
orthjbc@1Timothy:2:1 @ I urge, therefore, of first importance, tefillah (note:)prayer(:note), techinnah supplication, tefillah prayer, bakkashot petitions, and todot thanksgivings be made on behalf of kol bnei Adam all men,

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:2 @ on behalf of malchei eretz (note:)kings(:note) and on behalf of all the ones in authority, that we may lead a life of chayei menuchah life of rest in all chassidus piety and yirat Shamayim reverence.

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:3 @ This is good and acceptable before Hashem Moshieynu,

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:4 @ who wants kol bnei Adam to have Yeshu'at Eloheynu (note:)the Salvation of our G-d(:note) and to come to da'as Emes a knowledge of the truth.

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:5 @ For Adonoi echad hu (note:)there is one G-d(:note) and there is also melitz echad one mediator, Iyov strkjv@33:23, Yeshayah strkjv@43:27; cf. Devarim strkjv@5:5,22-31, one mochiach one arbitrator--Iyov strkjv@9:33, one sarsur agent between Hashem and kol bnei Adam, the Ben Adam Moshiach Yehoshua,

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:6 @ the one who gave his nefesh [Yeshayah strkjv@53:10-12] as a kapparah, a pidyon (note:)ransom(:note), on behalf of all. The edut testimony of this was given at the right time.

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:7 @ And for this edut I was given the s'michah (note:)ordination(:note) of Hashem as a karoz herald, a maggid [for Moshiach], a Shliach apostle--I speak Emes, I do not speak sheker-- and a rabbinic moreh teacher for the Goyim in emunah and Emes.

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:8 @ I want, therefore, kol bnei Adam to daven in every shul, lifting up yadayim kodesh (note:)holy hands(:note) without ka'as anger and madon strife. MOSHIACH'S KEHILLAH AND THE MATTER OF TZNIUS AND BALEBATISHE PROPER CLOTHING

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:9 @ Similarly also nashim (note:)women(:note) should adorn themselves with respectable hitnahagut conduct and tznius modesty/piety in appearance and with decency and propriety, not with coiffures and gold or pearls or costly clothing,

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:10 @ but with what is proper for nashim professing yirat Shamayim by means of ma'asim tovim (note:)good works(:note).

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:11 @ Let the isha (note:)wife(:note) learn in silence in all submission.

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:12 @ I do not allow an isha (note:)wife(:note) either to have teaching authority over or to have hishtalletut domination over [her] man, but to be in silence.

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:13 @ For Adam was formed rishonah (note:)first(:note), then Chavah.

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:14 @ And Adam was not deceived, but the isha, having been deceived, has come to be in averah (note:)transgression(:note).

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:15 @ But womankind will be saved through her childbearing if nashim remain in emunah and ahavah and kedushah with tznius [2:9].

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