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* Verse 1-9 - The sentence of condemnation against the Amalekites had gone forth long before , Exodus strkjv @17:14 . Deuteronomy strkjv @25:19 ,. but they had been spared till they filled up the measure of their sins . We are sure that the righteous Lord does no injustice to any . The remembering the kindness of the ancestors of the Kenites , in favour to them , at the time God was punishing the injuries done by the ancestors of the Amalekites , tended to clear the righteousness of God in this dispensation . It is dangerous to be found in the company of God 's enemies , and it is our duty and interest to come out from among them , lest we share in their sins and plagues , Revelation strkjv @18:4 . As the commandment had been express , and a test of Saul 's obedience , his conduct evidently was the effect of a proud , rebellious spirit . He destroyed only the refuse , that was good for little . That which was now destroyed was sacrificed to the justice of God . * Verse 10-23 - Repentance in God is not a change of mind , as it is in us , but a change of method . The change was in Saul ; "He is turned back from following me ." Hereby he made God his enemy . Samuel spent a whole night in pleading for Saul . The rejection of sinners is the grief of believers : God delights not in their death , nor should we . Saul boasts to Samuel of his obedience . Thus sinners think , by justifying themselves , to escape being judged of the Lord . The noise the cattle made , like the rust of the silver , James strkjv @5:3 ,. witnessed against him . Many boast of obedience to the command of God ; but what means then their indulgence of the flesh , their love of the world , their angry and unkind spirit , and their neglect of holy duties , which witness against them ? See of what evil covetousness is the root ; and see what is the sinfulness of sin , and notice that in it which above any thing else makes it evil in the sight of the Lord ; it is disobedience : "Thou didst not obey the voice of the Lord ." Carnal , deceitful hearts , like Saul , think to excuse themselves from God 's commandments by what pleases themselves . It is hard to convince the children of disobedience . But humble , sincere , and conscientious obedience to the will of God , is more pleasing and acceptable to him than all burnt-offering and sacrifices . God is more glorified and self more denied , by obedience than by sacrifice . It is much easier to bring a bullock or lamb to be burned upon the altar , than to bring every high thought into obedience to God , and to make our will subject to his will . Those are unfit and unworthy to rule over men , who are not willing that God should rule over them . * Verse 24-31 - There were several signs of hypocrisy in Saul 's repentance . 1 . He besought Samuel only , and seemed most anxious to stand right in his opinion , and to gain his favour . 2 . He excuses his fault , even when confessing it ; that is never the way of a true penitent . 3 . All his care was to save his credit , and preserve his interest in the people . Men are fickle and alter their minds , feeble and cannot effect their purposes ; something happens they could not foresee , by which their measures are broken ; but with God it is not so . The Strength of Israel will not lie . * Verse 32-35 - Many think the bitterness of death is past when it is not gone by ; they put that evil day far from them , which is very near . Samuel calls Agag to account for his own sins . He followed the example of his ancestors ' cruelty , justly therefore is all the righteous blood shed by Amalek required . Saul seems unconcerned at the token of God 's displeasure which he lay under , yet Samuel mourns day and night for him . Jerusalem was carnally secure while Christ wept over it . Do we desire to do the whole will of God ? Turn to him , not in form and appearance , but with sincerity . Henry ' _1__16 **** Matthew Henry 's Commentary **** _

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