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* And a woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried to Elisha saying , Thy servant my husband is dead , and thou knowest that thy servant feared Jehovah ; and the creditor is come to take my two children to be bondmen . * And Elisha said to her , What shall I do for thee ? Tell me , what hast thou in the house ? And she said , Thy handmaid has not anything at all in the house but a pot of oil . * And he said , Go , borrow for thyself vessels abroad from all thy neighbours , empty vessels ; let it not be few ; * and go in , and shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons , and pour out into all those vessels , and set aside what is full . * And she went from him , and shut the door upon her and upon her sons : they brought [the vessels ] to her , and she poured out . * And it came to pass when the vessels were full , that she said to her son , Bring me yet a vessel . And he said to her , There is not a vessel more . And the oil stayed . * And she came and told the man of God ; and he said , Go , sell the oil , and pay thy debt , and live thou [and ] thy sons on the rest . * And it came to pass on a day , that Elisha passed to Shunem , where was a wealthy woman ; and she constrained him to eat bread . And so it was , [that ] as oft as he passed by , he turned in thither to eat bread . * And she said to her husband , Behold now , I perceive that this is a holy man of God , who passes by us continually . * Let us make , I pray thee , a small upper chamber with walls , and let us set for him there a bed , and a table , and a seat , and a lampstand ; and it shall be when he cometh to us , he shall turn in thither . * And it came to pass on a day , that he came thither , and he turned into the upper chamber , and lay there . * And he said to Gehazi his servant , Call this Shunammite . And he called her , and she stood before him . * And he said to him , Say now to her , Behold , thou hast been careful for us with all this care ; what is to be done for thee ? wouldest thou be spoken for to the king , or to the captain of the host ? And she said , I dwell among mine own people . * And he said , What then is to be done for her ? And Gehazi said , Verily , she has no son , and her husband is old . * And he said , Call her ; and he called her ; and she stood in the doorway . * And he said , At this appointed time , when thy term is come , thou shalt embrace a son . And she said , No , my lord , man of God , do not lie to thy handmaid . * And the woman conceived , and bore a son at that appointed time in the next year as Elisha had said to her . * And the child grew , and it came to pass one day , that he went out to his father to the reapers . * And he said to his father , My head , my head ! And he said to the servant , Carry him to his mother . * And he carried him , and brought him to his mother ; and he sat on her knees till noon , and died . * And she went up , and laid him on the bed of the man of God , and shut [the door ] upon him , and went out . * And she called to her husband , and said , Send me , I pray thee , one of the young men , and one of the asses , and I will run to the man of God , and come again . * And he said , Why wilt thou go to him to-day ? It is neither new moon nor sabbath . And she said , [It is ] well . * Then she saddled the ass , and said to her servant , Drive and go forward ; slack not the riding for me , except I bid thee . * And she went and came to the man of God , to mount Carmel . And it came to pass when the man of God saw her afar off , that he said to Gehazi his servant , Behold , there is the Shunammite : * run now , I pray thee , to meet her , and say unto her , Is it well with thee ? is it well with thy husband ? is it well with the child ? And she said , It is well . * And she came to the man of God to the mountain , and caught him by the feet ; and Gehazi drew near to thrust her away ; but the man of God said , Let her alone , for her soul is troubled within her , and Jehovah has hidden it from me , and has not told me . * And she said , Did I desire a son of my lord ? did I not say , Do not deceive me ? * And he said to Gehazi , Gird up thy loins , and take my staff in thy hand , and go thy way . If thou meet any man , salute him not , and if any salute thee , answer him not again ; and lay my staff upon the face of the lad . * And the mother of the lad said , As Jehovah liveth , and as thy soul liveth , I will not leave thee ! And he rose up and followed her . * And Gehazi passed on before them , and laid the staff upon the face of the lad ; but there was neither voice , nor sign of attention . And he returned to meet him , and told him saying , The lad is not awaked . * And when Elisha came into the house , behold , the child was dead , [and ] laid upon his bed . * And he went in and shut the door upon them both , and prayed to Jehovah . * And he went up , and lay upon the child , and put his mouth upon his mouth , and his eyes upon his eyes , and his hands upon his hands , and bent over him ; and the flesh of the child grew warm . * And he returned , and walked in the house to and fro ; and went up , and bent over him . And the lad sneezed seven times , and the lad opened his eyes . * And he called Gehazi , and said , Call this Shunammite . And he called her ; and she came to him . And he said , Take up thy son . * And she came and fell at his feet , and bowed herself to the ground ; and she took up her son , and went out . * And Elisha came again to Gilgal . And there was a famine in the land ; and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him . And he said to his servant , Set on the great pot , and boil pottage for the sons of the prophets . * Then one went out into the field to gather herbs , and found a wild vine , and gathered from it his lap full of wild colocynths , and came and shred them into the pot of pottage ; for they did not know them . * And they poured out for the men to eat . And it came to pass , as they were eating of the pottage , that they cried out and said , Man of God , there is death in the pot ! And they could not eat [it ]. * And he said , Then bring meal . And he cast [it ] into the pot , and said , Pour out for the people , that they may eat . And there was no harm in the pot . * And there came a man from Baal-shalishah , and brought the man of God bread of the first-fruits , twenty loaves of barley , and fresh ears of corn in his sack . And he said , Give to the people that they may eat . * And his attendant said , How shall I set this before a hundred men ? And he said , Give the people that they may eat ; for thus saith Jehovah : They shall eat , and shall have to spare . * And he set [it ] before them , and they ate and left [thereof ], according to the word of Jehovah .

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