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* The for boasting of us this is , the testimony of the conscience of us , that in simplicity and sincerity of God , (not in wisdom fleshly , but in favor of God ) we conducted in the world , more abundantly but to you . * Not for other things we write to you , but what you read , or what you acknowledge ; I hope and , that even till end you will acknowledge , * as also you acknowledged us from parts ; because a boasting of you we are , even as also you of us , in the day of the Lord Jesus . * And in this the confidence I wished to you to come before , so that a second favor you may have ; * and through you to pass through into Macedonia , and again from Macedonia to come to you , and by you to be sent forward into the Juda . * This therefore wishing , not certainly in the lightness did I use ? or the things I purpose , according to flesh do I purpose , that may be with me the yes yes , and the no no ? * Faithful but the God , that the word of us that to you not was yes and no . * The for of the God son Jesus Anointed , that among you by means of us having been preached , (by means of me and Silvanus and Timothy ,) not became yes and no , but yes in him has become , * (as many for promises of God , in him the yes , and in him the so be it ,) to the God for glory on account of us . * The but one establishing us with you for Anointed , and having anointed us , God ; * he and having sealed us , and having given the pledge of the spirit in the hearts of us . * I but a witness the God call upon to the my soul , that sparing you not yet I came to Corinth ; * not because we lord it over you of the faith , but fellow –workers we are of the joy of you ; in the for faith you have stood . * Same and I Paul beseech you on account of the meekness and gentleness of the Anointed , who according to face indeed humble among you , being absent but am bold toward you ; * I pray but , that not being present to be bold with the confidence , with which I reckon to have daring toward some those reckoning us as according to flesh walking . * In flesh for walking , not according to flesh warring . * (the for arms of the warfare of us not fleshly , but powerful in the God for a casting down of fortresses ,) * reasonings casting down and every height raising itself up against the knowledge of the God , and leading captive every mind into the obedience of the Anointed , * and in preparation having to punish every disobedience , when may be fulfilled of you the obedience . * The things according to face do you see ? If any one has persuaded himself of Anointed to be , this let him consider again from himself that even as he of Anointed , so also we . * If indeed for even more abundantly somewhat I should boast concerning the authority of us , which gave the Lord to us , for building up and not for casting down of you , not I shall be ashamed . * So that not I may seem as I would terrify you by means of the letters ; * (because the indeed letters , he says , weighty and powerful ; the but presence of the body weak , and the word having been despised ;) * this let consider the such an one , that such ones were by the word through letters being absent , such like ones also being present in the work . * Not for we dare to rank or to compare ourselves with some of those themselves commending ; but they by themselves themselves measuring , and comparing themselves with themselves , not are intelligent . * We and not for the things unmeasured we will boast , but according to the measure of the rule , of which distributed to us the God of measure , to reach to even you . * Not for , as not reaching to you , we over stretch ourselves ; (to for even you we came in the glad tidings of the Anointed ;) * not for the things unmeasured boasting in others labors , a hope but having , being increased of the faith of you , by you to be enlarged according to the rule of us into superabundance , * to the parts beyond of you to announce glad tidings ; not by another rule for the things ready to boast . * The but one boasting , in Lord let him boast . * Not for he himself commending , he is approved , but whom the Lord commends . * I wish you would bear with me a little in the foolishness ; but even you do bear with me . * I am zealous for you of God with a zeal ; I espoused for you to one husband , a virgin pure to present to the Anointed ; * I fear but , lest as the serpent Eve deceived by the craft of himself , so should be corrupted the minds of you from the simplicity of that into the Anointed . * If indeed for the one coming another Jesus proclaims whom not we proclaimed , or spirit another you receive which not you received , or glad tidings other which not you embraced , well you might bear . * I reckon for nothing to have been behind those in the highest degree apostles . * If but even a simple person in the word , yet not in the knowledge ; but in every thing having been manifested in all things among you . * Or sin did I commit , myself humbling , so that you might be exalted ? because freely the of the God glad tidings I announced to you ? * Other congregations I robbed , having taken wages for the of you service ; and being present with you and having been in want , not did I lazily burden any one ; * (the for want of me supplied before the brethren having come from Macedonia ;) and in every thing unburdensome to you myself I kept , and I will keep . * It is a truth of Anointed in me , that the boasting this not shall be stopped concerning me in the regions of the Achaia . * Why ? because not I love you ? The God knows . * What but I do , even I will do , so that I may cut off the opportunity of those wishing an opportunity , so that in what they boast , they may be found as even we . * The for such ones false apostles workers deceitful , transforming themselves into apostles of Anointed . * And not it is wonderful ; himself for the adversary is transformed into a messenger of light ; * not great therefore , if also the servants of him are transformed as servants of righteousness ; of whom the end shall be according to the works of him . * Again i say , not any one me should think unwise to be ; if but otherwise , even as unwise do you receive me , so that even I a little somewhat may boast . * What I speak , not I speak according to Lord , but as in foolishness , in this the confidence of the boasting . * Since many boast according to the flesh , also I will boast . * Willingly for you bear with the unwise , wise ones being ; * you bear for , if any one you enslaves , if any one eats you up , if any one takes you , if any one raises himself up , if any one you on face beats . * According to dishonor I speak , as that we were weak ; in what but any one may be bold , (in foolishness I speak ,) bold also I . * Hebrews are they ? also I ; Israelites are they ? also I ; seed of Abraham are they ? also I ; * servants of Anointed are they ? (being a very fool I speak ,) above I ; in labors more abundant , in stripes above measure , in prisons more frequently , in deaths often ; * (by Jews five times forty except one I received , * thrice I was beaten with rods , once I was stoned , thrice I was shipwrecked , a night and day in the deep I have passed ;) * in journeys often ; in dangers of rivers , in dangers of robbers , in dangers from kindred , in dangers from Gentiles , in dangers in city , in dangers in desert , in dangers at sea , in dangers among false brethren ; * in labor and toil , in watchings often in hunger and thirst , in fastings often , in cold and nakedness . * Besides the outward things , the crowding of me that every day , the care of all of the congregations . * Who is weak , and not I am weak ? who is made to stumble , and not I burn ? * If to boast is necessary , the things of the weakness of me I will boast . * The God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed knows , he being blessed for the ages , that not I utter falsehood ; * in Damascus the ethnarch Aretas of the king guarded the Damascenes city , to seize me wishing ; * and through an opening in a rope basket I was lowered through the wall , and escaped the hands of him . * To boast indeed not is profitable for me ; I will come for to visions and revelations of Lord . * I know a man in Anointed , above years fourteen , (whether with a body , not I know ; or without the body , not I know ; the God knows ;) having been snatched away the such a one to third heaven . * And I know the such a man , (whether in a body , or without the body not I know ; the God knows ;) * that he was snatched away into the paradise , and heard indescribable things spoken , which not being possible for a man to speak . * Concerning the such a one I will boast ; on behalf but of myself not I will boast ; if not in the weaknesses of me . * If for I should desire to boast , not I shall be unwise ; truth for I will say : I forbear but , lest any one to me should impute beyond what he sees me , or hears anything from of me . * And by the transcendency of the revelations that I not I should over –elated , was given to me a thorn in the flesh , a messenger adversary , that me it might buffet , that not I might be over –elated . * Concerning this thrice the Lord I entreated , that it might be removed from me ; * and he said to me : Is enough for thee the favor of me ; the for power of me in weakness is perfected . Most gladly therefore rather I will boast in the weaknesses of me , so that may dwell upon me the power of the Anointed . * Wherefore I am well –pleased with weaknesses , with insults , with necessities , with persecutions , with distresses on behalf of Anointed ; when for I may be weak , then strong I am . * I have become unwise ; you me have constrained . I for ought by you to be commended ; nothing for I was behind those in highest degree apostles , if even nothing I am . * The indeed signs of the apostle were worked out among you in all patience , in signs and prodigies and powers . * What for it is which you were inferior beyond the other congregations , if not that myself I not was burdensome to you ? Forgive to me the injustice this . * Lo , a third time this in readiness I am to come to you , and not I will burden you ; not for I seek the things of you , but you . Not for it is fitting the children for the parents to treasure up , but the parents for the children . * I but most gladly will spend and will be utterly spent on behalf of the souls of you ; if even more abundantly you loving , less I am loved . * Let it be so but ; I not did burden you ; but being crafty , with guile you I took . * Not any one of whom I have sent to you , through him I overreached you ? * I exhorted Titus , and I sent with the brother , not overreached you Titus ? not in the same spirit we walked ? not in the same steps ? * Again do you think , that to you we apologize ? In presence of the God , in Anointed , we speak . But all things , beloved ones , on behalf of the you build up . * I am afraid for , lest perhaps having come not such ones I wish I should find you , and I should found by you such a one not you wish , lest perhaps strifes , jealousies , angers , contentions , evil –speakings whisperings , puffings up , disturbances ; * lest again having come me should humble the God of me before you , and I should lament over many of those having previously sinned , and not having reformed in respect to the impurity and fornication and lewdness , which they practiced . * Third time this I come to you ; in mouth of two witnesses and of three shall be established every word ., * I have said before and I tell beforehand , (as being present ,) the second time , (and being absent now ,) to those having previously sinned and to the others to all , that if I should come to the again , not I will spare . * Since a proof you seek of the in me speaking Anointed , (who towards you not is weak , but is powerful in you ; * even for if he was crucified from weakness , yet he lives from power of God ; also for we are weak with him , but we shall live with him from power of God towards you ;) * yourselves try you , if you are in the faith ; yourselves prove you . Or not do you know yourselves , that Jesus Anointed in you is ? if not without proof you are . * I hope but that you will know , that we not are without proof . * I wish but to the God , not to do you evil nothing ; not that we approved ones may appear , but that you the good may do , we but as without proof may be . * Not fort we have power any against the truth , but on behalf of the truth . * We rejoice for , when we may be weak , you but strong ones may be ; this but even we wish , the of you restoration . * On account of this these things being absent I write , so that being present not severity I may use , according to the authority , which gave to me the Lord for building up , and not for pulling down . * Lastly , brethren , rejoice you , be you restored , be you comforted , the same think you , be you at peace ; and the God of the love and peace shall be with you . * Salute you each other with a holy kiss ; * salute you the saints all . * The favor of the Lord Jesus Anointed , and the love of the God , and the joint participation of the holy spirit with all of you .

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