
rwp@2Peter:3:1 @{Beloved} (\agapˆtoi\). With this vocative verbal (four times in this chapter), Peter "turns away from the Libertines and their victims" (Mayor). {This is now the second epistle that I write unto you} (\tautˆn ˆdˆ deuteran humin graph“ epistolˆn\). Literally, "This already a second epistle I am writing to you." For \ˆdˆ\ see strkjv@John:21:24|. It is the predicate use of \deuteran epistolˆn\ in apposition with \tautˆn\, not "this second epistle." Reference apparently to I Peter. {And in both of them} (\en hais\). "In which epistles." {I stir up} (\diegeir“\). Present active indicative, perhaps conative, "I try to stir up." See strkjv@1:13|. {Mind} (\dianoian\). Understanding (Plato) as in strkjv@1Peter:1:13|. {Sincere} (\eilikrinˆ\). Old adjective of doubtful etymology (supposed to be \heilˆ\, sunlight, and \krin“\, to judge by it). Plato used it of ethical purity (\psuchˆ eilikrinˆs\) as here and strkjv@Phillipians:1:10|, the only N.T. examples. {By putting you in remembrance} (\en hupomnˆsei\). As in strkjv@1:13|.

rwp@2Peter:3:2 @{That ye should remember} (\mnˆsthˆnai\). First aorist passive (deponent) infinitive of \mimnˆsk“\, to remind. Purpose (indirect command) is here expressed by this infinitive. Imperative in strkjv@Jude:1:17|. {Spoken before} (\proeirˆmen“n\). Perfect passive participle of \proeipon\ (defective verb). Genitive case \rˆmat“n\ after \mnˆsthˆnai\. {And the commandment} (\kai tˆs entolˆs\). Ablative case with \hupo\ (agency). {Of the Lord and Saviour through your apostles} (\t“n apostol“n hum“n tou kuriou kai s“tˆros\). \Hum“n\ (your) is correct, not \hˆm“n\ (our). But the several genitives complicate the sense. If \dia\ (through) occurred before \t“n apostol“n\, it would be clear. It is held by some that Peter would not thus speak of the twelve apostles, including himself, and that the forger here allows the mask to slip, but Bigg rightly regards this a needless inference. The meaning is that they should remember the teaching of their apostles and not follow the Gnostic libertines.

rwp@2Peter:3:3 @{Knowing this first} (\touto pr“ton gin“skontes\). Present active participle of \gin“sk“\. See strkjv@1:20| for this identical phrase. Nominative absolute here where accusative \gin“skontas\ would be regular. Peter now takes up the \parousia\ (1:16|) after having discussed the \dunamis\ of Christ. {In the last days} (\ep' eschat“n t“n hˆmer“n\). "Upon the last of the days." strkjv@Jude:1:18| has it \ep' eschatou chronou\ (upon the last time). In strkjv@1Peter:1:5| it is \en kair“i eschat“i\ (in the last time), while strkjv@1Peter:1:20| has \ep' eschatou t“n chron“n\ (upon the last of the times). John has usually \tˆi eschatˆi hˆmerƒi\ (on the last day, strkjv@6:39f.|). Here \eschat“n\ is a predicate adjective like \summus mons\ (the top of the mountain). {Mockers with mockery} (\empaigmonˆi empaiktai\). Note Peter's play on words again, both from \empaiz“\ (Matthew:2:16|), to trifle with, and neither found elsewhere save \empaiktˆs\ in strkjv@Jude:1:18; strkjv@Isaiah:3:4| (playing like children).

rwp@2Peter:3:4 @{Where is the promise of his coming?} (\pou estin hˆ epaggelia tˆs parousias autou;\). This is the only sample of the questions raised by these mockers. Peter had mentioned this subject of the \parousia\ in strkjv@1:16|. Now he faces it squarely. Peter, like Paul (1Thessalonians:5:1f.; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:1f.|), preached about the second coming (1:16; strkjv@Acts:3:20f.|), as Jesus himself did repeatedly (Matthew:24:34|) and as the angels promised at the Ascension (Acts:1:11|). Both Jesus and Paul (2Thessalonians:2:1f.|) were misunderstood on the subject of the time and the parables of Jesus urged readiness and forbade setting dates for his coming, though his language in strkjv@Matthew:24:34| probably led some to believe that he would certainly come while they were alive. {From the day that} (\aph' hˆs\). "From which day." See strkjv@Luke:7:45|. {Fell asleep} (\ekoimˆthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \koima“\, old verb, to put sleep, classic euphemism for death (John:11:11|) like our cemetery (sleeping-place). {Continue} (\diamenei\). Present active indicative of \diamen“\, to remain through (Luke:1:22|). _In statu quo_. {As they were} (\hout“s\). "Thus." {From the beginning of creation} (\ap' archˆs ktise“s\). Precisely so in strkjv@Mark:10:6|, which see.

rwp@2Peter:3:5 @{For this they wilfully forget} (\lanthanei gar autous touto thelontas\). Literally, "for this escapes them being willing." See this use of \lanthan“\ (old verb, to escape notice of, to be hidden from) in strkjv@Acts:26:26|. The present active participle \thelontas\ (from \thel“\, to wish) has almost an adverbial sense here. {Compacted} (\sunest“sa\). See Paul's \sunestˆken\ (Colossians:1:17|) "consist." Second perfect active (intransitive) participle of \sunistˆmi\, feminine singular agreeing with \gˆ\ (nearest to it) rather than with \ouranoi\ (subject of \ˆsan\ imperfect plural). There is no need to make Peter mean the Jewish mystical "seven heavens" because of the plural which was used interchangeably with the singular (Matthew:5:9f.|). {Out of water and amidst water} (\ex hudatos kai di' hudatos\). Out of the primeval watery chaos (Genesis:1:2|), but it is not plain what is meant by \di' hudatos\, which naturally means "by means of water," though \dia\ with the genitive is used for a condition or state (Hebrews:12:1|). The reference may be to strkjv@Genesis:1:9|, the gathering together of the waters. {By the word of God} (\t“i tou theou log“i\). Instrumental case \log“i\, "by the fiat of God" (Genesis:1:3; strkjv@Hebrews:11:3| \rˆmati theou\).

rwp@2Peter:3:6 @{By which means} (\di' h“n\). The two waters above or the water and the word of God. Mayor against the MSS. reads \di' hou\ (singular) and refers it to \log“i\ alone. {Being overshadowed} (\kataklustheis\). First aorist passive participle of \katakluz“\, old compound, here only in N.T., but see \kataklusmos\ in strkjv@2:5|. {With water} (\hudati\). Instrumental case of \hud“r\. {Perished} (\ap“leto\). Second aorist middle indicative of \apollumi\.

rwp@2Peter:3:7 @{That now are} (\nun\). "The now heavens" over against "the then world" (\ho tote kosmos\ verse 6|). {By the same word} (\t“i aut“i log“i\). Instrumental case again referring to \log“i\ in verse 6|. {Have been stored up} (\tethˆsaurismenoi eisin\). Perfect passive indicative of \thˆsauriz“\, for which verb see strkjv@Matthew:6:19; strkjv@Luke:12:21|. {For fire} (\puri\). Dative case of \pur\, not with fire (instrumental case). The destruction of the world by fire is here pictured as in strkjv@Joel:2:30f.; strkjv@Psalms:50:3|. {Being reserved} (\tˆroumenoi\). Present passive participle of \tˆre“\, for which see strkjv@2:4|. {Against} (\eis\). Unto. As in strkjv@2:4,9| and see strkjv@1Peter:1:4| for the inheritance reserved for the saints of God.

rwp@2Peter:3:8 @{Forget not this one thing} (\hen touto mˆ lanthanet“ humas\). Rather, "let not this one thing escape you." For \lanthanet“\ (present active imperative of \lanthan“\) see verse 5|. The "one thing" (\hen\) is explained by the \hoti\ (that) clause following. Peter applies the language of strkjv@Psalms:90:4| about the eternity of God and shortness of human life to "the impatience of human expectations" (Bigg) about the second coming of Christ. "The day of judgment is at hand (1Peter:4:7|). It may come tomorrow; but what is tomorrow? What does God mean by a day? It may be a thousand years" (Bigg). Precisely the same argument applies to those who argue for a literal interpretation of the thousand years in strkjv@Revelation:20:4-6|. It may be a day or a day may be a thousand years. God's clock (\para kuri“i\, beside the Lord) does not run by our timepieces. The scoffers scoff ignorantly.

rwp@2Peter:3:9 @{Is not slack concerning his promise} (\ou bradunei tˆs epaggelias\). Ablative case \epaggelias\ after \bradunei\ (present active indicative of \bradun“\, from \bradus\, slow), old verb, to be slow in, to fall short of (like \leipetai sophias\ in strkjv@James:1:5|), here and strkjv@1Timothy:3:15| only in N.T. {Slackness} (\bradutˆta\). Old substantive from \bradus\ (James:1:19|), here only in N.T. God is not impotent nor unwilling to execute his promise. {To youward} (\eis humas\). \Pros\ rather than \eis\ after \makrothumei\ in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:14| and \epi\ in strkjv@James:5:7|, etc. {Not wishing} (\mˆ boulomenos\). Present middle participle of \boulomai\. Some will perish (verse 7|), but that is not God's desire. Any (\tinas\). Rather than "some" (\tines\) above. Accusative with the infinitive \apolesthai\ (second aorist middle of \apollumi\. God wishes "all" (\pantas\) to come (\ch“rˆsai\ first aorist active infinitive of \ch“re“\, old verb, to make room). See strkjv@Acts:17:30; strkjv@Romans:11:32; strkjv@1Timothy:2:4; strkjv@Hebrews:2:9| for God's provision of grace for all who will repent.

rwp@2Peter:3:10 @{The day of the Lord} (\hˆmera kuriou\). Songs:Peter in strkjv@Acts:2:20| (from strkjv@Joel:3:4|) and Paul in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:2,4; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:2; strkjv@1Corinthians:5:5|; and day of Christ in strkjv@Phillipians:2:16| and day of God in strkjv@2:12| and day of judgment already in strkjv@2:9; strkjv@3:7|. This great day will certainly come (\hˆxei\). Future active of \hˆk“\, old verb, to arrive, but in God's own time. {As a thief} (\h“s kleptˆs\). That is suddenly, without notice. This very metaphor Jesus had used (Luke:12:39; strkjv@Matthew:24:43|) and Paul after him (1Thessalonians:5:2|) and John will quote it also (Revelation:3:3; strkjv@16:15|). {In the which} (\en hˆi\). The day when the Lord comes. {Shall pass away} (\pareleusontai\). Future middle of \parerchomai\, old verb, to pass by. {With a great noise} (\roizˆdon\). Late and rare adverb (from \roize“, roizos\)-- Lycophron, Nicander, here only in N.T., onomatopoetic, whizzing sound of rapid motion through the air like the flight of a bird, thunder, fierce flame. {The elements} (\ta stoicheia\). Old word (from \stoichos\ a row), in Plato in this sense, in other senses also in N.T. as the alphabet, ceremonial regulations (Hebrews:5:12; strkjv@Galatians:4:3; strkjv@5:1; strkjv@Colossians:2:8|). {Shall be dissolved} (\luthˆsetai\). Future passive of \lu“\, to loosen, singular because \stoicheia\ is neuter plural. {With fervent heat} (\kausoumena\). Present passive participle of \kauso“\, late verb (from \kausos\, usually medical term for fever) and nearly always employed for fever temperature. Mayor suggests a conflagration from internal heat. Bigg thinks it merely a vernacular (Doric) future for \kausomena\ (from \kai“\, to burn). {Shall be burned up} (\katakaˆsetai\). Repeated in verse 12|. Second future passive of the compound verb \katakai“\, to burn down (up), according to A L. But Aleph B K P read \heurethˆsetai\ (future passive of \heurisk“\, to find) "shall be found." There are various other readings here. The text seems corrupt.

rwp@2Peter:3:11 @{To be dissolved} (\luomen“n\). Present passive participle (genitive absolute with \tout“n pant“n\, these things all) of \lu“\, either the futuristic present or the process of dissolution presented. {What manner of persons} (\potapous\). Late qualitative interrogative pronoun for the older \podapos\ as in strkjv@Matthew:8:27|, accusative case with \dei huparchein\ agreeing with \humƒs\ (you). See strkjv@1:8| for \huparch“\. {In all holy living and godliness} (\en hagiais anastrophais kai eusebeiais\). "In holy behaviours and pieties" (Alford). Plural of neither word elsewhere in N.T., but a practical plural in \pƒsa anastrophˆ\ in strkjv@1Peter:1:15|.

rwp@2Peter:3:12 @{Looking for} (\prosdok“ntas\). Present active participle of \prosdoka“\ (Matthew:11:3|) agreeing in case (accusative plural) with \humƒs\. {Earnestly desiring} (\speudontas\). Present active participle, accusative also, of \speud“\, old verb, to hasten (like our speed) as in strkjv@Luke:2:16|, but it is sometimes transitive as here either (preferably so) to "hasten on the parousia" by holy living (cf. strkjv@1Peter:2:12|), with which idea compare strkjv@Matthew:6:10; strkjv@Acts:3:19f.|, or to desire earnestly (Isaiah:16:5|). {Being on fire} (\puroumenoi\). Present passive participle of \puro“\, old verb (from pur), same idea as in verse 10|. {Shall melt} (\tˆketai\). Futuristic present passive indicative of \tˆk“\, old verb, to make liquid, here only in N.T. Hort suggests \tˆxetai\ (future middle), though strkjv@Isaiah:34:4| has \takˆsontai\ (second future passive). The repetitions here make "an effective refrain" (Mayor).

rwp@2Peter:3:13 @{Promise} (\epaggelma\). As in strkjv@1:4|. The reference is to strkjv@Isaiah:65:17f.; strkjv@66:22|. See also strkjv@Revelation:21:1|. For \kainos\ (new) see on ¯Matthew:26:29|. For the expectant attitude in \prosdok“men\ (we look for) repeated from verse 12| and again in verse 14|, see \apekdechometha\ (we eagerly look for) in strkjv@Phillipians:3:20|. {Wherein} (\en hois\). The new heavens and earth. {Dwelleth} (\katoikei\). Has its home (\oikos\). Certainly "righteousness" (\dikaiosunˆ\) is not at home in this present world either in individuals, families, or nations.

rwp@2Peter:3:14 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). As in strkjv@1:10,12|. {Give diligence} (\spoudasate\). As in strkjv@1:10|. {That ye may be found} (\heurethˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive (cf. \heurethˆsetai\ in verse 10|). For this use of \heurisk“\ about the end see strkjv@2Corinthians:5:3; strkjv@Phillipians:3:9; strkjv@1Peter:1:7|. {Without spot and blameless} (\aspiloi kai am“mˆtoi\). Predicate nominative after \heurethˆnai\. See strkjv@2:13| for position words \spiloi kai m“moi\ and strkjv@1Peter:1:19| for \am“mos\ (so strkjv@Jude:1:24|) \kai aspilos\ (so strkjv@James:1:27|). \Am“mˆtos\ (old verbal of \m“maomai\) only here in N.T. save some MSS. in strkjv@Phillipians:2:15|.

rwp@2Peter:3:15 @{In his sight} (\aut“i\). Ethical dative. Referring to Christ. {Is salvation} (\s“tˆrian\). Predicate accusative after \hˆgeisthe\ in apposition with \makrothumian\ (long-suffering), an opportunity for repentance (cf. strkjv@1Peter:3:20|). The Lord here is Christ. {Our beloved brother Paul} (\ho agapˆtos adelphos Paulos\). Paul applies the verbal \agapˆtos\ (beloved) to Epaphras (Colossians:1:7|), Onesimus (Colossians:4:9; strkjv@Philemon:1:16|), to Tychicus (Colossians:4:7; strkjv@Ephesians:6:21|), and to four brethren in strkjv@Romans:16| (Epainetus strkjv@Romans:16:5|, Ampliatus strkjv@Romans:16:8|, Stachys strkjv@Romans:16:9|, Persis strkjv@Romans:16:12|). It is not surprising for Peter to use it of Paul in view of Gal strkjv@2:9f.|, in spite of strkjv@Galatians:2:11-14|. {Given to him} (\dotheisan aut“i\). First aorist passive participle of \did“mi\ with dative case. Peter claimed wisdom for himself, but recognises that Paul had the gift also. His language here may have caution in it as well as commendation. "St. Peter speaks of him with affection and respect, yet maintains the right to criticise" (Bigg).

rwp@2Peter:3:16 @{As also in all his epistles} (\h“s kai en pasais epistolais\). We do not know to how many Peter here refers. There is no difficulty in supposing that Peter "received every one of St. Paul's Epistles within a month or two of its publication" (Bigg). And yet Peter does not here assert the formation of a canon of Paul's Epistles. {Speaking in them of these things} (\lal“n en autais peri tout“n\). Present active participle of \lale“\. That is to say, Paul also wrote about the second coming of Christ, as is obviously true. {Hard to be understood} (\dusnoˆta\). Late verbal from \dus\ and \noe“\ (in Aristotle, Lucian, Diog. Laert.), here only in N.T. We know that the Thessalonians persisted in misrepresenting Paul on this very subject of the second coming as Hymenaeus and Philetus did about the resurrection (2Timothy:2:17|) and Spitta holds that Paul's teaching about grace was twisted to mean moral laxity like strkjv@Galatians:3:10; strkjv@Romans:3:20,28; strkjv@5:20| (with which cf. strkjv@6:1| as a case in point), etc. Peter does not say that he himself did not understand Paul on the subject of faith and freedom. {Unlearned} (\amatheis\). Old word (alpha privative and \manthan“\ to learn), ignorant, here only in N.T. {Unsteadfast} (\astˆriktoi\). See on ¯2:14|. {Wrest} (\streblousin\). Present active indicative of \streblo“\, old verb (from \streblos\ twisted, \streph“\, to turn), here only in N.T. {The other scriptures} (\tas loipas graphas\). There is no doubt that the apostles claimed to speak by the help of the Holy Spirit (1Thessalonians:5:27; strkjv@Colossians:4:16|) just as the prophets of old did (2Peter:1:20f.|). Note \loipas\ (rest) here rather than \allas\ (other). Peter thus puts Paul's Epistles on the same plane with the O.T., which was also misused (Matthew:5:21-44; strkjv@15:3-6; strkjv@19:3-10|).

rwp@2Peter:3:17 @{Knowing these things beforehand} (\progin“skontes\). Present active participle of \progin“sk“\ as in strkjv@1Peter:1:20|. Cf. \pr“ton gin“sk“\ (1:20; strkjv@3:1|). Hence they are without excuse for misunderstanding Peter or Paul on this subject. {Beware} (\phulassesthe\). Present middle imperative of \phulass“\, common verb, to guard. {Lest} (\hina mˆ\). Negative purpose, "that not." {Being carried away} (\sunapachthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \sunapag“\, old verb double compound, to carry away together with, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Galatians:2:13|. {With the error} (\tˆi planˆi\). Instrumental case, "by the error" (the wandering). {Of the wicked} (\t“n athesm“n\). See on strkjv@2:7|. {Ye fall from} (\ekpesˆte\). Second aorist active subjunctive with \hina mˆ\ of \ekpipt“\, old verb, to fall out of, with the ablative here (\stˆrigmou\, steadfastness, late word from \stˆriz“\, here alone in N.T.) as in strkjv@Galatians:5:4| (\tˆs charitos exepesate\, ye fell out of grace).

rwp@2Peter:3:18 @{But grow} (\auxanete de\). Present active imperative of \auxan“\, in contrast with such a fate pictured in verse 17|, "but keep on growing." {In the grace and knowledge} (\en chariti kai gn“sei\). Locative case with \en\. Grow in both. Keep it up. See on ¯1:1| for the idiomatic use of the single article (\tou\) here, "of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." {To him} (\aut“i\). To Christ. {For ever} (\eis hˆmeran ai“nos\). "Unto the day of eternity." Songs:Sirach strkjv@18:9f. One of the various ways of expressing eternity by the use of \ai“n\. Songs:\eis ton ai“na\ in strkjv@John:6:5; strkjv@12:34|.

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