
rwp@2Thessalonians:1:7 @{Rest with us} (\anesin meth' hˆm“n\). Let up, release. Old word from \aniˆmi\, from troubles here (2Corinthians:2:13; strkjv@7:5; strkjv@8:13|), and hereafter as in this verse. Vivid word. They shared suffering with Paul (verse 5|) and so they will share (\meth'\) the {rest}. {At the revelation of the Lord Jesus} (\en tˆi apokalupsei tou Kuriou Iˆsou\). Here the \Parousia\ (1Thessalonians:2:19; strkjv@3:13; strkjv@5:23|) is pictured as a {Revelation} (Un-veiling, \apo-kalupsis\) of the Messiah as in strkjv@1Corinthians:1:7, strkjv@1Peter:1:7,13| (cf. strkjv@Luke:17:30|). At this Unveiling of the Messiah there will come the {recompense} (verse 6|) to the persecutors and the {rest} from the persecutions. This Revelation will be {from heaven} (\ap' ouranou\) as to place and {with the angels of his power} (\met' aggel“n duname“s autou\) as the retinue and {in flaming fire} (\en puri phlogos\, in a fire of flame, fire characterized by flame). In strkjv@Acts:7:30| the text is {flame of fire} where \puros\ is genitive (like strkjv@Isaiah:66:15|) rather than \phlogos\ as here (Exodus:3:2|).

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