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* And it came to pass after this , that David smote the Philistines , and humbled them : and David took Metheg –haammah out of the hand of the Philistines . * And he smote Moab , and measured them with a line , laying them down on the ground ; and he measured with two lines to put to death , and with one full line to keep alive . And the Moabites became David ’s servants , bringing presents . * David smote also Hadad ’ezer , the son of Rechob , the king of Zobah , as he went to extend his territory at the river Euphrates . * And David captured from him a thousand and seven hundred horsemen , and twenty thousand men on foot : and David hamstringed all the chariot –teams , but reserved of them a hundred chariot –teams . * And the Syrians of Damascus then came to aid Hadad ’ezer , the king of Zobah , when David slew of the Syrians twenty and two thousand men . * And David put garrisons in Syria of Damascus : and the Syrians became servants to David , bearing presents . And the Lord helped David whithersoever he went . * And David took the shields of gold that belonged to the servants of Hadad ’ezer , and brought them to Jerusalem . * And from Betach , and from Berothai , cities of Hadad ’ezer , did king David take exceedingly much copper . * And when To ’i the king of Chamath heard that David had smitten all the host of Hadad ’ezer , * Then did To ’i send Yoram his son unto king David , to ask him after his well –being , and to bless him , because that he had fought against Hadad ’ezer , and smitten him ; for Hadad ’ezer had been engaged in wars with To ’i ; and he had in his hand vessels of silver , and vessels of gold , and vessels of copper : * These also did king David sanctify unto the Lord , with the silver and gold that he had sanctified from all the nations which he subdued ; * From Syria , and from Moab , and from the children of ‘Ammon , and from the Philistines , and from ‘Amalek , and from the spoil of Hadad ’ezer , the son of Rechob , the king of Zobah . * And David acquired a name when he returned from his smiting the Syrians in the valley of salt , eighteen thousand men . * And he put garrisons in Edom ; throughout all Edom put he garrisons , and all the Edomites became servants to David . And the Lord helped David whithersoever he went . * And David reigned over all Israel ; and David did what is just and right unto all his people . * And Joab the son of Zeruyah was over the army ; and Jehoshaphat the son of Achilud was recorder ; * And Zadok the son of Achitub , and Achimelech the son of Ebyathar , were priests ; and Serayah was scribe ; * And Banayahu the son of Yehoyada ’ was over both the Kerethites and the Pelethites ; and David ’s sons were officers of state . * And David said , Is there yet any one that is left of the house of Saul , that I may show him kindness for the sake of Jonathan ? * And the house of Saul had a servant whose name was Ziba ; and they called him unto David ; and the king said unto him , Art thou Ziba ? And be said , Thy servant . * And the king said , Is there no one left any more of the house of Saul , that I may show him the kindness of God ! And Ziba said unto the king , There is yet a son of Jonathan , lame on both feet . * And the king said unto him , Where is he ? And Ziba said unto the king , Behold , he is in the house of Machir , the son of ‘Ammiel , in Lo –debar . * And king David sent , and had him taken out of the house of Machir , the son of ‘Ammiel , from Lo –debar . * And Mephibosheth , the son of Jonathan , the son of Saul , came unto David , and he fell on his face , and bowed himself . And David said , Mephibosheth ; And he answered , Here is thy servant ! * And David said unto him , Fear not ; for I will surely show thee kindness for the sake of Jonathan thy father , and I will restore unto thee all the land of Saul thy father ; and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually . * And he bowed himself , and said , What is thy servant , that thou shouldst turn thy regard unto such a dead dog as I am ? * Then called the king for Ziba , Saul ’s servant , and said unto him , all that hath pertained to Saul and to all his house have I given unto thy master ’s son . * And thou shalt till for him the land , thou , and thy sons , and thy servants , and thou shalt bring in , that thy master ’s son may have bread which he can eat ; but Mephibosheth thy master ’s son shall eat continually bread at my table . Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants . * And Ziba said unto the king , In accordance with all that my Lord the king may command his servant , so will thy servant do . And Mephibosheth shall eat at my table , as one of the king ’s sons . * And Mephibosheth had a young son , whose name was Micha . And all that dwelt in the house of Ziba were servants unto Mephibosheth . * And Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem ; for he ate continually at the king ’s table ; and he was lame on both his feet . * And it came to pass after this , that the king of the children of ‘Ammon died , and Chanun his son reigned in his stead . * Then said David , I will show kindness unto Chanun the son of Nachash , as his father showed me kindness . And David sent to comfort him by the hand of his servants for his father . And David ’s servants came unto the land of the children of ‘Ammon . * And the princes of the children of ‘Ammon said unto Chanun their Lord , Doth David honor thy father in thy eyes , that he hath sent comforters unto thee ! hath David not sent his servants unto thee , in order to search the city , and to spy it out , and to overthrow it ? * Chanun thereupon took David ’s servants , and shaved off the one –half of their beard , and cut off their garments in the middle , even to their buttocks , and sent them away . * When they told it unto David , he sent to meet them , because the men were greatly ashamed ; and the king said , Tarry at Jericho until your beard be grown , and then return . * And when the children of ‘Ammon saw that they were become in bad odor with David , the children of ‘Ammon sent and hired the Syrians of Beth –rechob , and the Syrians of Zoba , twenty thousand men on foot , and the king of Ma ’achah with a thousand men , and of the people of Tob twelve thousand men . * And when David heard of it , he sent Joab , and all the army , the mighty men . * And the children of ‘Ammon came out , and put themselves in battle –array at the entrance of the gate : and the Syrians of Zoba , and of Rechob , and the people of Tob and Ma ’achah , were by themselves in the field . * When now Joab saw that the front of the battle was against him before and behind , he selected from all the chosen men of Israel , and arrayed himself against the Syrians : * And the rest of the people he delivered into the hand of Abishai his brother , who arrayed himself against the children of ‘Ammon . * And he said , If the Syrians be too strong for me , then shalt thou bring me help ; but if the children of ‘Ammon be too strong for thee , then will I go to help thee . * Be strong , and let us strengthen ourselves in behalf of our people , and in behalf of the cities of our God : and may the Lord do that which seemeth good in his eyes . * And Joab drew nigh , and the people that were with him , unto the battle against the Syrians ; and they fled from before him . * And when the children of ‘Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled , then did they also fly before Abishai , and entered into the city . Joab then returned from the children of ‘Ammon , and came to Jerusalem . * And when the Syrians saw that they were smitten before Israel , they gathered themselves altogether . * And Hadar ’ezer sent , and brought out the Syrians that were beyond the river , and they came to Chelam ; and Shobach the captain of the army of Hadar ’ezer went before them . * And when it was told to David , he gathered all Israel together , and passed over the Jordan , and came to Chelam . And the Syrians set themselves in battle –array against David , and fought with him . * And the Syrians fled from before Israel ; and David slew of the Syrians of seven hundred chariots , and forty thousand horsemen ; and Shobach also the captain of their army he smote , and he died there . * And when all the kings , the vassals to Hadar ’ezer saw that they were smitten before Israel , they made peace with Israel , and served them : and the Syrians feared to help the children of ‘Ammon any more . * And it came to pass , at the return of the same season of the year , at the time when kings go forth , that David sent Joab , and his servants with him , and all Israel ; and they destroyed the children of ‘Ammon , and besieged Rabbah . But David remained behind at Jerusalem . * And it happened at evening –tide , that David arose from off his couch , and walked upon the roof of the king ’s house : and he saw from the roof a woman bathing herself ; and the woman was of a very beautiful appearance . * And David sent and inquired after the woman ; and some one said , Behold , this is Beth –sheba ’, the daughter of Eli ’am , the wife of Uriyah the Hittite . * And David sent messengers , and took her ; and she came in unto him , and he lay with her , and she had just purified herself from her uncleanness ; and she returned unto her house . * And the woman conceived ; and she sent and told David , and said , I am with child . * And David sent to Joab , Send unto me Uriyah the Hittite . And Joab sent Uriyah to David . * And when Uriyah was come unto him , David asked after the well –being of Joab , and after the well –being of the people , and how the war prospered . * And David said to Uriyah , Go down to thy house , and wash thy feet . And Uriyah went forth out of the king ’s house , and there followed him a mess of food from the king . * But Uriyah laid himself down at the door of the king ’s house with all the servants of his lord , and went not down to his house . * And they told David , saying , Uriyah is not gone down unto his house : and David said unto Uriyah , Art thou not come from a journey ? why then art thou not gone down unto thy own house ? * Then said Uriyah unto David , The ark , and Israel , and Judah abide in booths ; and my Lord Joab and the servants of my Lord are encamped in the open field : and should I alone go unto my house , to eat and to drink , and to lie with my wife ? as thou livest , and as thy soul liveth , I will not do this thing . * And David said unto Uriyah , Tarry here also this day , and tomorrow will I send thee off . So Uriyah remained in Jerusalem on that day and the following . * And David invited him , and he ate and drank before him , and he made him drunken ; and he went out in the evening to lie down on his resting –place with the servants of his lord ; but to his house he did not go down . * And it came to pass in the morning , that David wrote a letter to Joab , and sent it by the hand of Uriyah . * And he wrote in the letter , saying , Set Uriyah in front , opposite to the hottest fight , and then withdraw from behind him , that he may be smitten and die . * And it came to pass , when Joab was enclosing the city , that he placed Uriyah toward the spot of which he knew that valiant men were there . * And the men of the city went out and fought with Joab ; and there fell some of the people , of the servants of David , and there died also Uriyah the Hittite . * Then did Joab send , and told unto David all the events of the war . * And he charged the messenger , saying , When thou hast finished telling all the events of the war to the king , * And it happen that the king ’s wrath arise , and he say unto thee , Wherefore did you approach unto the city to fight ? knew ye not , that they would shoot down from off the wall ? * Who smote Abimelech the son of Yerubbesheth ? did not a woman throw down upon him a piece of an upper mill –stone from off the wall so that he died at Thebez ? why did ye approach unto the wall ? then must thou say , Also thy servant Uriyah the Hittite is dead . * And the messenger went , and came and told unto David all for which Joab had sent him . * And the messenger said unto David , Because the men overpowered us and came out against us into the field ; but we set upon them , as far as the entrance of the gate . * And the archers then shot at thy servants from off the wall ; and there died some of the servants of the king , and also thy servant Uriyah the Hittite is dead . * Then said David to the messenger , Thus shalt thou say to Joab , Let this thing not be displeasing in thy eyes ; for at times this , at other times the other will the sword devour ; continue firmly in thy war against the city , and overthrow it : and thus do thou encourage him . * And when the wife of Uriyah heard that Uriyah her husband had died , she mourned for her lord . * And when the mourning was past , David sent and took her to his house , and she became his wife ; and she bore him a son . But the thing which David had done was displeasing in the eyes of the Lord . * And the Lord sent Nathan unto David , and he came unto him and said to him , Two men were once in one city , the one rich and the other poor . * The rich man had flocks and herds , in great abundance . * But the poor man had nothing , save one little ewe , which he had bought ; and he nourished it , and it grew up with him and with his children together ; of his bread it used to eat , and out of his cup it used to drink , and in his bosom it used to lie , and it was to him as a daughter . * And there came a traveler unto the rich man ; and he felt compunction to take from his own flocks and from his own herds to dress for the wayfarer that was come to him ; but he took the ewe of the poor man , and dressed it for the man that was come to him . * And the anger of David was greatly kindled against the man ; and he said to Nathan , As the Lord liveth , surely the man that hath done this deserveth to die ; * And the ewe he shall pay fourfold , for punishment that he hath done this thing , and because he had no compassion . * Then said Nathan to David , Thou art the man ! Thus hath said the Lord , the God of Israel , It is I who anointed thee as king over Israel , and it is I who delivered thee out of the hand of Saul ; * And I gave unto thee the house of thy master , and the wives of thy master into thy bosom , and gave unto thee the house of Israel and Judah : and if this be too little , I could bestow on thee yet many more like these things . * Wherefore hast thou despised the word of the Lord to do what is evil in his eyes ? Uriyah the Hittite hast thou smitten with the sword , and his wife hast thou taken unto thee for wife ; but him hast thou slain with the sword of the children of ‘Ammon . * And now , the sword shall not depart from thy house for ever ; for the reason that thou hast despised me , and hast taken the wife of Uriyah the Hittite to be thy wife . * Thus hath said the Lord , Behold , I will raise up against thee evil out of thy own house , and I will take away thy wives before thy eyes , and I will give them unto thy neighbor ; and he shall lie with thy wives before the face of this sun . * For thou hast done it in secret ; but I will surely do this thing before all Israel , and before the sun . * Then said David unto Nathan , I have sinned against the Lord . And Nathan said to David , Also the Lord hath caused thy sin to pass away : thou shalt not die . * Nevertheless , because thou hast given great cause to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme through this thing , the child also that hath been born unto thee shall surely die . * And Nathan went to his house ; and the Lord struck the child that Uriyah ’s wife had born unto David , that it became very sick . * And David besought God in behalf of the lad ; and David kept a fast , and came home , and lay over night upon the earth . * And the elders of the house arose about him , to raise him up from the earth ; but he would not , and he did not partake of any bread with them . * And it came to pass on the seventh day that the child died ; and the servants of David were afraid to tell him , that the child was dead ; for they said , Behold , while the child was yet alive , we spoke to him , and he would not hearken to our voice : how then shall we say to him , The child is dead ! he might do a hurt . * But when David saw that his servants were whispering to each other , David understood that the child was dead ; wherefore David said unto his servants , Is the child dead ? and they said , he is dead . * David then rose up from the earth , and washed and anointed himself , and changed his garments , and went into the house of the Lord and prostrated himself ; and then he came to his own house , and asked that they should set food before him , and he ate . * And his servants then said unto him , What is this thing which thou hast done ? On account of the child when living thou didst fast and weep ; but as soon as the child was dead thou didst arise and eat bread ! * And he said , While the child was yet alive , I fasted and wept ; because I said , Who knoweth , but that the Lord will be gracious to me , that the child may live ? * But now he is dead , wherefore should I fast then ? can I restore him again ? I am going to him ; but he will not return to me . * And David comforted Bath –sheba ’ his wife , and he went in unto her , and lay with her ; and she bore a son , and called his name Solomon ; and the Lord loved him . * And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet , and called his name , Yedideyah in behalf of the Lord . * And Joab fought against Rabbah of the children of ‘Ammon , and captured the royal city . * And Joab sent messengers to David ; and said , I have fought against Rabbah , and have also captured the water –town . * And now gather the rest of the people together , and encamp against the city , and capture it : lest I capture the city myself , and it be called by my name . * And David gathered all the people together and went to Rabbah , and fought against it , and captured it . * And he took the crown of Malkam from off his head , and its weight was a talent of gold , and a precious stone , and it was set on the head of David ; and the booty of the city he brought out in great abundance . * And the people that were therein he brought forward , and put them under saws , and under iron threshing –wagons , and under axes of iron , and made them pass through brick –kilns ; and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of ‘Ammon : and David returned with them with all the people unto Jerusalem . * And it came to pass after this , that Abshalom the son of David had a handsome sister , whose name was Thamar ; and Amnon the son of David loved her . * And Amnon worried himself so that he fell sick on account of Thamar his sister ; for she was a virgin ; and it was impossible in the eyes of Amnon to do her the least . * But Amnon had a friend , whose name was Yonadab , the son of Shim ’ah , David ’s brother ; and Yonadab was a very sensible man . * And he said to him , Why art thou so wasted , O prince , morning after morning ? Wilt thou not tell me ? Then said Amnon to him , Thamar the sister of Abshalom my brother do I love . * And Yonadab said to him , Lie down on thy couch , and feign thyself sick ; and when thy father cometh to see thee , thou must say unto him , Let , I pray thee , Thamar my sister come , and give me some food , and prepare the refreshment before my eyes , in order that I may see it , and eat it out of her hand . * So Amnon lay down , and feigned himself sick ; and when the king came to see him , Amnon said to the king , Let , I pray thee , Thamar my sister come , and mix up before my eyes a couple of cakes , that I may enjoy them out of her hand . * Then did David send home to Thamar , saying , Do go now to thy brother Amnon ’s house , and prepare for him the refreshment . * So Thamar went to the house of Amnon her brother , and he was lying down ; and she took the dough and kneaded , and mixed it up before his eyes , and baked the cakes ; * And she took the pan , and poured them out before him ; but he refused to eat ; and Amnon said , Cause every man to go out from me ; and they went out , every man , from him . * And Amnon said to Thamar , Bring the refreshment into the chamber , that I may enjoy it out of thy hand . So Thamar took the cakes which she had made , and brought them unto Amnon her brother into the chamber . * And when she had brought them near unto him to eat , he took hold of her , and said unto her , Come , lie with me , my sister . * But she said to him , No , my brother , do not violate me ; for such a deed ought not to be done in Israel ; do not this scandalous act ! * And I , whither should I carry my shame ? and as for thee , thou wouldst be like one of the worthless in Israel ; but now , O speak , I pray thee , unto the king , for he will not withhold me from thee . * Nevertheless , he would not hearken unto her voice ; but he overpowered her , and violated her , and lay with her . * Then did Amnon hate her with a very great hatred ; so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her ; and Amnon said unto her , Arise , be gone . * And she said unto him , not add this yet greater wrong than the other which thou hast done with me , to send me away ! But he would not listen to her ; * And he called his young man , his servant , and said , Do send this woman away from me , into the street , and lock the door behind her . * And she had on a garment of divers colors ; for thus were usually appareled the king ’s daughters when virgins , in robes ; and his servant brought her out into the street , and locked the door behind her . * And Thamar put ashes on her head , and the garment of divers colors which was on her she rent : and she placed her hand on her head , and went away and cried as she went along . * Then said to her Abshalom her brother , Hath Amnon thy brother been with thee ? but now , my sister , keep silence , he is thy brother , take this thing not to thy heart . So Thamar remained , and was secluded in the house of Abshalom her brother . * And when king David heard all these things , it displeased him greatly . * And Abshalom spoke not with Amnon either bad or good ; for Abshalom hated Amnon , because he had violated Thamar his sister . * And it came to pass after two full years , that Abshalom had sheep –shearers at Ba ’al –chazor , which is near Ephraim ; and Abshalom invited all the king ’s sons . * And Abshalom came to the king , and said , Behold , now , thy servant hath sheep –shearers ; let the king , I pray thee , and his servants go with thy servant . * And the king said to Abshalom , No , my son , do not let us all go now , that we may not be a burden upon thee . And he urged him much , but he would not go , and he blessed him . * And Abshalom said , If not , let , I pray thee , Amnon my brother go with us . And the king said to him , Why should he go with thee ? * But Abshalom urged him greatly , and he sent with him Amnon and all the sons of the king . * Now Abshalom commanded his servants , saying , Mark ye , I pray you , when Annon ’s heart is merry with wine , and I say unto you , Smite Amnon : then kill him , fear not ; behold , it is I who command it you ; be firm and show yourselves men of valor . * And the servants of Abshalom did unto Amnon as Abshalom had commanded . Then arose all the king ’s sons , and they rode off , every man on his mule , and fled . * And it happened , while they were on the way , that the report came to David , saying , Abshalom hath smitten all the king ’s sons , and there is not one of them left . * Then arose the king and rent his garments , and laid himself on the earth : and all his servants were standing by with their garments rent . * But Yonadab the son of Shim ’ah , David ’s brother , commenced and said , Let not my Lord suppose that they have slain all the young men , the king ’s sons ; since Amnon alone is dead ; for by the command of Abshalom was this ordained from the day that he violated Thamar his sister . * And now let not my Lord the king take the thing to his heart , thinking , that all the king ’s sons are dead ; for Amnon alone is dead . * And Abshalom flew away . And the young man that was watching lifted up his eyes , and looked , and behold , many people were coming by the way behind him , by the side of the mount . * And Yonadab said to the king , The king ’s sons are come : according to the word of thy servant , so hath it come to pass . * And it happened , as he had just finished speaking , that , behold , the king ’s sons came , and they lifted up their voice and wept ; and also the king and all his servants wept very much . * But Abshalom had fled ; and he went to Talmai , the son of ‘Ammihud , the king of Geshur : and mourned for his son all the time . * So did Abshalom fly , and go to Geshur , and he remained there three years . * And king David longed to go forth unto Abshalom ; for he was comforted concerning Amnon , that he was dead . * And when now Joab the son of Zeruyah perceived that the heart of the king was toward Abshalom : * Then sent Joab to Tekoa ’, and he fetched thence a wise woman , and said to her , Feign . I pray thee , as though thou mournest , and do put on mourning garments , and anoint thyself not with oil ; but be as a woman that hath these many days been mourning for the dead . * And thou must come to the king and speak with him after these words : and Joab put the words into her mouth . * And the woman from Tekoa ’ spoke to the king , and fell on her face to the ground , and bowed herself , and said , Help , O king ! * And the king said unto her , What aileth thee ? And she said , Truly , I am a widow –woman ; since my husband is dead . * And thy hand –maid had two sons , and they two quarreled together in the field , and there was no one between them to help ; so the one smote the other , and slew him . * And , behold , the whole family is risen up against thy handmaid , and they said , Give up the slayer of his brother , that we may have him put to death , for the life of his brother whom he hath killed ; and we will destroy also the heir : and thus they will quench my coal which is remaining , so as not to allow to my husband either name or remainder upon the face of the earth . * And the king said unto the woman , Go to thy house , and I will issue charge concerning thee . * Then said the woman of Tekoa unto the king , On me , my Lord , O king , be the iniquity , and on my father ’s house : and may the king and his throne be guiltless . * And the king said , Whosoever speaketh aught unto thee , bring him to me , and he shall not touch thee any more . * Then said she , Let the king , I pray thee , remember the Lord thy God , so as not to suffer the avenger of the blood to cause yet more destruction , and that they may not destroy my son . And he said , As the Lord liveth , there shall not fall one hair of thy son to the earth . * Then said the woman , Let thy hand –maid , I pray thee , speak unto my Lord the king one word . And he said , Speak on . * And the woman said , Wherefore then hast thou thought such a thing against the people of God ? and since the king doth speak this thing , he is as a guilty man , if the king do not permit his banished one to return home . * For we must needs die , and are as water which is spilt on the ground , which cannot be gathered up again ; and yet doth God not take away life ; and he deviseth thoughts , so that the banished one may not remain banished from him . * And now that I am come to speak unto my Lord the king of this thing , because the people made me afraid ; and therefore thy hand –maid said , I will still speak unto the king ; perhaps the king may act the word of his hand –maid . * For the king may hear , to deliver his hand –maid out of the hand of the man to exterminate me and my son together out of the inheritance of God . * And thy hand –maid said , May the word of my Lord the king now become repose ; for as an angel of God , so is my Lord the king to comprehend the good and the bad : and may the Lord thy God be with thee . * Then answered the king and said unto the woman , Conceal not , I pray thee , from me a word concerning what I am going to ask thee . And the woman said , Let my Lord the king but speak . * And the king said , Is not the hand of Joab with thee in all this ? And the woman answered and said , As thy soul liveth , my Lord , O king ! none can turn to the right or to the left from all that my Lord the king hath spoken ; for it was thy servant Joab who hath bidden me , and it was he that hath put in the mouth of thy hand –maid all these words . * In order to change the appearance of the matter hath thy servant Joab done this thing : and my Lord is wise , according to the wisdom of an angel of God , to know all that is on the earth . * And the king said unto Joab , Behold , now , thou hast done this thing : go then , bring back the young man Abshalom . * And Joab fell on his face to the ground , and bowed himself , and blessed the king : and Joab said , Today is thy servant convinced that I have found grace in thy eyes , my Lord , O king ; since the king hath acted in accordance with the word of thy servant . * And Joab arose and went to Geshur , and brought Abshalom to Jerusalem . * And the king said , Let him repair to his own house , but my face he shall not see . So Abshalom repaired to his own house , but the king ’s face he did not see . * And like Abshalom there was no man as handsome in all Israel , so that he was greatly praised : from the sole of his foot up to the crown of his head there was no blemish on him . * And when he shaved off his head he weighed the hair of his head at two hundred shekels by the king ’s weight . * And there was born unto Abshalom three sons and one daughter , whose name was Thamar : this one was a woman of handsome appearance . * And Abshalom dwelt two full years in Jerusalem , and the king ’s face he did not see . * Abshalom sent out therefore for Joab , to send him to the king ; but he would not come to him : and he sent again the second time ; but he would not come . * He thereupon said unto his servants , See , Joab ’s field is alongside of mine , and he hath barley there : go and set it on fire . And Abshalom ’s servants set the field on fire . * Then did Joab arise , and he went to Abshalom unto his house , and said unto him , Wherefore have thy servants set the field belonging to me on fire ? * And Abshalom said to Joab , Behold , I had sent unto thee , saying , Come hither , that I may send thee to the king , to say , Wherefore am I come from Geshur ? it would be better for me were I yet there : and now let me see the king ’s face ; and if there be any iniquity in me , let him put me to death . * So Joab went to the king , and told it to him : and he called for Abshalom , who came to the king , and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the king ; and the king kissed Abshalom . * And it came to pass after this , that Abshalom provided for himself a chariot and horses , and fifty men who ran before him . * And Abshalom rose up early , and stood on the side of the way to the gate : and it happened , that whenever a man who had a controversy came to the king for judgment , Abshalom called to him , and said , From what city art thou ? And he said , Thy servant is from one of the tribes of Israel . * And Abshalom said unto him , See , thy words are good and right ; but no one listeneth to thee on the part of the king . * And Abshalom said , Oh , if there were but one to appoint me judge in the land , so that every man who may have any controversy or cause might come unto me , and I would do him justice ! * And it happened , that when a man came nigh to bow down to him , he used to put forth his hand , and laid hold of him , and kissed him . * And Abshalom did after this manner to all Israel that came to the king for judgment : and thus did Abshalom steal the heart of the men of Israel . * And it came to pass at the end of forty years , that Abshalom said unto the king , Let me go , I pray thee , and fulfill my vow , which I have vowed unto the Lord , at Hebron . * For thy servant vowed a vow while I abode at Geshur in Syria , saying , If the Lord will ever bring me back again to Jerusalem , then will I serve the Lord . * And the king said unto him , Go in peace : and he arose , and went to Hebron . * But Abshalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel , saying , When ye hear the sound of the cornet , then shall ye say , Abshalom is become king at Hebron . * And with Abshalom went two hundred men out of Jerusalem , who were invited , and going in their simplicity ; and they knew of nothing whatever . * And Abshalom sent for Achithophel the Gilomite , David ’s counsellor , from his city , from Giloh , while he offered the sacrifices . And the conspiracy became strong ; and the people increased continually with Abshalom . * And there came a news –bearer to David , saying , the heart of the men of Israel is turned after Abshalom . * And David said unto all his servants that were with him at Jerusalem , Arise , and let us flee ; for there will not be any escape for us from Abshalom : make haste , to depart , lest he make haste and overtake us suddenly and overwhelm us with evil , and smite the city with the edge of the sword . * And the king ’s servants said unto the king , In accordance with all that my Lord the king may choose , are thy servants ready . * And the king went forth , and all his household in his train . And the king left behind ten women , who were concubines , to guard the house . * And the king went forth , and all the people in his train , and tarried in a place that was far off . * And all his servants passed on alongside of him , and all the Kerethites , and all the Pelethites ; and all the Gittites , six hundred men , who were come in his train from Gath , passed on before the king . * Then said the king to Ittai the Gittite , Wherefore wilt thou also go with us ? turn back and abide with the king ; for thou art a stranger , and also an exile from thy place . * Yesterday thou camest ; and today should I move thee about with us to wander ? seeing that I go whither I may : return thou , and take back thy brethren with thee , in kindness and truth . * And Ittai answered the king , and said , As the Lord liveth , and as my Lord the king liveth , surely in whatever place my Lord the king may be , whether for death or for life , even there will thy servant be . * And David said then to Ittai , Go and pass on . And Ittai the Gittite passed on , and all his men , and all the little ones that were with him . * And all the country wept with a loud voice , as all the people passed on : and the king passed over the brook Kidron , and all the people passed over , along the way to the wilderness . * And lo , Zadok also , and all the Levites with him , were bearing the ark of the covenant of God ; and they set down the ark of God ; and Ebyathar went up , until all the people had finished passing out of the city . * And the king said unto Zadok , Carry back the ark of God into the city ; if I shall find favor in the eyes of the Lord , he will bring me back again , and show me both it , and his dwelling ; * But if he should thus say , I have no delight in thee : here am I , let him do to me as seemeth good in his eyes . * The king said also unto Zadok the priest , If thou see the justice of this , return to the city in peace : and your two sons , Achima ’az thy son , and Jonathan the son of Ebyathar , are with you . * See , I will tarry in the plain of the wilderness , until there come word from you to bring me news . * Zadok therefore and Ebyathar carried the ark of God again to Jerusalem : and they remained there . * And David went up by the ascent of the mount of Olives , weeping as he went up , and had his head covered , and he was walking barefoot : and all the people that were with him covered every man his head , and they went up , weeping as they went up . * And some one told David , saying , Achithophel is among the conspirators with Abshalom . And David said , I pray thee , turn into foolishness the counsel of Achithophel , O Lord ! * And it came to pass , that , when David was come to the top , where he used to bow himself down to God , behold , Chushai the Arkite came to meet him with his coat rent , and earth upon his head . * And David said unto him , If thou passest on with me , thou wouldst be a burden unto me ; * But if thou shouldst return to the city , and say unto Abshalom , Thy servant will I be , O king ; thy father ’s servant have I been this long time past , and now will I also be thy servant : then mightest thou defeat for me the counsel of Achithophel . * And , behold , thou hast with thee there Zadok and Ebyathar the priests ; therefore shall it be , that what thing soever thou mayest hear out of the king ’s house , shalt thou tell to Zadok and Ebyathar the priests . * Behold , they have there with them their two sons . Achima ’az for Zadok , and Jonathan for Ebyathar : and ye shall send by means of them unto me whatever thing ye can hear . * So Chushai , David ’s friend , came into the city , as Abshalom had just resolved to enter into Jerusalem . * And when David was passed a little beyond the top , behold , Ziba the servant of Mephibosheth came toward him , with a couple of asses saddled , and upon them two hundred loaves of bread , and a hundred bunches of raisins , and a hundred of dried figs , and a bottle of wine . * And the king said unto Ziba , What meanest thou with these ? And Ziba said , The asses are for the king ’s household to ride on ; and the bread and the dried figs for the young men to eat ; and the wine to drink for such as may be faint in the wilderness . * And the king said , And where is thy master ’s son ? And Ziba said unto the king , Behold , he remaineth at Jerusalem ; for he said , Today will the house of Israel restore unto me the kingdom of my father . * Then said the king to Ziba , Behold , thine shall be all that pertaineth unto Mephibosheth . And Ziba said , I prostrate myself ; let me but find grace in thy eyes , my Lord , O king . * And when King David came as far as Bachurim , behold , there came out thence a man of the family of the house of Saul , whose name was Shim ’i , the son of Gera , coming forth , and cursing . * And he cast stones at David , and at all the servants of king David : and all the people and all the mighty men were on his right and on his left . * And thus said Shim ’i as he cursed , Away , away , thou man of blood , and thou worthless man ! * The Lord hath brought back upon thee all the blood of the house of Saul , in whose stead thou didst reign ; and the Lord hath placed the kingdom into the hand of Abshalom thy son ; and , behold , thou art now in thy misfortune , because a man of blood art thou . * Then said Abishai the son of Zeruyah unto the king , Why should this dead dog curse my Lord the king ? let me go over , I pray thee , and remove his head . * And the king said , What have I to do with you , ye sons of Zeruyah ? so let him curse ; because the Lord hath said unto him , Curse David . Who shall then say , Wherefore hast thou done so ? * And David said to Abishai , and to all his servants , Behold , my son , who hath come forth out of my own body , seeketh my life : how much more now this Benjamite ? let him alone , and let him curse ; for the Lord hath said it to him . * Perhaps the Lord will look on my affliction , and the Lord will requite me good instead of his cursing this day . * And David and his men went on the way . And Shim ’i went on the side of the mount opposite to him , and cursed as he went , and threw stones toward him , and cast dust . * And the king , and all the people that were with him , arrived weary , and refreshed themselves there . * And Abshalom , and all the people the men of Israel , came to Jerusalem , and Achithophel with him . * And it came to pass , when Chushai the Arkite , David ’s friend , was come unto Abshalom , that Chushai said unto Abshalom , Long live the king ! Long live the king ! * And Abshalom said to Chushai , Is this thy kindness for thy friend ? why art thou not gone with thy friend ? * And Chushai said unto Abshalom , No ; but whom the Lord , and this people , and all the men of Israel have chosen , his will I be , and with him will I remain . * And secondly , who is it whom I shall serve ? is it not in the presence of his son ? as I have served in thy father ’s presence , so will I be in thy presence . * Then said Abshalom to Achithophel , Hold counsel among yourselves as to what we shall do . * And Achithophel said unto Abshalom , Go in unto thy father ’s concubines , whom he hath left to guard the house ; and all Israel will hear that thou art in bad odor with thy father : and then will the hands of all that are with thee become strong . * So they spread for Abshalom a tent upon the roof ; and Abshalom went in unto his father ’s concubines before the eyes of all Israel . * And the counsel of Achithophel , which he counseled in those days , was as if a man had asked advice of the word of God : so was all the counsel of Achithophel both with David and with Abshalom . * Moreover Achithophel said unto Abshalom , Do let me now select twelve thousand men , and I will arise and pursue after David this night ;

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