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* Thus says the LORD : "For three transgressions of Damascus , and for four , I will not turn away its punishment , Because they have threshed Gilead with implements of iron . * But I will send a fire into the house of Hazael , Which shall devour the palaces of Ben-Hadad . * I will also break the gate bar of Damascus , And cut off the inhabitant from the Valley of Aven , And the one who holds the scepter from Beth Eden . The people of Syria shall go captive to Kir ," Says the LORD . * Thus says the LORD : "For three transgressions of Gaza , and for four , I will not turn away its punishment , Because they took captive the whole captivity To deliver them up to Edom . * But I will send a fire upon the wall of Gaza , Which shall devour its palaces . * I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod , And the one who holds the scepter from Ashkelon ; I will turn My hand against Ekron , And the remnant of the Philistines shall perish ," Says the Lord GOD . * Thus says the LORD : "For three transgressions of Tyre , and for four , I will not turn away its punishment , Because they delivered up the whole captivity to Edom , And did not remember the covenant of brotherhood . * But I will send a fire upon the wall of Tyre , Which shall devour its palaces ." * Thus says the LORD : "For three transgressions of Edom , and for four , I will not turn away its punishment , Because he pursued his brother with the sword , And cast off all pity ; His anger tore perpetually , And he kept his wrath forever . * But I will send a fire upon Teman , Which shall devour the palaces of Bozrah ." * Thus says the LORD : "For three transgressions of the people of Ammon , and for four , I will not turn away its punishment , Because they ripped open the women with child in Gilead , That they might enlarge their territory . * But I will kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah , And it shall devour its palaces , Amid shouting in the day of battle , And a tempest in the day of the whirlwind . * Their king shall go into captivity , He and his princes together ," Says the LORD .

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