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ylt @Amos:5:18 @Ho , ye who are desiring the day of Jehovah , Why [is ] this to you -- the day of Jehovah ? It is darkness , and not light , ylt @Amos:5:19 @As [when ] one fleeth from the face of the lion , And the bear hath met him , And he hath come in to the house , And hath leant his hand on the wall , And the serpent hath bitten him . ylt @Amos:5:20 @Is not the day of Jehovah darkness and not light , Even thick darkness that hath no brightness ? ylt @Amos:5:21 @I have hated -- I have loathed your festivals , And I am not refreshed by your restraints . ylt @Amos:5:22 @For though ye cause burnt-offerings and your presents to ascend to Me , I am not pleased , And the peace-offering of your fatlings I behold not . ylt @Amos:5:23 @Turn aside from Me the noise of thy songs , Yea , the praise of thy psaltery I hear not . ylt @Amos:5:24 @And roll on as waters doth judgment , And righteousness as a perennial stream . ylt @Amos:5:25 @Sacrifices and offering did ye bring nigh to Me , In a wilderness forty years , O house of Israel ? ylt @Amos:5:26 @And ye bare Succoth your king , and Chiun your images , The star of your god , that ye made for yourselves . ylt @Amos:5:27 @And I removed you beyond Damascus , Said Jehovah , God of Hosts [is ] His name .

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[BookofAmos] [Amos:4] [Amos:5] [Amos:6] [Discuss] Tag Amos:5:18-27 [Audio][Presentation]