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* Verse 1-10 - Saul readily went to seek his father 's asses . His obedience to his father was praise-worthy . His servant proposed , that since they were now at Ramah , they should call on Samuel , and take his advice . Wherever we are , we should use our opportunities of acquainting ourselves with those who are wise and good . Many will consult a man of God , if he comes in their way , that would not go a step out of their way to get wisdom . We sensibly feel worldly losses , and bestow much pains to make them up ; but how little do we attempt , and how soon are we weary , in seeking the salvation of our souls ! If ministers could tell men how to secure their property , or to get wealth , they would be more consulted and honoured than they now are , though employed in teaching them how to escape eternal misery , and to obtain eternal life . Most people would rather be told their fortune than their duty . Samuel needed not their money , nor would he have denied his advice , if they had not brought it ; but they gave it to him as a token of respect , and of the value they put upon his office , and according to the general usage of those times , always to bring a present to those in authority . * Verse 11-17 - The very maid-servants of the city could direct to the prophet . They had heard of the sacrifice , and could tell of the necessity for Samuel 's presence . It is no small benefit to live in religious and holy places . And we should always be ready to help those who are seeking after God 's prophets . Though God had , in displeasure , granted Israel 's request for a king , yet he sends them a man to be captain over them , to save them out of the hand of the Philistines . He does it , listening graciously to their cry . * Verse 18-27 - Samuel , that good prophet , was so far from envying Saul , or bearing him any ill-will , that he was the first and most forward to do him honour . Both that evening and early the next morning , Samuel communed with Saul upon the flat roof of the house . We may suppose Samuel now convinced Saul that he was the person God had fixed upon for the government , and of his own willingness to resign . How different are the purposes of the Lord for us , from our intentions for ourselves ! Perhaps Saul was the only one who ever went out to seek asses , and literally found a kingdom ; but many have set out and moved their dwellings to seek riches and pleasures , who have been guided to places where they found salvation for their souls . Thus they have met with those who addressed them as if aware of the secrets of their lives and hearts , and have been led seriously to regard the word of the Lord . If this has been our case , though our worldly plans have not prospered , let us not care for that ; the Lord has given us , or has prepared us for , what is far better . Henry ' _1__10 **** Matthew Henry 's Commentary **** _

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