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* After this Absalom the son of David had a lovely sister , whose name was Tamar ; and Amnon the son of David loved her . * Amnon was so distressed over his sister Tamar that he became sick ; for she was a virgin . And it was improper for Amnon to do anything to her . * But Amnon had a friend whose name was Jonadab the son of Shimeah , David 's brother . Now Jonadab was a very crafty man . * And he said to him , "Why are you , the king 's son , becoming thinner day after day ? Will you not tell me ?" Amnon said to him , "I love Tamar , my brother Absalom 's sister ." * So Jonadab said to him , "Lie down on your bed and pretend to be ill . And when your father comes to see you , say to him , "Please let my sister Tamar come and give me food , and prepare the food in my sight , that I may see it and eat it from her hand ."' * Then Amnon lay down and pretended to be ill ; and when the king came to see him , Amnon said to the king , "Please let Tamar my sister come and make a couple of cakes for me in my sight , that I may eat from her hand ." * And David sent home to Tamar , saying , "Now go to your brother Amnon 's house , and prepare food for him ." * So Tamar went to her brother Amnon 's house ; and he was lying down . Then she took flour and kneaded it , made cakes in his sight , and baked the cakes . * And she took the pan and placed them out before him , but he refused to eat . Then Amnon said , "Have everyone go out from me ." And they all went out from him . * Then Amnon said to Tamar , "Bring the food into the bedroom , that I may eat from your hand ." And Tamar took the cakes which she had made , and brought them to Amnon her brother in the bedroom . * Now when she had brought them to him to eat , he took hold of her and said to her , "Come , lie with me , my sister ." * But she answered him , "No , my brother , do not force me , for no such thing should be done in Israel . Do not do this disgraceful thing ! * And I , where could I take my shame ? And as for you , you would be like one of the fools in Israel . Now therefore , please speak to the king ; for he will not withhold me from you ." * However , he would not heed her voice ; and being stronger than she , he forced her and lay with her . * Then Amnon hated her exceedingly , so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her . And Amnon said to her , "Arise , be gone !" * So she said to him , "No , indeed ! This evil of sending me away is worse than the other that you did to me ." But he would not listen to her . * Then he called his servant who attended him , and said , "Here ! Put this woman out , away from me , and bolt the door behind her ." * Now she had on a robe of many colors , for the king 's virgin daughters wore such apparel . And his servant put her out and bolted the door behind her . * Then Tamar put ashes on her head , and tore her robe of many colors that was on her , and laid her hand on her head and went away crying bitterly . * And Absalom her brother said to her , "Has Amnon your brother been with you ? But now hold your peace , my sister . He is your brother ; do not take this thing to heart ." So Tamar remained desolate in her brother Absalom 's house . * But when King David heard of all these things , he was very angry . * And Absalom spoke to his brother Amnon neither good nor bad . For Absalom hated Amnon , because he had forced his sister Tamar . * And it came to pass , after two full years , that Absalom had sheepshearers in Baal Hazor , which is near Ephraim ; so Absalom invited all the king 's sons . * Then Absalom came to the king and said , "Kindly note , your servant has sheepshearers ; please , let the king and his servants go with your servant ." * But the king said to Absalom , "No , my son , let us not all go now , lest we be a burden to you ." Then he urged him , but he would not go ; and he blessed him . * Then Absalom said , "If not , please let my brother Amnon go with us ." And the king said to him , "Why should he go with you ?" * But Absalom urged him ; so he let Amnon and all the king 's sons go with him . * Now Absalom had commanded his servants , saying , "Watch now , when Amnon 's heart is merry with wine , and when I say to you , "Strike Amnon !' then kill him . Do not be afraid . Have I not commanded you ? Be courageous and valiant ." * So the servants of Absalom did to Amnon as Absalom had commanded . Then all the king 's sons arose , and each one got on his mule and fled . * And it came to pass , while they were on the way , that news came to David , saying , "Absalom has killed all the king 's sons , and not one of them is left !" * So the king arose and tore his garments and lay on the ground , and all his servants stood by with their clothes torn . * Then Jonadab the son of Shimeah , David 's brother , answered and said , "Let not my lord suppose they have killed all the young men , the king 's sons , for only Amnon is dead . For by the command of Absalom this has been determined from the day that he forced his sister Tamar . * Now therefore , let not my lord the king take the thing to his heart , to think that all the king 's sons are dead . For only Amnon is dead ." * Then Absalom fled . And the young man who was keeping watch lifted his eyes and looked , and there , many people were coming from the road on the hillside behind him . * And Jonadab said to the king , "Look , the king 's sons are coming ; as your servant said , so it is ." * So it was , as soon as he had finished speaking , that the king 's sons indeed came , and they lifted up their voice and wept . Also the king and all his servants wept very bitterly . * But Absalom fled and went to Talmai the son of Ammihud , king of Geshur . And David mourned for his son every day . * So Absalom fled and went to Geshur , and was there three years . * And King David longed to go to Absalom . For he had been comforted concerning Amnon , because he was dead .

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