
rwp@1Thessalonians:5:14 @{Admonish the disorderly} (\noutheteite tous ataktous\). Put sense into the unruly mob who break ranks (\a\ privative and \taktos\, verbal adjective of \tass“\, to keep military order). Recall the idlers from the market-place used against Paul (Acts:17:5|). This is a challenging task for any leader. {Encourage the fainthearted} (\paramutheisthe tous oligopsuchous\). Old verb to encourage or console as in strkjv@John:11:31|, though not so common in N.T. as \parakale“\, the compound adjective (\oligos\, little or small, \psuchˆ\, soul), small-souled, little-souled, late word in LXX. The verb \oligopsuche“\ occurs in the papyri. Local conditions often cause some to lose heart and wish to drop out, be quitters. These must be held in line. {Support the weak} (\antechesthe t“n asthen“n\). Middle voice with genitive of \antech“\, old verb, in N.T. only in middle, to cling to, to hold on to (with genitive). The weak are those tempted to sin (immorality, for instance). {Be long-suffering toward all} (\makrothumeite pros pantas\). These disorderly elements try the patience of the leaders. Hold out with them. What a wonderful ideal Paul here holds up for church leaders!

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