
rwp@2Thessalonians:3:3 @{But the Lord is faithful} (\pistos de estin ho kurios\). {But faithful is the Lord} (correct rendition), with a play (paronomasia) on \pistis\ by \pistos\ as in strkjv@Romans:3:3| we have a word-play on \apiste“\ and \apistia\. The Lord can be counted on, however perverse men may be. {From the evil one} (\apo tou ponˆrou\). Apparently a reminiscence of the Lord's Prayer in strkjv@Matthew:6:13| \rusai hˆmas apo tou ponˆrou\. But here as there it is not certain whether \tou ponˆrou\ is neuter (evil) like to \ponˆron\ in strkjv@Romans:12:9| or masculine (the evil one). But we have \ho ponˆros\ (the evil one) in strkjv@1John:5:18| and \tou ponˆrou\ is clearly masculine in strkjv@Ephesians:6:16|. If masculine here, as is probable, is it "the Evil One" (Ellicott) or merely the evil man like those mentioned in verse 2|? Perhaps Paul has in mind the representative of Satan, the man of sin, pictured in strkjv@2:1-12|, by the phrase here without trying to be too definite.

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