
rwp@1Timothy:5:21 @{The elect angels} (\t“n eklekt“n aggel“n\). For this triad of God, Christ, angels, see strkjv@Luke:9:26|. "Elect" in the sense of the "holy" angels who kept their own principality (Jude:1:6|) and who did not sin (2Peter:2:4|). Paul shows his interest in angels in strkjv@1Corinthians:4:9; strkjv@11:10|. {Observe} (\phulaxˆis\). First aorist active subjunctive of \phulass“\, to guard, to keep (Romans:2:26|). Subfinal use of \hina\. {Without prejudice} (\ch“ris prokrimatos\). Late and rare word (from \prokin“\, to judge beforehand), three times in the papyri, here only in N.T. "Without prejudgment." {By partiality} (\kata prosklisin\). Late word from \prosklin“\, to incline towards one (Acts:5:36|), only here in N.T.

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