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* For I decided this in myself , not again to come to you in agmat nemesh . [I Cor . strkjv @4:21 ; II Cor . strkjv @12:21 ] * For if I grieve you , then who is the one cheering me except the one I have caused to have agmat nefesh ? * And I wrote the iggeret as I did , so that when I came , I should not have agmat nefesh from those who should have brought me simchah ; for I have bittachon about you all , that my simchah is that of all of you . * For out of much tzoros and distress of lev (note :)heart (:note ) I wrote the iggeret to you with many tears [Acts strkjv @20:31 ], not that you should have agamat nefesh , but that you may have da 'as of the ahavah in Hashem which I have more abundantly for all of you . SELICHAH FOR THE OFFENDER * Now if anyone has caused agmat nefesh , it is not me he has grieved , but -- to some extent , not to be to severe -- he has grieved you all . [I Cor strkjv @5:1 ] * Sufficient to such a man was this onesh (note :)penalty (:note ) by the roiv majority , * so that , on the contrary , rather you ought to give selichah and chizzuk to him lest efsher (note :)perhaps (:note ) with more abundant agamat nefesh such a one may be swallowed up . * Therefore I urge you to confirm to him your ahavah (note :)love (:note ). * I wrote the iggeret to this end , that I may have da 'as that you are tested and proven , that in all things you have mishma 'at (note :)obedience (:note ). [II Cor . strkjv @7:15 ; strkjv @10:6 ] * Now to anyone you give selichah of anything , I do as well , for indeed what I have forgiven , if I have forgiven anything , it is for your sake in the presence of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach ; * lest we should be outsmarted by HaSatan [Luk strkjv @22:31 ]; for we do not lack da 'as of his kesharim . * But having come to Troas for the Besuras Hageulah of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach and a delet (note :)door (:note ) to me having been opened by the Adoneinu , [Yechezkel strkjv @20:14 ; Acts strkjv @14:27 ; I Cor .16:9 ; Colossians .4:3 ; Revelation . strkjv @3:8 ] * I did not have shalom in my neshamah when I was not able to find Titos my ach b 'Moshiach . So I took leave of them and I went on to Macedonia . [Acts strkjv @20:1 ] REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH 'S PROGRAM OF KIRUV RECHOKIM (note :)BRINGING NEAR THE FAR WAY ONES (:note ) AND HASHEM WHO STANDS BEHIND IT * But Baruch Hashem , the One in whom didan notzakh (note :)we are victorious (:note ) who always leads us in triumph in Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach and through us , in every place spreads the fragrance of the da 'as of him . * For we are the aroma of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach to Hashem among the ones coming to yeshu 'at Eloheinu and among the ones perishing ; [I Cor . strkjv @1:18 ; Daniel . strkjv @12:2 ] * to the latter ones a fragrance of mavet unto mavet ; but to the former ones a fragrance of Chayyim (note :)life (:note ) unto Chayyim [Luk strkjv @2:34 ]. Who is sufficient for these things ,[II Cor strkjv @3:5-6 ] * For we are not as many , peddling the dvar Hashem , but as from sincerity , as from Hashem , in the presence of Hashem , in Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach we speak . [II Cor . strkjv @1:12 ; I Pet . strkjv @4:11 ]

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