than the fat of the rams . * For the sin of witchcraft is rebellion , and idolatry and image –worship , stubbornness ; inasmuch as thou hast despised the word of the Lord , he hath also despised thee that thou shalt not be king . * And Saul said unto Samuel , I have sinned ; for I have transgressed the will of the Lord , and thy words ; because I feared the people , and I hearkened to their voice . * And now , I pray thee , pardon my sin , and return with me , that I may prostrate myself to the Lord . * And Samuel said unto Saul , I will not return with thee ; for thou didst despise the word of the Lord , and the Lord hath despised thee , that thou shalt not be king over Israel . * And Samuel turned about to go : and he laid hold on the corner of his mantle , and it was rent . * And Samuel said unto him , The Lord hath rent the kingdom of Israel from off thee this day , and hath given it to thy associate , who is better than thou . * And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent ; for he is not a man , that he should repent . * And he said , I have sinned ; honor me now , I pray thee , in the presence of the elders of my people , and in the presence of Israel , and return with me , that I may prostrate myself unto the Lord thy God . * So Samuel returned , following Saul ; and Saul prostrated himself to the Lord . * And Samuel said , Bring ye hither unto me Agag the king of the ‘Amalekites : and Agag came unto him cheerfully ; and Agag said , Surely the bitterness of death is past . * And Samuel said , As thy sword did make women childless , so shall thy mother be childless among women ; and Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal . * Then Samuel went to Ramah ; and Saul went up to his house at Gib ’ah of Saul . * And Samuel did not see Saul any more until the day of his death ; because Samuel mourned for Saul ; and the Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel . * And the Lord said unto Samuel , How long wilt thou mourn for Saul , seeing I have rejected him so as not to reign over Israel ? fill thy horn with oil , and go , I will send thee to Jesse the Beth –lechemite ; for I have selected among his sons unto myself a king . * And Samuel said , How shall I go ? if Saul should hear it , he would kill me . And the Lord said , Take a heifer with thee , and say , To sacrifice unto the Lord am I come . * And invite Jesse to the sacrifice , and I will let thee know what thou shalt do ; and thou shalt anoint unto me the one whom I will say unto thee . * And Samuel did that which the Lord had spoken , and came to Beth –lechem . And the elders of the town came hastily to meet him , and said , Peace to thee at thy coming . * And he said , Peace : to sacrifice unto the Lord am I come ; sanctify yourselves , and come with me to the sacrifice . And he sanctified Jesse and his sons , and invited them to the sacrifice . * And it came to pass , when they came , that he saw Eliab , and said , Surely the Lord ’s anointed is before him . * But the Lord said unto Samuel , Regard not his appearance , nor the height of his stature ; because I have rejected him ; for not what man looketh on ; ––for man looketh on the eyes , but the Lord looketh on the heart . * Then Jesse called Abinadab , and caused him to pass before Samuel . And he said , This one also hath the Lord not chosen . * Then Jesse caused Shammah to pass by . And he said , This one also hath the Lord not chosen . * And Jesse caused seven of his sons to pass before Samuel : and Samuel said unto Jesse , The Lord hath not made choice of these . * And Samuel said unto Jesse , Are there not more young men ? And he said , There is yet left behind the youngest , and , behold , he is feeding the flocks . And Samuel said unto Jesse , Send and fetch him ; for we will not sit down till he have come hither . * And he sent , and brought him in . Now he was ruddy , having withal handsome eyes , and being of a goodly appearance . And the Lord said , Arise , anoint him ; for this is he . * Then took Samuel the horn of oil , and anointed him from among his brothers ; and the Spirit of the Lord came suddenly upon David from that day and forward . And Samuel then rose up , and went to Ramah . * And the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul , and there troubled him an evil spirit from the Lord . * And Saul ’s servants said unto him , Behold now , an evil spirit from God troubleth thee . * Let our Lord but say , and thy servants , now before thee , will seek out a man , who is skilful as a player on the harp ; and it shall come to pass , when the evil spirit from God is upon thee , that he shall play with his hand , that thou mayest be well . * And Saul said unto his servants , Select for me , I pray you , a man that can play well , and bring him to me . * Then answered one of the servants , and said , Behold , I have seen a son of Jesse the Beth –lechemite , who is skilful as a player , and a mighty valiant man , and a man of war , and intelligent in speech , and a person of a good form , and the Lord is with him . * Thereupon Saul sent messengers unto Jesse , and said , Send me David thy son , who is with the flocks . * And Jesse took an ass laden with bread , and a bottle of wine , and a kid , and sent them through David his son unto Saul . * And David came to Saul , and stood before him ; and he loved him greatly , and he became his armor –bearer . * And Saul sent to Jesse , saying , Let David , I pray thee , stand before me ; for he hath found favor in my eyes . * And it came to pass , when the spirit of God was upon Saul , that David took the harp , and played with his hand ; so Saul became relieved , and he felt well , and the evil spirit departed from him . * And the Philistines gathered together their camps to battle , and they gathered themselves together at Sochoh , which belongeth to Judah ; and they encamped between Sochoh and ‘Azekah , at Ephess –dammim .

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