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* And it came about while Rav Apollos was in Corinth that Rav Sha 'ul traveled through the upper regions and arrived at Ephesus , finding some of [Moshiach 's ] talmidim there . * And Rav Sha 'ul said to them , "Did you receive the Ruach Hakodesh when you came to emunah ?" But they said to Rav Sha 'ul , "But we never heard that there is a Ruach Hakodesh !" * And Rav Sha 'ul said , "Into what then were you given tevilah ?" And they said , "Into the tevilah of Yochanan ." * And Rav Sha 'ul said , "Yochanan gave a tevilah of teshuva to the people , saying that they should have emunah in Hu HaBah [Moshiach ], the one coming after him , that is , in Yehoshua ." * And having heard this , they were given Moshiach 's tevilah of teshuva in ha-Shem of the Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua . * And when Rav Sha 'ul placed his hands upon them , the Ruach Hakodesh came upon them , and they were speaking in leshonot and they were speaking dvarim hanevu 'ah . * And the anashim were about sheneym asar in number . * And having joined the minyan at the shul , Rav Sha 'ul was speaking with ometz lev during the course of shloshah chodashim , debating and persuading concerning the things of the Malchut Hashem . * But when some unbelievers in the shul were being hardened and were disobeying , speaking Chillul Hashem of the Derech Hashem before the multitude , Rav Sha 'ul withdrew from them . Rav Sha 'ul took the Moshiach 's talmidim and yom yom was saying shiurim in the yeshiva of Tyrannus . * And this happened over a period of shenatayim (note :)two years (:note ) with the intended result that all the ones inhabiting [the Roman Province of ] Asia heard the dvar Hashem , both Yehudim and Yevanim . BNEI SKEVA : A CONTRAST BETWEEN THE WORKS OF JEWISH CHARLATANS AND THE TRUE MA 'ASIM OF MOSHIACH 'S AUTHENTIC SHLUCHIM * And gevaltike moftim and niflaot Hashem effected at the hands of Rav Sha 'ul , * so that when a mitpachat (note :)handkerchief (:note ) or a sinnar apron touched the skin of Rav Sha 'ul and was brought to the cholim , the machalot and the shedim left them . * And some travelling Jewish exorcists attempted to use ha-Shem of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua over the ones possessed of ruchot ra 'ot , saying , "I exorcise and cast you out by the Yehoshua whom Rav Sha 'ul preaches !" * And there were doing this very thing shivat banim of a certain Skeva , a Jewish "Kohen Gadol ." * And in reply the ruach hara 'ah (note :)the shed (:note ) said to them , "I am acquainted with Yehoshua , and I have da 'as of Sha 'ul , but , you ?...who are you ?!" * And the ish in whom was the ruach hara 'ah leaped upon them and subdued all [shivah ] of them , and overpowered them , so that they fled , naked and wounded , from the bais . WHEN THE DVAR HASHEM OF REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH ARRIVES , THE MAGIC SEGULLOT (note :)CHARMS (:note ) AND OCCULT BOOKS ABOUT KAMAYOT AMULETS , ETC OF THE PSEUDO-REBBES AND MAGICIANS ARE BURNED , WITH THE KO 'ACH OF THE RUACH HAKODESH MAKING THE BEST UPSHLUG REFUTATION OF THEIR OCCULT LORE AND BONDAGE AND DOMINATION * And this became known to all the Yehudim and also the Yevanim inhabiting Ephesus , and pachad fell upon all of them , and they were exalting ha-Shem of the Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua . * And many of the ones having come to emunah were making vidduy of their ma 'asim , disclosing them . * And a number of the ones who had practiced kishuf (note :)magic (:note ) brought together their occult sfarim and were burning them publicly ; and they added up the price of these occult sfarim , and they found it to be fifty thousand silver pieces . * So the dvar Hashem , the Besuras HaGeulah , was growing with ko 'ach and was prevailing . THE KUNTZ (note :)STRATEGY (:note ) OF RAV SHA 'UL IN GOING FROM YERUSHALAYIM TO ROME AND THE DISTURBANCE AND RIOT CONCERNING THE DERECH HASHEM OF ORTHODOX JUDAISM AS GOYISHE IDOL-WORSHIPERS DO WHAT UNBELIEVING YEHUDIM HAD DONE : PERSECUTE MOSHIACH 'S SHLIACH

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[BookofActs] [Acts:18] [Acts:19] [Acts:20] [Discuss] Tag Acts:19:1-20 [Audio][Presentation]