
rwp@Colossians:1:27 @{God was pleased} (\ˆthelˆsen ho theos\). First aorist active indicative of \thel“\, to will, to wish. "God willed" this change from hidden mystery to manifestation. {To make known} (\gn“risai\). First aorist active infinitive of \gn“riz“\ (from \gin“sk“\). Among the Gentiles (\en tois ethnesin\). This is the crowning wonder to Paul that God had included the Gentiles in his redemptive grace, "the riches of the glory of this mystery" (\to ploutos tˆs doxˆs tou mustˆriou toutou\) and that Paul himself has been made the minister of this grace among the Gentiles (Ephesians:3:1-2|). He feels the high honour keenly and meets the responsibility humbly. {Which} (\ho\). Grammatical gender (neuter) agreeing with \mustˆriou\ (mystery), supported by A B P Vulg., though \hos\ (who) agreeing with \Christos\ in the predicate is read by Aleph C D L. At any rate the idea is simply that the personal aspect of "this mystery" is "Christ in you the hope of glory" (\Christos en humin hˆ elpis tˆs doxˆs\). He is addressing Gentiles, but the idea of \en\ here is in, not among. It is the personal experience and presence of Christ in the individual life of all believers that Paul has in mind, the indwelling Christ in the heart as in strkjv@Ephesians:3:17|. He constitutes also the hope of glory for he is the \Shekinah\ of God. Christ is our hope now (1Timothy:1:1|) and the consummation will come (Romans:8:18|).

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