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* And the Philistines gathered together their camps to battle , and they gathered themselves together at Sochoh , which belongeth to Judah ; and they encamped between Sochoh and ‘Azekah , at Ephess –dammim . * And Saul and the men of Israel gathered themselves together , and encamped in the valley of Elah , and put themselves in battle –array opposite to the Philistines . * And the Philistines stood on a mountain on the one side , and the Israelites stood on a mountain on the other side : and the valley was between them . * And there went out the champion out of the camp of the Philistines , Goliath of Gath was his name , whose height was six cubits and a span . * And he had a helmet of copper upon his head , and he was clothed with a scaly coat of mail ; and the weight of the coat of mail was five thousand shekels of copper . * And he had greaves of copper upon his legs , and a javelin of copper between his shoulders . * And the staff of his spear was like a weaver ’s beam ; and the blade of his spear six hundred shekels of iron : and the shield –bearer was walking before him . * And he stood and calleth unto the arrays of Israel , and said unto them , Why will ye come out to put yourselves in battle –array ? Behold : I am the Philistine , and ye are servants to Saul ! select for yourselves one man , and let him come down to me ; * If he be able to fight with me , and he kill me , then will we be unto you as servants ; but if I prevail against him , and kill him , then shall ye be unto us as servants , and ye shall serve us . * And the Philistine said , I have defied the arrays of Israel this day ; give me a man , and let us fight together . * When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine , they were disheartened , and became greatly afraid . * Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Beth –lechem –judah , whose name was Jesse ; and he had eight sons : and the man was old in the days of Saul , belonging to the persons . * And the three eldest sons of Jesse were gone following Saul to the battle : and the names of his three sons that were gone to the battle were Eliab the first –born , and the next to him Abinadab , and the third Shammah . * And David was the youngest : and the three eldest followed Saul . * But David kept going and returning from Saul to feed his father ’s flocks at Beth –lechem . * And the Philistine drew near morning and evening , and presented himself forty days . * And Jesse said unto David his son , Take , I pray thee , for thy brothers an ephah of this parched corn , and these ten loaves , and run to the camp to thy brothers ; * And these ten cheeses shalt thou bring unto the captain of the thousand , and inquire of thy brothers how they fare , and take away their pledge . * Now Saul , and they , and all the men of Israel , were in the valley of Elah , fighting with the Philistines . * And David rose up early in the morning , and gave up the flocks to a keeper , and took , and went , as Jesse had commanded him ; and he came to the entrenchment , as the host was going forth in battle –array , and shouted the battle –cry . * And the Israelites and the Philistines put themselves in battle –array , army against army . * And David left the articles which he had on him in the hand of the keeper of the baggage , and ran into the array , and came and asked of his brothers after their welfare . * And as he was speaking with them , behold , there came up the champion , Goliath the Philistine , by name , of Gath , out of the battle –arrays of the Philistines , and spoke in accordance with these same words : and David heard it . * And all the men of Israel , when they saw the man , fled from before him , and were greatly afraid . * And the men of Israel said , Have ye seen this man that is coming forth ? for to defy Israel is he coming forth ; and it shall be , that the man who killeth him ,––him will the king enrich with great riches , and his daughter will he give him , and his father ’s house will he make free in Israel . * And David said to the men that stood by him , thus , What shall be done to the man that may smite yon Philistine , and take away the reproach from Israel ? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine , that he should defy the arrays of the living God ? * And the people spoke to him after this manner , saying , So shall it be done to the man that may smite him . * And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he was speaking unto the men ; and Eliab ’s anger was kindled against David , and he said , Why didst thou come down hither ? and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness ? I know thy presumption , and the wickedness of thy heart ; for in order to see the battle art thou come down . * And David said , What have I now done ? It is nothing but a word . * And he turned from him toward another , and spoke after the same manner : and the people made him again a reply after the former manner . * And the words which David had spoken were heard , and they told them in the presence of Saul , who sent for him . * And David said to Saul , Let no man ’s heart fail because of him : thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine . * And Saul said to David , Thou art not able to go unto this Philistine to fight with him ; for thou art but a lad , and he a man of war from his youth . * And David said unto Saul , Thy servant was feeding his father ’s flocks , and there came a lion , and a bear , and bore off a lamb out of the drove ; * And I went out after him , and smote him , and delivered it out of his mouth : and when he rose up against me , I caught him by his beard , and smote him , and slew him . * Both the lion and the bear did thy servant smite : and this uncircumcised Philistine shall become as one of them ; because he hath defied the arrays of the living God . * Moreover David said , The Lord who hath delivered me out of the power of the lion , and out of the power of the bear , will also surely deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine . And Saul said unto David , Go , and may the Lord be with thee . * And Saul clothed David with his garments , and he put a helmet of copper upon his head ; and he clothed him also with a coat of mail . * And David girded his sword over his garments , and he essayed to go ; for he had not tried it . And David said unto Saul , I cannot walk in these ; for I have never tried it before . And David put them off from him . * And he took his staff in his hand , and chose himself five smooth stones out of the brook , and put them in the shepherd ’s pouch which be had , even in a scrip , with his sling in his hand ; and he approached to the Philistine . * And the Philistine went and drew nearer and nearer unto David ; and the man that bore the shield went before him . * And when the Philistine looked about , and saw David , he disdained him ; for he was but a lad , and ruddy , with a fair appearance . * And the Philistine said unto David , Am I a dog , that thou comest unto me with sticks ? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods . * And the Philistine said to David , Come to me , and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the heavens , and to the beasts of the field . * Then said David to the Philistine , Thou comest unto me with a sword , and with a spear , and with a javelin ; but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts , the God of the arrays of Israel , that thou hast defied . * This day will the Lord deliver thee into my hand ; and I will smite thee , and remove thy head from thee ; and I will give the carcasses of the army of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air , and to the wild beasts of the earth ; and all the earth shall know that there is a God for Israel . * And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not through sword and spear ; for the battle is the Lord ’s , and he will give you up into our hand . * And it came to pass , when the Philistine arose , and went and drew nigh to meet David , that David hastened , and ran toward the battle –array to meet the Philistine . * And David put his hand into the pouch , and took thence a stone , and slung it , and he struck the Philistine on his forehead , and the stone sunk into his forehead : and he fell upon his face to the ground . * So David prevailed over the Philistine with the sling and with the stone , and smote the Philistine , and slew him ; but there was no sword in the hand of David . * And David ran , and stood by the Philistine , and took his sword , and drew it out of its sheath , and slew him , and cut off his head therewith . And when the Philistines saw that their hero was dead , they fled . * And then arose the men of Israel and of Judah , and shouted , and pursued the Philistines , until thou comest to the valley , and to the gates of ‘Ekron . And the slain of the Philistines fell down by the way to Sha ’arayim , even as far as Gath , and up to ‘Ekron . * And the children of Israel returned from hotly pursuing after the Philistines , and they spoiled their camps . * And David took the head of the Philistine , and brought it to Jerusalem ; but his weapons he placed in his tent . * And when Saul saw David going forth against the Philistine , he said unto Abner , the captain of the army , Abner , whose son is this lad ? And Abner said , As thy soul liveth , O king , I know it not . * And the king said , Ask thou whose son this youth is . * And as David returned from smiting the Philistine , Abner took him , and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand . * And Saul said to him , Whose son art thou , young man ? And David answered , The son of thy servant Jesse the Beth –lechemite . * And it came to pass , when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul , that the soul of Jonathan was knit on the soul of David ; and Jonathan loved him as his own soul . * And Saul took him on that day , and would not permit him to go home to his father ’s house . * Then Jonathan and David made a covenant , because of his loving him as his own soul . * And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that he had upon him , and gave it to David , and likewise his garments , even to his sword , and to his bow , and to his girdle . * And David went out ; whithersoever Saul used to send him , he was successful ; and Saul set him over the men of war ; and he was accepted in the eyes of all the people , and also in the eyes of the servants of Saul . * And it came to pass as they came home , when David returned from smiting the Philistines , that the women came forth out of all the cities of Israel , singing and dancing , to meet king Saul , with tambourines , with joy , and with triangles . * And the women that played answered one another , and said , Saul hath slain his thousands , and David his ten thousands . * And Saul was very wroth , and this saying was displeasing in his eyes ; and he said , They have given unto David ten thousands , and to me they have given the thousands : and all that he lacketh now yet is only the kingdom . * And Saul looked jealous on David from that day and forward . * And it came to pass on the morrow , that an evil spirit from God came suddenly over Saul , and he spoke foolish things in the midst of the house : while David was playing with his hand , as on previous days ; and the spear was in the hand of Saul . * And Saul cast the spear ; and he thought , I will strike David through even on the wall . And David turned aside out of his presence twice . * And Saul was afraid of David ; because the Lord was with him , and from Saul he was departed . * Therefore Saul removed him from himself , and made him his captain over a thousand : and he went out and came in before the people . * And David was successful on all his ways ; and the Lord was with him . * And when Saul saw that he was very successful , he was in dread of him . * But all Israel and Judah loved David ; because he went out and came in before them . * And Saul said to David , Behold , here is my eldest daughter Merab , her will I give to thee for wife : only be thou unto me a man of valor , and fight the Lord ’s battles . And Saul thought , Let not my hand be against him , but let the hand of the Philistines be against him . * And David said unto Saul , Who am I ? and what is my life , my father ’s family in Israel , that I should be a son –in –law to the king ? * But it happened at the time when Merab , Saul ’s daughter should have been given to David , that she was given unto ‘Adriel the Mecholathite for wife . * And Michal Saul ’s daughter loved David : and they told it to Saul , and the thing was right in his eyes . * And Saul said , I will give her to him , that she may become unto him a snare , and that the hand of the Philistines may be against him . Wherefore Saul said to David , Through the second shalt thou this day become my son –in –law . * And Saul commanded his servants , Speak to David secretly , saying , Behold , the king hath delight in thee , and all his servants love thee ; and now thou must become the king ’s son –in –law . * And the servants of Saul spoke in the ears of David these words . And David said , Doth it seem so light in your eyes to become the king ’s son –in –law , seeing that I am a poor man , and of light esteem ? * And the servants of Saul told him , saying , Words such as these David hath spoken . * And Saul said , Thus shall ye say to David , The king desireth not any dowry , but a hundred foreskins of the Philistines , to be avenged on the king ’s enemies . But Saul thought to cause David to fall by the hand of the Philistines . * And when his servants told David these words , the thing was pleasing in the eyes of David to become the king ’s son –in –law : and the days were not complete , * When David arose and went , he and his men , and smote of the Philistines two hundred men ; and David brought their foreskins , and they counted them out in full to the king , that he might become the king ’s son –in –law . And Saul gave him Michal his daughter for wife . * And Saul saw and understood that the Lord was with David : and Michal , Saul ’s daughter , loved him . * And Saul was yet the more afraid of David ; and Saul was David ’s enemy all the time . * And the princes of the Philistines went forth ; and it came to pass , whenever they went forth , that David was more successful than all the servants of Saul ; so that his name was highly prized . * And Saul spoke to Jonathan his son , and to all his servants , that he would kill David . But Jonathan the son of Saul delighted greatly in David . * And Jonathan told David , saying , Saul my father seeketh to kill thee ; now therefore , I pray thee , take heed to thyself in the morning , and abide in a secret place , and hide thyself : * And I will go out and stand by the side of my father in the field where thou art , and I myself will speak of thee to my father ; and I will see what it is , and I will tell thee . * And Jonathan spoke favorably of David unto Saul his father , and said unto him , Let not the king sin against his servant , against David ; since he hath not sinned against thee , and because his deeds are very good for thee ; * And he did put his life in his hand , and he slew the Philistine , and the Lord wrought a great salvation for all Israel ; thou sawest it , and wast rejoiced : wherefore then wilt thou commit sin on innocent blood , by slaying David without a cause ? * And Saul hearkened unto the voice of Jonathan : and Saul swore , As the Lord liveth , he shall not be put to death . * And Jonathan called David , and Jonathan told him all these words . And Jonathan brought David to Saul , and he was in his presence , as in times past . * And the war occurred again : and David went out , and fought with the Philistines , and smote them with a great defeat , and they fled from before him . * And the evil spirit from the Lord came upon Saul , and he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand ; and David was playing with his hand . * And Saul sought to strike David through with the spear even to the wall ; but he slipped away from before Saul , who struck the spear into the wall : and David fled , and escaped that night . * But Saul sent messengers unto David ’s house , to watch him , and to slay him in the morning ; and Michal his wife told it to David , saying , If thou save not thy life this night , tomorrow thou wilt be put to death . * And Michal let David down through the window : and he went , and fled , and escaped . * And Michal took an image , and put it in the bed , and a pillow of goats ’ hair she put for its head to rest on , and covered it with a cloth . * And when Saul sent messengers to take David , she said , He is sick . * And Saul sent the messengers to see David , saying , Bring him up to me in the bed , that I may put him to death . * And when the messengers were come in , behold , there was an image in the bed , with a pillow of goats ’ hair for its head to rest on . * And Saul said unto Michal , Why hast thou thus deceived me , and sent away my enemy , that he is escaped ? And Michal said to Saul , He said unto me , Let me go away : why should I kill thee ? * So David fled , and escaped , and came unto Samuel to Ramah , and he told him all that Saul had done to him . And he and Samuel went and remained in Nayoth . * And it was told unto Saul , saying , Behold , David is at Nayoth near Ramah . * And Saul sent messengers to take David ; and when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying , and Samuel standing as superintendent over them : then came upon the messengers of Saul the spirit of God , and they also prophesied . * And when it was told to Saul , he sent other messengers , and these prophesied likewise . And Saul sent again messengers the third time , and these also prophesied . * Then went he himself also to Ramah , and came as far as the great well that is in Sechu : and he asked and said , Where are Samuel and David ? And some one said , Behold , they are at Nayoth near Ramah . * And he went thither to Nayoth near Ramah : and there came upon him also the Spirit of God , and he went on , and prophesied as he went , until he came to Nayoth near Ramah . * And he also stripped off his clothes , and he also prophesied himself before Samuel , and lay down naked all that day and all that night . Therefore people are in the habit of saying , Is Saul too among the prophets ? * And David fled from Nayoth near Ramah , and came and said before Jonathan , What have I done ? what is my iniquity ? and what is my sin before thy father , that he seeketh my life ? * And he said unto him , God forbid ; thou shalt not die : behold , my father is not wont to do a great thing or a small thing , which he doth not inform me of ; and why should my father conceal this thing from me ? it is not so . * But David swore again , and said , Thy father well knoweth that I have found grace in thy eyes ; wherefore he said , Jonathan must not know this , lest he be grieved : nevertheless , as truly as the Lord liveth , and thy soul liveth , there was but one step between me and death . * Then said Jonathan unto David , Whatsoever thy soul sayeth will I do for thee . * And David said unto Jonathan , Behold , tomorrow is the new –moon , and I should as usual sit with the king to eat ; but let me go , that I may hide myself in the field until the third evening . * If thy father at all miss me , then do thou say , David asked earnestly leave of me that he might run to Beth –lechem his city ; for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family . * If he should say thus , It is well : then shall thy servant have peace ; but if it be at all displeasing to him , then know that the evil is determined on by him . * And do thou deal kindly with thy servant ; for into a covenant of the Lord hast thou brought thy servant with thee ; but if there be in me any iniquity , slay me thyself ; for why shouldst thou bring me to thy father ? * And Jonathan said , Far be it from thee ; for if I should know for certain that evil were determined on by my father to come upon thee , would I not tell it thee ? * Then said David to Jonathan , Who shall tell it me ? or what , if thy father answer thee roughly ? * And Jonathan said unto David , Come , let us go out into the field . And they went out , both of them , into the field . * And Jonathan said unto David , May the God of Israel if , when I have sounded my father about this time tomorrow , or of the third day , and , behold , if he be good toward David , I do not then send unto thee , and inform thee of it . * May the Lord do so to Jonathan and continue so yet farther , that , if it please my father thee evil , I will inform thee of it , and send thee away , that thou mayest go in peace ; and may the Lord be with thee , as he hath been with my father . * And wilt thou not , should I be yet alive , show me the kindness of the Lord , that I may not die ? * But , surely , thou wilt not withdraw thy kindness from my house for ever , not even when the Lord cutteth off the enemies of David , every one , from off the face of the earth . * So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David , May the Lord require it at the hand of David ’s enemies . * And Jonathan caused David to swear again , by his love for him ; for he loved him as he loved his own soul . * Then Jonathan said to David , Tomorrow is the new –moon : and thou wilt be missed , because thy seat will be left empty . * And when thou hast stayed till the third day , then shalt thou go down greatly , and come to the place where thou didst hide thyself on the work –day ; and thou shalt remain by the stone Ezel . * And I will myself shoot three arrows on the side thereof , as though I were shooting at a mark . * And , behold , I will send the lad , saying , Go , find the arrows ; if I should now say unto the lad , Behold , the arrows are on this side of thee : then take him and come ; for there is peace to thee , and it is nothing ; as the Lord liveth . * But if thus I should say unto the young man , Behold , the arrows are beyond thee : then go thy way , for the Lord hath sent thee off . * And touching the matter of which we have spoken , thou and I , behold , the Lord is between me and thee for ever . * So David hid himself in the field : and when the new –moon was come , the king set himself down to the repast to eat . * And the king sat upon his seat , as at other times , upon the seat by the wall : and when Jonathan arose , Abner seated himself by the side of Saul , and David ’s place was left empty . * Nevertheless Saul spoke not the least on that day ; for he thought , Something hath befallen him , he is not clean ; because he hath not yet purified himself . * And it came to pass on the morrow , the second day of the new –moon , that David ’s place was left empty ; and Saul said unto Jonathan his son , Wherefore is the son of Jesse not come , both yesterday and today , to the repast ? * And Jonathan answered Saul , David asked earnestly leave of me to go as far as Beth –lechem . * And he said , Let me go , I pray thee ; for we have a family –sacrifice in the city , and my brother himself hath commanded it to me ; and now , if I have found favor in thy eyes , let me get away , I pray thee , that I may see my brothers : therefore is he not come unto the king ’s table . * And the anger of Saul was kindled against Jonathan , and he said unto him , Thou son of perverse rebelliousness ! do I not know that thou hast chosen the son of Jesse to thy own shame , and to the shame of thy mother ’s nakedness ? * For all the days that the son of Jesse liveth upon the ground , thou wilt not have any permanence with thy kingdom : therefore now send and fetch him unto me , for he shall surely die . * And Jonathan answered Saul his father , and said unto him , Wherefore shall he be put to death ? what hath he done ? * And Saul cast his spear at him to smite him : and Jonathan understood that it was determined on by his father to put David to death . * And Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger , and did eat no food on the second day of the new –moon ; for he was grieved for David ; because his father had made him feel ashamed . * And it came to pass in the morning , that Jonathan went out into the field to the place appointed with David , and a little lad was with him . * And he said unto his lad , Run , do find out the arrows which I shoot : and the lad ran , and he shot the arrow so as to pass beyond him . * And when the lad was come to the place of the arrow which Jonathan had shot , Jonathan called after the lad , and said , Behold , the arrow is beyond thee ! * And Jonathan called after the lad , Make haste , speed , stay not : and Jonathan ’s lad gathered up the arrows , and came to his master . * But the lad knew not the least : only Jonathan and David knew the matter . * And Jonathan gave his weapons unto the lad who was with him , and said unto him , Go , carry them to the city . * And as soon as the lad was gone , David arose from the south side , and fell on his face to the ground , and bowed himself three times : and they kissed one another , and wept one with another , until David exceeded . * And Jonathan said to David , Go in peace : what we have sworn , both of us , in the name of the Lord , saying , The Lord shall be between me and thee , and between my seed and thy seed for ever ,. (note :)(21:1 )(:note ) And he arose and departed ; and Jonathan went into the city . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * And David departed thence , and escaped to the cave ‘Adullam : and when his brothers and all his father ’s house heard it , they went down to him thither . * And there gathered themselves unto him every one that was in distress , and every one that had a creditor , and every one that had an embittered spirit ; and he became a captain over them : and there were with him about four hundred men . * And David went thence to Mizpeh of Moab : and he said unto the king of Moab , Let my father and my mother , I pray thee , go forth with you , until I can know what God will do for me . * And he conducted them to the presence of the king of Moab : and they remained with him all the time that David was in the strong –hold . * And the prophet Gad said unto David , Thou must not remain in the strong –hold : depart , and get thee into the land of Judah . Then David departed , and came into the forest of Chereth . * And Saul heard that David was discovered , and the men that were with him , * Then said Saul unto his servants that stood about him , Hear , I pray you , men of Benjamin ! will the son of Jesse give , indeed , to every one of you fields and vineyards ? will he appoint you all captains of thousands , and captains of hundreds ? * That ye have conspired , all of you , against me , and there is none that informeth me , while my son hath made a covenant with the son of Jesse , and there is none of you that is concerned for me , or informeth me that my son hath stirred up my servant to lie in wait against me , as it is this day ? * Then answered Doeg the Edomite , who was set over the servants of Saul , and said , I saw the son of Jesse coming to Nob , to Achimelech the son of Achitub . * And he asked counsel for him of the Lord , and he gave him provision , and gave him also the sword of Goliath the philistine . * Then sent the king to call Achimelech , the son of Achitub , the priest , and all his father ’s house , the priests that were in Nob : and they came , all of them , to the king . * And Saul said , Hear now , thou son of Achitub . And he said , here am I , my Lord . * And Saul said unto him , Why have ye conspired against me , thou and the son of Jesse , in that thou didst give him bread , and a sword , and hast asked counsel for him of God , that he should rise to lie in wait against me , as it is this day ! * Then answered Achimelech the king , and said , And who is among all thy servants so trusted as David , and the king ’s son –in –law , and freely admitted to thy private council , and is honored in thy house ? * Did I this day then begin to ask counsel for him of God ? far be it from me ; let not the king impute any thing unto his servant , to all the house of my father ; for thy servant knew not of all this , either a little or great thing . * And the king said , Thou shalt surely die , Achimelech , thou , and all thy father ’s house . * And the king said unto the runners that stood about him , Turn round and slay the priests of the Lord ; because their hand also is with David , and because they knew that he was fleeing , and did not disclose it to me . But the servants of the king would not stretch forth their hand to fall upon the priests of the Lord . * And the king said to Doeg , Turn thou round , and fall upon the priests . And Doeg the Edomite turned round , and he fell upon the priests , and slew on that day eighty and five persons that did wear a linen ephod . * And Nob , the city of the priests , he smote with the edge of the sword , both men and women , children and sucklings , and oxen , and asses , and lambs , with the edge of the sword . * And there escaped one of the sons of Achimelech the son of Achitub , whose name was Ebyathar , and he fled after David . * And Ebyathar told David that Saul had slain the priests of the Lord . * And David said unto Ebyathar , I knew on that day , because Doeg the Edomite was there , that he would surely tell Saul : I have myself occasioned the death of all the persons of thy father ’s house . * Remain thou with me , fear nothing ; for he that will seek my life will seek thy life ; but thou shalt be well guarded with me . * Then they told David , saying , Behold , the Philistines are fighting against Ke ’ilah , and they are plundering the threshing –floors . * Thereupon David asked counsel of the Lord , saying , Shall I go and smite among these Philistines ? And the Lord said unto David , Go and smite among the Philistines , and deliver Ke ’ilah . * And David ’s men said unto him , Behold , here in Judah are we afraid : how much more then if we should go to Ke ’ilah against the battle –arrays of the Philistines ? * Then David asked yet again counsel of the Lord . And the Lord answered him and said , Arise , Go down to Ke ’ilah ; for I deliver the Philistines into thy hand . * So David and his men went to Ke ’ilah ; and he fought with the Philistines , and lead away their cattle , and smote among them a great slaughter . So David delivered the inhabitants of Ke ’ilah . * And it came to pass , when Ebyathar the son of Achimelech , fled over to David , to Ke ’ilah , that the ephod came down with him . * And it was told to Saul that David was come to Ke ’ilah . And Saul said , God hath delivered him into my hand ; for he is shut in , by entering into a town that hath gates and bars . * And Saul called all the people together to war , to go down to Ke ’ilah , to besiege David and his men . * And David understood that Saul secretly devised mischief against him ; and he said to Ebyathar the priest , Bring hither the ephod . * Then said David , O Lord , God of Israel , thy servant hath heard for certain that Saul seeketh to come to Ke ’ilah , to destroy the city for my sake . * Will the men of Ke ’ilah surrender me into his hand ? will Saul come down as thy servant hath heard ? O Lord , God of Israel , I beseech thee , tell thy servant . And the Lord said , He will come down . * Then said David , Will the men of Ke ’ilah surrender me and my men into the hand of Saul ! And the Lord said , They will surrender . * Then arose David and his men , about six hundred men , and departed out of Ke ’ilah , and wandered about whithersoever they could go . And when it was told to Saul that David was escaped from Ke ’ilah , he forbore to go forth . * And David remained in the wilderness in strong –holds , and abode on the mountain in the wilderness of Ziph . And Saul sought him all the time , but God delivered him not into his hand . * And David saw that Saul was gone forth to seek his life : and David was in the wilderness of Ziph in the forest . * And Jonathan , the son of Saul , arose and went to David into the forest , and strengthened his hand in God . * And he said unto him , Fear not ; for the hand of Saul my father will not find thee ; and thou wilt be king over Israel , and I will be next unto thee ; and also Saul my father knoweth this . * And they made , both of them , a covenant before the Lord : and David remained in the forest ; but Jonathan went to his house . * Then came up the Ziphites unto Saul to Gib ’ah , saying , Behold , David is hiding himself with us in the strong –holds in the forest , on the hill of Chachilah , which is on the right of the desert . * And now in accordance with all the longing of thy soul , O king , to come down , come down ; and our part shall be to surrender him into the king ’s hand . * And Saul said , Blessed be ye of the Lord ; for ye have pity on me . * Go , I pray you , make yet more preparations , and remark and see his place where his foot may be , who hath seen him there ; for I am told that he dealeth with great subtilty . * See therefore , and remark every one of all the lurking –places where he usually hideth himself , and come ye again to me with the certainty , and I will go with you ; and it shall come to pass , if he be in the land , that I will search him out throughout all the thousands of Judah . * And they arose , and went to Ziph before Saul ; but David and his men were in the wilderness of Ma ’on , in the plain on the right of the desert . * And Saul and his men went to make a search . And they told it to David : wherefore he came down to the rock , and abode in the wilderness of Ma ’on . And when Saul heard this , he pursued after David into the wilderness of Ma ’on . * And Saul went on this side of the mountain , and David and his men on that side of the mountain ; and David made haste to get away from before Saul ; and Saul and his men were compassing David and his men to seize them . * But a messenger came unto Saul , saying , Haste thee , and come ; for the Philistines have invaded the land . * Wherefore Saul returned from pursuing after David , and went against the Philistines : therefore they called that place Sela –hammachlekoth . * And David went up from there , and dwelt in strong –holds of ‘En –gedi . * And it came to pass , when Saul was returned from pursuing the Philistines , that it was told to him , saying , Behold , David is in the wilderness of ‘En –gedi . * Then took Saul three thousand chosen men out of all Israel , and went to seek David and his men upon the rocks of the wild goats . * And he came to the sheepfolds by the way , and there was a cave ; and Saul went in to cover his feet : and David and his men were sitting in the lower end of the cave . * And the men of David said unto him , Behold , this is the day of which the Lord hath said unto thee , Behold , I will deliver thy enemy into thy hand , that thou mayest do to him as it shall seem good in thy eyes . And David arose , and cut off the corner of the robe which Saul wore , unperceived . * And it came to pass afterward , that David ’s heart smote him , because he had cut off the corner of Saul ’s . * And he said unto his men , Far be it from me for the Lord ’s sake , that I should do this thing unto my master , the Lord ’s anointed , to stretch forth my hand against him ; because he is the anointed of the Lord . * So David restrained his servants with these words , and suffered them not to rise against Saul . But Saul rose up out of the cave , and went on his way . * David also arose afterward , and went forth out of the cave , and called after Saul , saying , My Lord , the king ! And Saul then looked behind him , and David bowed his face to the earth , and prostrated himself . * And David said to Saul , Wherefore wilt thou listen to men ’s words , saying , Behold , David seeketh thy injury ? * Behold , this day thy eyes have seen how that the Lord had delivered thee today into my hand in the cave , and some one said that I should kill thee : but my soul felt compassion for thee : and I said , I will not stretch forth my hand against my Lord ; because he is the anointed of the Lord . * And now , my father , see , yea , see the corner of thy robe in my hand ; for in that I cut off the corner of thy robe , and killed thee not , know thou and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in my hand , and that I have not sinned against thee : yet thou liest in wait for my soul to take it . * May the Lord judge between me and thee , and may the Lord avenge me on thee ; but my hand shall not be against thee . * As saith the proverb of the ancients , From the wicked proceedeth wickedness ; but my hand shall not be against thee . * After whom is the king of Israel gone out ? after whom art thou pursuing ? after a dead dog , after a single flea . * May the Lord therefore be judge , and decide between me and thee , and see , and plead my cause , and obtain me justice out of thy hand . * And it came to pass , When David had finished speaking these words unto Saul , that Saul said , Is this thy voice , my son David ? And Saul lifted up his voice , and wept . * And he said to David , Thou art more righteous than I ; for thou hast done for me only what is good , whereas I have rewarded thee only with what is evil . * And thou hast proved this day , that thou hast dealt well with me ; forasmuch as when the Lord had surrendered me into thy hand , thou didst not kill me . * For if a man find his enemy , will he let him go away on a good road ? so may the Lord reward thee with good for what thou hast done unto me this day . * And now , behold , I know that thou wilt surely become king , and that the kingdom of Israel will stand firmly in thy hand . * And now swear unto me by the Lord , that thou wilt not cut off my seed after me , and that thou wilt not destroy my name out of my father ’s house . * And David swore unto Saul ; and Saul went to his house ; but David and his men went up into the strong –hold . * And Samuel died ; and all the Israelites assembled themselves together , and lamented for him , and buried him in his house at Ramah . And David arose , and went down to the wilderness of Paran . * And there was a man in Ma ’on , whose business was in Carmel ; and the man was very great , and he had three thousand sheep , and a thousand goats : and he was , while they were shearing his sheep , at Carmel . * Now the name of the man was Nabal , and the name of his wife Abigayil : and the woman was of good understanding , and of a beautiful form ; but the man was hard –hearted and evil in his deeds ; and he was of the house of Caleb . * And David heard in the wilderness that Nabal was shearing his sheep . * And David sent out ten young men , and David said unto the young men , Get you up to Carmel , and go to Nabal , and ask him in my name after his well –being . * And ye shall say , May it thus be throughout thy life ; and peace be to thee , and peace be to thy house , and unto all that thou hast be peace . * And now have I heard that thou hast sheep –shearers : now thy shepherds have been with us , we have not injured them , neither hath there aught been missing unto them , all the time they were at Carmel . * Ask thy young men , and they will tell it thee . Therefore let the young men find favor in thy eyes ; for on a festive day are we come : give , I pray thee , whatsoever thy hand is capable of unto thy servants , and to thy son , to David . * And David ’s young men came , and they spoke to Nabal in accordance with all these words in the name of David ; and then they ceased . * And Nabal answered the servants of David , and said , Who is David ? and who is the son of Jesse ? now –a –days there are many servants that break away every one from his master . * Shall I then take my bread , and my water , and my flesh that I have killed for my sheep –shearers , and give it unto men , whom I know not whence they are ? * And David ’s young men turned about on their way , and returned , and came and told him in accordance with all these words . * And David said unto his men , Gird ye on , every man , his sword . And they girded on , every man , his sword ; and David also girded on his sword : and there went up after David about four hundred men , and two hundred abode by the baggage . * But one of the young men told Abigayil , Nabal ’s wife , saying , Behold , David sent messengers out of the wilderness to greet our master ; but he hath spoken rudely to them . * Whereas the men have been very good unto us ; and we have not been injured , neither have we missed any thing , all the time that we went about with them , while we were in the field : * A wall were they around us both by night and by day , all the time we were with them , feeding the flocks . * And now know and consider what thou canst do ; for evil is determined on against our master , and against all his household ; and he is too greatly a worthless man for me to speak to him . * And Abigayil made haste , and took two hundred loaves , and two bottles of wine , and five sheep ready dressed , and five measures of parched corn , and a hundred clusters of raisins , and two hundred cakes of figs , and laid them on asses . * And she said unto her young men , Pass on before me : behold , I come after you . But to her husband Nabal she told nothing . * And it was so , as she was riding on the ass , and coming down by the covert of the mount , that , behold , David and his men came down toward her ; and she met them . * Now David had said , Yea , for naught only have I guarded all that belongeth to this fellow in the wilderness , so that not the least was missed of all that pertained unto him ; and he hath requited me evil instead of good . * So may God do unto the enemies of David , and do so yet farther , if I leave of all that pertaineth to him by the morning light , as much as a dog . * And when Abigayil saw David , she hastened , and alighted off the ass , and fell down before David on her face , and bowed herself to the ground . * And she fell at his feet , and said , On me , me , my lord , is the fault : and let thy hand –maid , I pray thee , speak in thy hearing , and listen to the words of thy hand –maid . * Let not my Lord , I pray thee , turn his heart unto this worthless man , unto Nabal ; for as his name is , so is he : Nabal is his name , and meanness is with him ; but I thy hand –maid did not see the young men of my Lord , whom thou didst send . * And now , my lord , as the Eternal liveth , and as thy soul liveth , it is the Lord who hath withholden thee from coming to blood –guiltiness , and from helping thyself with thy own hand ; and now may like Nabal be thy enemies , and those that seek my Lord evil . * And now this present which thy hand –maid hath brought unto my Lord , let it even be given unto the young men that follow in the train my Lord . * Pardon , I pray thee , the trespass of thy hand –maid ; for the Lord will certainly make for my lord an enduring house ; because the battles of the Lord doth my lord fight , and evil will not be found in thee all thy days . * And though a man is risen up to pursue thee , and to seek thy soul : yet will the soul of my Lord be bound in the bond of life with the Lord thy God ; and the soul of thy enemies will he hurl away , as out of the middle of the sling . * And it shall come to pass , when the Lord will do to my lord , in accordance with all the good that he hath spoken concerning thee , and will ordain thee as ruler over Israel , * That this shall not be unto thee as a cause of offense and as a reproach of heart unto my lord , both by having shed blood without cause , and by my lord having righted himself ; and when the Lord will do good unto my lord , then do thou remember thy hand –maid . * And David said to Abigayil , Blessed be the Lord , the God of Israel , who sent thee this day to meet me ; * And blessed be thy intelligence , and blessed be thou , who hast prevented me this day from coming unto blood –guiltiness , and from helping myself with my own hand . * But truly , as the Lord the God of Israel liveth , who hath withdrawn me from injuring thee , except thou hadst hastened and come to meet me , surely there would not have been left unto Nabal by the morning –light so much as a dog . * And David took out of her hand that which she had brought him ; and unto her he said , Go up in peace to thy house : see , I have hearkened to thy voice , and have respected thy presence . * And Abigayil came to Nabal ; and , behold , he held a feast in his house , like the feast of a king ; and Nabal ’s heart was merry within him , and he was exceedingly drunken ; wherefore she told him not a word , either little or great , until the morning –light . * But it happened in the morning , when the wine was gone out of Nabal , that his wife told him these things ; and his heart died within him , and he became as a stone . * And it came to pass in about ten days thereafter , that the Lord struck Nabal , and he died . * And when David heard that Nabal was dead , he said , Blessed be the Lord , who hath pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal , and hath withheld his servant from evil ; and the wickedness of Nabal hath the Lord returned upon his own head . And David sent and applied for Abigayil , to take her to himself for wife . * And the servants of David came to Abigayil to Carmel , and they spoke unto her , saying , David hath sent us unto thee , to take thee to himself for wife . * Thereupon she arose , and bowed herself with her face to the earth , and said , Behold , let thy hand –maid be a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord . * And Abigayil hastened , and arose , and rode upon an ass , with her five damsels that went in her train ; and she went after the messengers of David , and she became his wife . * David also took Achino ’am of Yizre ’el ; and both of them became thus his wives . * But Saul had given Michal his daughter , David ’s wife , to Palti , the son of Layish , who was of Gallim . * And the Ziphites came unto Saul to Gib ’ah , saying , Behold , David hideth himself on the hill of Chachilah , before the desert .

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