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* For the rest , brethren , we request and exhort you , in our Lord Jesus , that , even as ye received from us , how ye must needs walk and please God , even as ye also do walk , that ye would abound still more . * For ye know what charges we gave you , through the Lord Jesus . * For , this , is a thing willed of God , your sanctification , that ye should abstain from unchastity , * That ye should know , each one of you , how , of his own vessel , to possess himself in sanctification and honour : * Not with a passion of coveting , just as even the nations who know not God , * Not over-reaching and defrauding , in the matter , his brother ; because , an avenger , is the Lord , concerning all these things , even as we before told you , and solemnly called you to witness . * For God did not call us , with a permission of impurity , but , in sanctification . * Therefore , indeed , he that disregardethit is , not a man , he disregardeth , but God , Who giveth his Holy Spirit unto you . * But , concerning brotherly loveno need , have ye , that we be writing unto you ; for , ye yourselves , are , God-taught , to the loving of one another ; * And , in fact , ye are doing it unto all the brethren who are in the whole of Macedonia ; but we exhort you , brethren , to abound still more , * And to be ambitious to be quiet , and to be attending to your own affairs , and to be working with your hands , even as , unto you , we gave charge * That ye should walk reputably toward those without , and , of no one , have , need . * But we do not wish you to be ignorant , brethren , concerning them who are falling asleep , lest ye be sorrowing , even as the rest also , who are without hope ; * For , if we believe that , Jesus , died , and rose again , so , also will , God , bring forth with him , them who have fallen asleep through Jesus ; * For , this , unto you , do we say , by a word of the Lord , that , we , the living who are left unto the Presence of the Lord , shall in nowise get before them who have fallen asleep ; * Because , the Lord himself , with a word of command , with a chief-messengers voice , and with a trumpet of God , shall descend from heaven , and , the dead in Christ , shall rise , first , * After that , we , the living who are left , together with them , shall be caught away , in clouds , to meet the Lord in the air : and , thus , evermore , with the Lord , shall we be ! * So then , be consoling one another with these words .

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