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* This (note :)The seventh admonition : we may not hope for a Church in this world without corruption : but there will be rather great abundance of most wicked men even in the very bosom of the Church , who will nonetheless make a show and countenance of great holiness , and charity .(:note ) know also , that in the last days perilous times shall come . * For men shall be lovers of their own selves , covetous , boasters , proud , blasphemers , disobedient to parents , unthankful , (note :)Who make no account , either of right or honesty .(:note ) unholy , * Without naturall affection , truce breakers , false accusers , intemperate , fierce , no louers at all of them which are good , * Traitours , headie , high minded , louers of pleasures more then louers of God , * Having a form of godliness , but denying the power thereof : (note :)We must not tarry with those men who resist the truth not from simple ignorance , but from a perverse mind , (which thing appears by their fruits which he graphically displays here ); rather , we must turn away from them .(:note ) from such turn away . * For of this sort are they which creepe into houses , and leade captiue simple women laden with sinnes , and led with diuers lustes , * Which women are euer learning , and are neuer able to come to the acknowledging of the trueth . * And as Iannes and Iambres withstoode Moses , so doe these also resist the trueth , men of corrupt mindes , reprobate concerning the faith . * * * Persecutions , afflictions , which came unto me at (note :)Which is in Pisidia .(:note ) Antioch , at Iconium , at Lystra ; what persecutions I endured : but out of [them ] all the Lord delivered me . * Yea , and all that will liue godly in Christ Iesus , shall suffer persecution . * But evil men and seducers shall wax (note :)Their wickedness will daily increase .(:note ) worse and worse , deceiving , and being deceived . * But continue thou in the thinges which thou hast learned , and which are committed vnto thee , knowing of who thou hast learned them : * And that thou hast knowen the holy Scriptures of a childe , which are able to make thee wise vnto saluation , through the faith which is in Christ Iesus . * * That the (note :)The Prophets and expounders of God 's will are properly and distinctly called , men of God .(:note ) man of God may be perfect , throughly furnished unto all good works .

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