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ylt @2Chronicles:28:1 @A son of twenty years [is ] Ahaz in his reigning , and sixteen years he hath reigned in Jerusalem , and he hath not done that which is right in the eyes of Jehovah , as David his father , ylt @2Chronicles:28:2 @and walketh in the ways of the kings of Israel , and also , molten images hath made for Baalim , ylt @2Chronicles:28:3 @and himself hath made perfume in the valley of the son of Hinnom , and burneth his sons with fire according to the abominations of the nations that Jehovah dispossessed from the presence of the sons of Israel , ylt @2Chronicles:28:4 @and sacrificeth and maketh perfume in high places , and on the heights , and under every green tree . ylt @2Chronicles:28:5 @And Jehovah his God giveth him into the hand of the king of Aram , and they smite him , and take captive from him a great captivity , and bring [them ] in to Damascus , and also into the hand of the king of Israel he hath been given , and he smiteth him -- a great smiting . ylt @2Chronicles:28:6 @And Pekah son of Remaliah slayeth in Judah a hundred and twenty thousand in one day (the whole [are ] sons of valour ), because of their forsaking Jehovah , God of their fathers . ylt @2Chronicles:28:7 @And Zichri , a mighty one of Ephraim , slayeth Maaseiah son of the king , and Azrikam leader of the house , and Elkanah second to the king . ylt @2Chronicles:28:8 @And the sons of Israel take captive of their brethren , two hundred thousand , wives , sons and daughters , and also much spoil they have seized from them , and they bring in the spoil to Samaria . ylt @2Chronicles:28:9 @And there hath been there a prophet of Jehovah (Oded [is ] his name ), and he goeth out before the host that hath come in to Samaria , and saith to them , 'Lo , in the fury of Jehovah God of your fathers against Judah , He hath given them into your hand , and ye slay among them in rage -- unto the heavens it hath come ; ylt @2Chronicles:28:10 @and now , sons of Judah and Jerusalem ye are saying to subdue for men-servants and for maid-servants to you ; but are there not with you causes of guilt before Jehovah your God ? ylt @2Chronicles:28:11 @and now , hear me , and send back the captives whom ye have taken captive of your brethren , for the heat of the anger of Jehovah [is ] upon you .' ylt @2Chronicles:28:12 @And certain of the heads of the sons of Ephraim (Azariah son of Johanan , Berechiah son of Meshillemoth , and Jehizkiah son of Shallum , and Amasa son of Hadlai ), rise up against those coming in from the host , ylt @2Chronicles:28:13 @and say to them , 'Ye do not bring in the captives hither , for , to guilt against Jehovah on us , ye are saying to add unto our sin and unto our guilt ? for abundant [is ] the guilt we have , and the fierceness of anger on Israel .' ylt @2Chronicles:28:14 @And the armed men leave the captives and the prey before the heads and all the assembly ; ylt @2Chronicles:28:15 @and the men who have been expressed by name rise and take hold on the captives , and all their naked ones they have clothed from the spoil , yea , they clothe them , and shoe them , and cause them to eat and drink , and anoint them , and lead them on asses , even every feeble one , and bring them in to Jericho , the city of palms , near their brethren , and turn back to Samaria . ylt @2Chronicles:28:16 @At that time hath king Ahaz sent unto the king of Asshur to give help to him ; ylt @2Chronicles:28:17 @and again the Edomites have come , and smite in Judah , and take captive a captivity . ylt @2Chronicles:28:18 @And the Philistines have rushed against the cities of the low country , and of the south of Judah , and capture Beth-Shemesh , and Aijalon , and Gederoth , and Shocho and its villages , and Timnah and its villages , and Gimzo and its villages , and dwell there , ylt @2Chronicles:28:19 @for Jehovah hath humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel , for he made free with Judah , even to commit a trespass against Jehovah . ylt @2Chronicles:28:20 @And Tilgath-Pilneser king of Asshur cometh in unto him , and doth distress him , and hath not strengthened him , ylt @2Chronicles:28:21 @though Ahaz hath taken a portion [out ] of the house of Jehovah , and [out ] of the house of the king , and of the princes , and giveth to the king of Asshur , yet it is no help to him . ylt @2Chronicles:28:22 @And in the time of his distress -- he addeth to trespass against Jehovah , (this king Ahaz ), ylt @2Chronicles:28:23 @and he sacrificeth to the gods of Damascus -- those smiting him , and saith , 'Because the gods of the kings of Aram are helping them , to them I sacrifice , and they help me ,' and they have been to him to cause him to stumble , and to all Israel . ylt @2Chronicles:28:24 @And Ahaz gathereth the vessels of the house of God , and cutteth in pieces the vessels of the house of God , and shutteth the doors of the house of Jehovah , and maketh to himself altars in every corner in Jerusalem . ylt @2Chronicles:28:25 @And in every city and city of Judah he hath made high places to make perfume to other gods , and provoketh Jehovah , God of his fathers . ylt @2Chronicles:28:26 @And the rest of his matters , and all his ways , the first and the last , lo , they are written on the book of the kings of Judah and Israel . ylt @2Chronicles:28:27 @And Ahaz lieth with his fathers , and they bury him in the city , in Jerusalem , but have not brought him in to the graves of the kings of Israel , and reign doth Hezekiah his son in his stead .

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