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* I testify before God and Christ Jesus , who is about to judge living and dead , and by his appearing and his kingdom , * proclaim the word ; be urgent in season [and ] out of season , convict , rebuke , encourage , with all longsuffering and doctrine . * For the time shall be when they will not bear sound teaching ; but according to their own lusts will heap up to themselves teachers , having an itching ear ; * and they will turn away their ear from the truth , and will have turned aside to fables . * But thou , be sober in all things , bear evils , do [the ] work of an evangelist , fill up the full measure of thy ministry . * For I am already being poured out , and the time of my release is come . * I have combated the good combat , I have finished the race , I have kept the faith . * Henceforth the crown of righteousness is laid up for me , which the Lord , the righteous Judge , will render to me in that day ; but not only to me , but also to all who love his appearing . * Use diligence to come to me quickly ; * for Demas has forsaken me , having loved the present age , and is gone to Thessalonica ; Crescens to Galatia , Titus to Dalmatia . * Luke alone is with me . Take Mark , and bring [him ] with thyself , for he is serviceable to me for ministry . * But Tychicus I have sent to Ephesus . * The cloak which I left behind [me ] in Troas at Carpus 's , bring when thou comest , and the books , especially the parchments . * Alexander the smith did many evil things against me . The Lord will render to him according to his works . * Against whom be thou also on thy guard , for he has greatly withstood our words . * At my first defence no man stood with me , but all deserted me . May it not be imputed to them . * But the Lord stood with [me ], and gave me power , that through me the proclamation might be fully made , and all [those of ] the nations should hear ; and I was delivered out of the lion 's mouth . * The Lord shall deliver me from every wicked work , and shall preserve [me ] for his heavenly kingdom ; to whom [be ] glory for the ages of ages . Amen . * Salute Prisca and Aquila , and the house of Onesiphorus . * Erastus remained in Corinth , but Trophimus I left behind in Miletus sick . * Use diligence to come before winter . Eubulus salutes thee , and Pudens , and Linus , and Claudia , and the brethren all . * The Lord Jesus Christ [be ] with your spirit . Grace [be ] with you .

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