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* Then (note :)Steven is allowed to plead his cause , but for this reason and purpose , that under a disguise and pretence of the Law he might be condemned .(:note ) said the high priest , Are these things so ? * * And said vnto him , Come out of thy countrey , and from thy kindred , and come into the land , which I shall shewe thee . * Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans , and dwelt in Charran ; after that his father was dead , God brought him from thence into this land , wherein ye now dwell , * And he gave him none inheritance in it , no , not [so much as ] to (note :)Not enough ground to even set his foot upon .(:note ) set his foot on : yet he The promise of the possession was certain , and belonged to Abraham , though it was his posterity that enjoyed it a great while after his death : and this is the figure of speech synecdoche . promised that he would give it to him for a possession , and to his seed after him , when [as yet ] he had no child . * And God spake on this wise , That his seed should sojourn in a strange land ; and that they should bring them into bondage , and entreat [them ] evil (note :)Four hundred years are counted from the beginning of Abraham 's progeny , which was at the birth of Isaac : and four hundred and thirty years which are spoken of by Paul in ( Gal_3:17 ), from the time that Abraham and his father departed together out of Ur of the Chaldeans .(:note ) four hundred years . * But the nation to whome they shall be in bondage , will I iudge , sayth God : and after that , they shall come forth and serue me in this place . * Hee gaue him also the couenant of circumcision : and so Abraham begate Isaac , and circumcised him the eight day : and Isaac begate Iacob , and Iacob the twelue Patriarkes . * * And delivered him out of all his afflictions , and gave him (note :)Gave him favour in Pharaoh 's sight because of his wisdom .(:note ) favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt ; and he made him governor over Egypt and all his house . * Then came there a famine ouer all the land of Egypt and Chanaan , and great affliction , that our fathers found no sustenance . * But when Iacob heard that there was corne in Egypt , he sent our fathers first : * And at the second time , Ioseph was knowen of his brethren , and Iosephs kindred was made knowen vnto Pharao . * Then sent Ioseph and caused his father to be brought , and all his kindred , euen threescore and fifteene soules . * So Iacob went downe into Egypt , and he dyed , and our fathers , * And were (note :)The patriarchs who were the sons of Jacob , though only Joseph is mentioned ; ( Jos_24:32 ).(:note ) carried over into Sychem , and laid in the sepulchre that Abraham bought for a sum of money of the sons of Emmor [the father ] of Sychem . * But when the time of the promes drewe neere , which God had sworne to Abraham , the people grewe and multiplied in Egypt , * Till another King arose , which knewe not Ioseph . * The same (note :)He devised a subtle plan against our stock , in that he commanded all the males to be cast out .(:note ) dealt subtilly with our kindred , and evil entreated our fathers , so that they cast out their young children , to the end they might not live . * In which time Moses was born , and was (note :)This child was born through God 's merciful goodness and favour , to be of a lovely and fair countenance .(:note ) exceeding fair , and nourished up in his father 's house three months : * And when he was cast out , Pharaos daughter tooke him vp , and nourished him for her owne sonne . * And Moses was learned in all the wisdome of the Egyptians , and was mightie in wordes and in deedes . * Nowe when he was full fourtie yeere olde , it came into his heart to visite his brethren , the children of Israel . * And whe he saw one of them suffer wrong , he defended him , &amp ; auenged his quarell that had the harme done to him , and smote the Egyptian . * For hee supposed his brethren would haue vnderstand , that God by his hande should giue them deliuerance : but they vnderstoode it not . * And the next day , he shewed himselfe vnto them as they stroue , and woulde haue set them at one againe , saying , Syrs , ye are brethren : why doe ye wrong one to another ? * But he that did his neighbour wrong , thrust him away , saying , Who made thee a prince , and a iudge ouer vs ? * Wilt thou kill mee , as thou diddest the Egyptian yesterday ? * Then fled Moses at that saying , and was a stranger in the land of Madian , where he begate two sonnes . * And when forty years were expired , there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina an (note :)Now , he calls the Son of God an angel , for he is the angel of great counsel , and therefore immediately after he describes him as saying to Moses , «I am the God of thy fathers , etc .»(:note ) angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush . * And when Moses sawe it , hee wondred at the sight : and as he drew neere to consider it , the voyce of the Lord came vnto him , saying , * I am the God of thy fathers , the God of Abraham , and the God of Isaac , and the God of Iacob . Then Moses trembled , &amp ; durst not behold it . * Then the Lord said to him , Put off thy shoes from thy feete : for the place where thou standest , is holy ground . * I haue seene , I haue seene the affliction of my people , which is in Egypt , &amp ; I haue heard their groning , and am come downe to deliuer them : and nowe come , and I will sende thee into Egypt . * This Moses whom they refused , saying , Who made thee a ruler and a judge ? the same did God send [to be ] a ruler and a deliverer by the (note :)By the power .(:note ) hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush . * Hee brought them out , doing wonders , and miracles in the land of Egypt , and in the red sea , and in the wildernes fourtie yeeres . * * This is he that was in the Congregation , in the wildernes with the Angell , which spake to him in mount Sina , and with our fathers , who receiued the liuely oracles to giue vnto vs . * To whom our fathers would not obey , but refused , and in their hearts turned backe againe into Egypt : * Saying vnto Aaron , Make vs gods that may goe before vs : for we knowe not what is become of this Moses that brought vs out of the land of Egypt . * And they made a (note :)This was the superstition of the Egyptian 's idolatry : for they worshipped Apis , a strange and marvellous looking calf , and made beautiful images of cows .(:note ) calf in those days , and offered sacrifice unto the idol , and rejoiced in the works of their own hands . * Then God turned , and (note :)Being destitute and void of his Spirit , he gave them up to Satan , and wicked lusts , to worship stars .(:note ) gave them up to worship the By «the host of heaven » here he does not mean the angels , but the moon , and sun , and other stars . host of heaven ; as it is written in the book of the prophets , O ye house of Israel , have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices [by the space of ] forty years in the wilderness ? * Yea , ye (note :)You took it upon your shoulders and carried it .(:note ) took up the tabernacle of Moloch , and the star of your god Remphan , figures which ye made to worship them : and I will carry you away beyond Babylon . * * Which also our fathers that came after (note :)Delivered from hand to hand .(:note ) brought in with Jesus into the This is said using the figure of speech metonymy , and refers to the countries which the Gentiles possessed . possession of the Gentiles , whom God drave out God drove them out that they should yield up the possession of those countries to our fathers when they entered into the land . before the face of our fathers , unto the days of David ; * Who found fauour before God , and desired that hee might finde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob . * * Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with handes , as saith the Prophet , * Heauen is my throne , and earth is my footestoole : what house wil ye build for me , saith the Lord ? or what place is it that I should rest in ? * Hath not mine hand made all these things ? * * Which of the Prophets haue not your fathers persecuted ? &amp ; they haue slaine them , which shewed before of the comming of that Iust , of whome ye are now the betrayers and murtherers , * Who have received the law by the (note :)By the ministry of angels .(:note ) disposition of angels , and have not kept [it ]. * * * And said , Beholde , I see the heauens open , and the Sonne of man standing at the right hand of God . * * And cast [him ] out of the city , and stoned [him ]: and the (note :)It was appointed by the Law that the witnesses should cast the first stones ; ( Deu_17:7 ).(:note ) witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man 's feet , whose name was Saul . * And they stoned Steuen , who called on God , and said , Lord Iesus , receiue my spirit . *

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