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* We give thanks to the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed always concerning you praying , * having heard the faith of you in Anointed Jesus , and the love that for all the holy ones , * through the hope that being laid up for you in the heavens , which you before heard in the word of the truth of the glad tidings , * of that being present among you , as also in all the world , and is bringing forth fruit and growing , as also in you , from which day you heard and acknowledged the favor of the God in truth ; * as even you learned from Epaphras the beloved fellow –servant of us , who is faithful on behalf of you a servant of the Anointed ; * who also having related to us the of you love in spirit . * Because of this also we , from which day we heard , not we cease on behalf of you praying , and asking , that you may be filled the exact knowledge of the will of him in all wisdom and understanding spiritual ; * to walk worthily of the Lord to all pleasing , in every work good bringing forth fruit and growing in the exact knowledge of the God ; * with all strength being strengthened according to the power of the glory of him , for all patience and endurance with joy ; * giving thanks to the Father to that having fitted us for the portion of the inheritance of the holy ones in the light ; * who delivered us from the authority of the darkness , and caused a change of sides for the kingdom of the son of the love of himself ; * in whom we have the redemption the forgiveness of the sins ;

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[BookofColossians] [Colossians] [Colossians:1] [Colossians:2] [Discuss] Tag Colossians:1:3-14 [Audio][Presentation]