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* Let as many as are under the yoke of slavery count their masters as worthy of all honour , that the name of God and our teaching may be not defamed . * And those who have believing masters must not despise them because they are brethren ; but rather service them all the more , because those who partake of their services are believers and beloved . Teach and exhort these things . * If any man teaches otherwise , and does not consent to sound words , the words of our Lord Jesus Christ , and to the teaching which accords with godliness ; * He is proud , knowing nothing , but has an unhealthy craving for controversy and disputes about words , from which come envy , strife , malicious talk , evil suspicions , * And wrangling among men of corrupt minds , who are destitute of the truth , and suppose that godliness is a means to gain . * But godliness with contentment is great gain . * For we brought nothing into this world , and we can carry nothing out . * But if we have food and clothing , we will be content with these . * But those who want to be rich fall into temptation and a snare , and into many foolish and harmful desires , which plunge men into ruin and destruction . * For the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil : and some , by craving it , have wandered from the faith , and pierced themselves through with many sorrows . * But you , O man of God , flee these things ; and follow righteousness , godliness , faith , love , steadfastness , and gentleness . * Fight the good fight of faith ; lay hold on eternal life , to which you are called , to which you made the good confession before many witnesses . * I charge you in the sight of God , who gives life to all things , and of Christ Jesus , who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession ; * That you keep the commandment without spot , free of reproach , until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ : * Which he will bring about in his own time , he who is the blessed and only Sovereign , the King of kings , and Lord of lords ; * Who alone has immortality , dwelling in light which no man can approach ; whom no man has seen , nor can see . To him be honour and power and dominion forever . Amen . * Command those who are rich in this world not to be arrogant , nor to trust in uncertain riches , but in the living God , who richly gives us all things to enjoy . * They are to do good , that they may be rich in good works , generous and willing to share ; * Laying up for themselves a good foundation against the time to come , that they may take hold of that which is life indeed . * O Timothy , guard that which has been entrusted to you . Avoid godless chatter and the contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge : * Which some have professed and thus erred concerning the faith . Grace be with you .

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