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* Verse 1-5 - It appears that Saul was grown very wicked . Of what would he not be guilty , who durst think to kill Samuel ? The elders of Bethlehem trembled at Samuel 's coming . It becomes us to stand in awe of God 's messengers , and to tremble at his word . His answer was , I come peaceably , for I come to sacrifice . When our Lord Jesus came into the world , though men had reason to fear that his errand was to condemn the world , yet he gave full assurance that he came peaceably , for he came to sacrifice , and he brought his offering with him ; A body hast thou prepared me . Let us sanctify ourselves , and depend upon His sacrifice . * Verse 6-13 - It was strange that Samuel , who had been so disappointed in Saul , whose countenance and stature recommended him , should judge of another man by that rule . We can tell how men look , but God can tell what they are . He judges of men by the heart . We often form a mistaken judgment of characters ; but the Lord values only the faith , fear , and love , which are planted in the heart , beyond human discernment . And God does not favour our children according to our fond partiality , but often most honours and blesses those who have been least regarded . David at length was pitched upon . He was the youngest of the sons of Jesse ; his name signifies Beloved ; he was a type of God 's beloved Son . It should seem , David was least set by of all the sons of Jesse . But the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward . His anointing was not an empty ceremony , a Divine power went with that instituted sign ; he found himself advanced in wisdom and courage , with all the qualifications of a prince , though not advanced in his outward circumstances . This would satisfy him that his election was of God . The best evidence of our being predestinated to the kingdom of glory , is , our being sealed with the Spirit of promise , and experience of a work of grace in our hearts . * Verse 14-23 - Saul is made a terror to himself . The Spirit of the Lord departed from him . If God and his grace do not rule us , sin and Satan will have possession of us . The devil , by the Divine permission , troubled and terrified Saul , by the corrupt humours of his body , and passions of his mind . He grew fretful , peevish , and discontented , and at times a madman . It is a pity that music , which may be serviceable to the good temper of the mind , should ever be abused , to support vanity and luxury , and made an occasion of drawing the heart from God and serious things . That is driving away the good Spirit , not the evil spirit . Music , diversions , company , or business , have for a time often been employed to quiet the wounded conscience ; but nothing can effect a real cure but the blood of Christ , applied in faith , and the sanctifying Spirit sealing the pardon , by his holy comforts . All other plans to dispel religious melancholy are sure to add to distress , either in this world or the next . Henry ' _1__17 **** Matthew Henry 's Commentary **** _

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