
Seeker Overlay ON

* And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders done among the people ; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon 's porch , * but of the rest durst no man join them , but the people magnified them ; * and believers were more than ever added to the Lord , multitudes both of men and women ;) * so that they brought out the sick into the streets and put [them ] on beds and couches , that at least the shadow of Peter , when he came , might overshadow some one of them . * And the multitude also of the cities round about came together to Jerusalem , bringing sick persons and persons beset by unclean spirits , who were all healed . * And the high priest rising up , and all they that were with him , which is the sect of the Sadducees , were filled with wrath , * and laid hands on the apostles and put them in the public prison . * But an angel of [the ] Lord during the night opened the doors of the prison , and leading them out , said , * Go ye and stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life . * And when they heard it , they entered very early into the temple and taught . And when the high priest was come , and they that were with him , they called together the council and all the elderhood of the sons of Israel , and sent to the prison to have them brought . * And when the officers were come , they did not find them in the prison ; and returned and reported * saying , We found the prison shut with all security , and the keepers standing at the doors ; but when we had opened [them ], within we found no one . * And when they heard these words , both the priest and the captain of the temple and the chief priests were in perplexity as to them , what this would come to . * And some one coming reported to them , Lo , the men whom ye put in the prison are in the temple , standing and teaching the people . * Then the captain , having gone with the officers , brought them , not with violence , for they feared the people , lest they should be stoned . * And they bring them and set them in the council . And the high priest asked them , * saying , We strictly enjoined you not to teach in this name : and lo , ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine , and purpose to bring upon us the blood of this man . * But Peter answering , and the apostles , said , God must be obeyed rather than men . * The God of our fathers has raised up Jesus , whom ye have slain , having hanged on a cross . * Him has God exalted by his right hand as leader and saviour , to give repentance to Israel and remission of sins . * And we are [his ] witnesses of these things , and the Holy Spirit also , which God has given to those that obey him . * But they , when they heard [these things ], were cut to the heart , and took counsel to kill them . * But a certain [man ], a Pharisee , named Gamaliel , a teacher of the law , held in honour of all the people , rose up in the council , and commanded to put the men out for a short while , * and said to them , Men of Israel , take heed to yourselves as regards these men what ye are going to do ; * for before these days Theudas rose up , alleging himself to be somebody , to whom a number of men , about four hundred , were joined ; who was slain , and all , as many as obeyed him , were dispersed and came to nothing . * After him rose Judas the Galilean in the days of the census , and drew away [a number of ] people after him ; and he perished , and all , as many as obeyed him , were scattered abroad . * And now I say to you , Withdraw from these men and let them alone , for if this counsel or this work have its origin from men , it will be destroyed ; * but if it be from God , ye will not be able to put them down , lest ye be found also fighters against God . * And they listened to his advice ; and having called the apostles , they beat them , and enjoined them not to speak in the name of Jesus , and dismissed them . * They therefore went their way from [the ] presence of the council , rejoicing that they were counted worthy to be dishonoured for the name . * And every day , in the temple and in the houses , they ceased not teaching and announcing the glad tidings that Jesus [was ] the Christ .

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[BookofActs] [Acts:4] [Acts:5] [Acts:6] [Discuss] Tag Acts:5:12-42 [Audio][Presentation]