
rwp@Acts:20:24 @{But I hold not my life of any account} (\all' oudenos logou poioumai tˆn psuchˆn\). Neat Greek idiom, accusative \psuchˆn\ and genitive \logou\ and then Paul adds "dear unto myself" (\timian emaut“i\) in apposition with \psuchˆn\ (really a combination of two constructions). {Songs:that I may accomplish my course} (\h“s telei“s“ dromon mou\). Rather, "In order that" (purpose, not result). Aleph and B read \telei“s“\ here (first aorist active subjunctive) rather than \telei“sai\ (first aorist active infinitive). It is the lone instance in the N.T. of \h“s\ as a final particle (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 987). Paul in strkjv@Acts:13:25| in his sermon at Antioch in Pisidia described John as fulfilling his course and in strkjv@2Timothy:4:7| he will say: "I have finished my course" (\ton dromon teteleka\). He will run the race to the end. {Which I received from the Lord Jesus} (\hˆn elabon para tou kuriou Iˆsou\). Of that fact he never had a doubt and it was a proud boast (Gal strkjv@1:1; strkjv@Romans:11:13|). {The gospel of the grace of God} (\to euaggelion tˆs charitos tou theou\). To Paul the gospel consisted in the grace of God. See this word "grace" (\charis\) in Romans and his other Epistles.

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