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* Now the multitude of the believers was of one heart and one soul , nor did any one of them say that any of his possessions was his own ; but they had all things common . * And the apostles continued with great power to give their witness concerning the resurrection of the Lord Jesus , and great grace was upon them all . * Nor was there any one of them in want , for all who owned houses or lands would sell them and bring the price of the things that were sold , and lay it at the apostles feet ; * and distribution would be made to each according to his need . * In this way Joseph , whom the apostles called Barnabas ("Son of Encouragement " is what it means ), who was a native Cyprus , * sold a farm which he had , and brought the price , and laid it at the apostles feet .

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[BookofActs] [Acts:3] [Acts:4] [Acts:5] [Discuss] Tag Acts:4:32-5 [Audio][Presentation]