
rwp@Acts:13:33 @{Hath fulfilled} (\ekpeplˆr“ken\). Hath filled out (\ek\). {Unto our children} (\tois teknois hˆm“n\). The MSS. vary greatly here about \hˆm“n\ (our), some have \aut“n\, some \aut“n hˆmin\. Westcott and Hort consider these readings "a primitive error" for \hˆmin\ (to us) taken with \anastˆsas Iˆsoun\ (having for us raised up Jesus). This raising up (from \anistˆmi\, set up) as in strkjv@3:22; strkjv@7:37| refers not to resurrection (verse 34|), but to the sending of Jesus (two raisings up). {In the second psalm} (\en t“i psalm“i t“i deuter“i\). strkjv@Psalms:2:7|. D has \pr“t“i\ because the first psalm was often counted as merely introductory.

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