
rwp@Acts:27:14 @{After no long time} (\met' ou polu\). Litotes again. {Beat down from it} (\ebalen kat' autˆs\). Second aorist active indicative of \ball“\, to throw. Here "dashed" (intransitive). \Autˆs\ is in the ablative, not genitive case, beat "down from it" (Crete), not "against it or on it." (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 606). \Autˆs\ cannot refer to \ploion\ (boat) which is neuter. Songs:the ablative case with \kata\ as in strkjv@Mark:5:13|, Homer also. The Cretan mountains are over 7,000 feet high. {A tempestuous wind which is called Euraquilo} (\anemos tuph“nikos ho kaloumenos Eurakul“n\). \Tuph“n=Tuph“s\ was used for the typhoon, a violent whirlwind (\turbo\) or squall. This word gives the character of the wind. The \Eurakul“n\ (reading of Aleph A B against the Textus Receptus \Euroklud“n\) has not been found elsewhere. Blass calls it a hybrid word compounded of the Greek \euros\ (east wind) and the Latin \aquilo\ (northeast). It is made like \euronotos\ (southeast). The Vulgate has _euroaquilo_. It is thus the east north east wind. Page considers Euroclydon to be a corruption of Euraquilo. Here the name gives the direction of the wind.

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