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* We give thanks to the God always concerning all of you , a remembrance of you making in the prayers of us , * unceasingly recollecting of you of the work of the faith , and of the labor of the love , and of the patient endurance of the hope of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed , in presence of the God and Father of us ; * knowing , brethren beloved by God , the election of you ; * because the glad tidings of us not came to you in word only , but also in power , even with spirit holy , and with confirmation much ; as you know what we were among you on account of you . * And you imitators of us became and of the Lord , having received the word in affliction much with joy of spirit holy ; * so that to have become you patterns to all to those believing in the Macedonia and in the Achaia . * From you for has been sounded forth the word of the Lord not only in the Macedonia and in the Achaia , but also in every place the faith of you that towards the God has gone forth ; so that not necessary us to have to speak anything . * Themselves for congregation us declare , what kind introduction we had to you , and how you turned to the God from the idols , to serve God living and true ; * and to wait for the son of him from the heavens , whom he raised out of the dead ones , Jesus , the one delivering us from the wrath of that coming .

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