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* Paul , an apostle of Jesus Anointed through will of God , and Timothy the brother , Colossians * to those in Colosse to holy ones and to faithful ones brethren in Anointed ; favor to you and peace from God a Father of us . * We give thanks to the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed always concerning you praying , * having heard the faith of you in Anointed Jesus , and the love that for all the holy ones , * through the hope that being laid up for you in the heavens , which you before heard in the word of the truth of the glad tidings , * of that being present among you , as also in all the world , and is bringing forth fruit and growing , as also in you , from which day you heard and acknowledged the favor of the God in truth ; * as even you learned from Epaphras the beloved fellow –servant of us , who is faithful on behalf of you a servant of the Anointed ; * who also having related to us the of you love in spirit . * Because of this also we , from which day we heard , not we cease on behalf of you praying , and asking , that you may be filled the exact knowledge of the will of him in all wisdom and understanding spiritual ; * to walk worthily of the Lord to all pleasing , in every work good bringing forth fruit and growing in the exact knowledge of the God ; * with all strength being strengthened according to the power of the glory of him , for all patience and endurance with joy ; * giving thanks to the Father to that having fitted us for the portion of the inheritance of the holy ones in the light ; * who delivered us from the authority of the darkness , and caused a change of sides for the kingdom of the son of the love of himself ; * in whom we have the redemption the forgiveness of the sins ; * who is a likeness of the God of that unseen , first –born of every creation ; Colossians * because in him were created the things all , the things in the heavens and the things on the earth , the things seen and the things unseen , whether thrones , or lordships , or governments , or authorities ; the things all on account of him and for him have been created ; * and he is in advance of all , and the things all in him has been placed together ; Colossians * and he is the head of the body , of the congregation ; who is a beginning , first –born out of the dead ones , so that he might become among all himself pre –eminent ; * because in him it was thought good all the fulness to inhabit , * and by means of him to reconcile the things all to him , having made peace by means of the blood of the cross of him , by means of him , whether the things on the earth , or the things in the heavens . * Even you , once being aliens and enemies in the mind by the works those wicked , now indeed he reconciled , * in the body of the flesh of himself by means of the death , to present you holy ones and blameless ones and irreproachable ones in presence of him ; * if indeed you continue in the faith having been grounded and settled ones , and not being moved away from the hope of the glad tidings of which you heard , of that having been published in all the creation that under the heaven ; of which became I Paul a servant . * Now I rejoice in the sufferings on behalf of you , and I fill up the wants of the afflictions of the Anointed one in the flesh of me on behalf of the body of him , which is the congregation ; * of which became I a servant according to the stewardship of the God that having been given to me for you , to fully set forth the word of the God , * the secret that having been hid from the ages and from the generations , now but was manifested to the holy ones of him ; * to whom wished the God to make known , what the wealth of the glory of the secret of this among the nations , who is Anointed in you , the hope of the glory ; * whom we announce , admonishing every man , and teaching , every man with all wisdom , so that we may present man perfect in Anointed ; * for which also I labor , ardently contending according to the strong –working of him that working strongly in me in power . * I wish for you to know , how great a conflict I have concerning you and those in Laodicea , and as many as not have seen the face of me in flesh ; * so that may be comforted the hearts of them , being knit together in love and for all wealth of the full conviction of the understanding , in order to an exact knowledge of the secret of the God ; * in which are all the treasures of the wisdom and of the knowledge stored up . Colossians * This but I say , that not any one you may deceive with plausible speech . Colossians * If for even in the flesh I am absent , still in the spirit with you I am , rejoicing and beholding of you the order , and the stability of the in Anointed faith of you . * As therefore you received the Anointed Jesus the Lord , in him walk you , Colossians * having been rooted and being build up in him , and being established in the faith , as you were taught , abounding in it with thanksgiving . * See you , not any one you shall be the making a prey by means of the philosophy and empty deceit , according to the tradition of the men , according to the elements of the world , and not according to Anointed . * Because in him dwells all the fulness of the deity bodily , * and you are by him having been filled ; who is the head of all governments and authority ; * in whom also you were circumcised with a circumcision not done by hand , in the putting off of the body of the flesh , in the circumcision of the Anointed , * having been buried with him by the dipping ; in which also you were raised by means of the faith of the strong working of the God of that one having raised him out of dead ones ; * and you , dead being in the faults and by the uncircumcision of the flesh of you , he made alive together with him , having freely forgiven us all the faults ; * having blotted out that against us written by hand in the ordinances , which was contrary to us , and it he has removed out of the midst , having nailed it to the cross ; * having stripped off the governments and the authorities , he made a show by publicity , having triumphed over them in it . * Not therefore any one you let judge in food or in drink , or in respect of a feast , or of a new moon , or of sabbaths ; * which are a shadow of the things about coming , the but body of Anointed . Colossians * No one you let deprive of the prize , wishing by humility of mind and a religious worship of the messengers , what things not he has seen prying into , without cause being puffed up by the mind of the flesh of himself , * and not holding firmly the head , from whom all the body , by means of the joints and ligaments being served and being compacted , grows the growth of the God . * If you died with Anointed from the elements of the world , why as living in world do you impose on yourselves ordinances ; * (not thou shouldst have touched , nor thou shouldst have tasted , nor thou shouldst have handled ? * which is all for corruption in the using ,) according to the commands and teachings of the men ; which things is a wordy show indeed having of wisdom in self –devised worship and humility and non –indulgence of body , not in honor any , for a filling up of the flesh . * If then you were raised with the Anointed , the things above seek you , where the Anointed is at right of the God sitting ; * the things above mind you , not the things on the earth . * You did for , and the life of you has been hidden with the Anointed by the God ; Colossians * when the Anointed may appear , the life of us , then also you with him shall appear in glory . * Put you to death therefore the members of you those on the earth , fornication , impurity , passion , desire evil , and the covetousness , which is idol worship ; * because of which things comes the wrath of the God on the sons of the disobedience ; * in which things also you walked once , when you were living among them ; Colossians * now but put off also you the things all , anger , wrath , malice , evil speaking , filthy words out of the mouth of you ; * not speak you falsely to each other ; having stripped the old man with the practices of him , * and having put on the new , that being renewed by exact knowledge according to an image of the one having created him ; * where not exists Greek and Jew ; circumcision and uncircumcision ; barbarian , Scythian ; slave , freeman ; but the things all and in all Anointed . * Be you clothed therefore , as chosen ones of God holy ones and beloved ones , bowels of mercy , kindness , humility , meekness , patient endurance ; * (bearing with each other , and freely forgiving each other , if any one for some things should have a cause of complaint ; as even the Anointed freely forgave you , so also you ;) * besides all and these the love , which is a bond of the completeness ; * and the peace of the Anointed one let preside in the hearts of you , for which also you were called in one body ; and thankful ones become you . * The word of the Anointed let dwell in you richly ; in all wisdom teaching , and admonishing each other in psalms and in hymns and in songs spiritual , with favor singing in the hearts of you to the God ; * and every thing , whatever you may do , in word or in work , all in name of Lord Jesus , giving thanks to the God and Father through him . * The wives , submit yourselves to the husbands , as it has been proper in Lord . Colossians * The husbands , love you the wives , and not be you embittered against them . Colossians * The children , be you subject to the parents in all things ; this for is well –pleasing in Lord . * The fathers , not do you provoke the children of you , so that not they may be discouraged . * The slaves , be you subject in all things to the according to flesh lords , not with service of eyes , as men –pleasers , but in sincerity of heart , fearing the Lord ; * and every thing , whatever you may do , from soul work you , as to the Lord and not to men . * Knowing , that from Lord you will receive the recompence of the inheritance , the for Lord Anointed you serve . * He but doing wrong will receive back what he did wrong ; and not is respect of persons . * The lords , the just and the equal to the slaves render you , knowing , that also you have a Lord in heavens . * To the prayer attend you constantly , watching in it , with thankfulness ; Colossians * praying at the same time also for us , that the God may open to us a door for the word , to speak the secret of the Anointed , on account of which even I have been bound ; Colossians * so that I may make manifest it , as it behooves me to speak . * In wisdom walk you towards those outside , the season buying for yourselves . * The word of you always with favor , with salt having been seasoned , to have known how it behooves you one each to answer . * The things concerning me all will make known to you Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful servant and fellow –slave in Lord ; * whom I sent to you for it this thing , that he may know the things concerning you , and may comfort the hearts of you ; * with Onesimus the faithful and beloved brother , who is from you ; all to you they will make known the things here . * Salutes you Aristarchus the fellow –captive of me , and Mark the nephew of Barnabas , concerning whom you received commands ; (of he should come to you , receive him ;) Colossians * and Jesus he being called Justus ; they being of circumcision ; these alone fellow –workers for the kingdom of the God , who were to me a comfort . * Salutes you Epaphras , he from you a slave of Anointed , always fervently striving on behalf of you in the prayers , that you may stand perfect even having been completed in all will of the God . * I testify for to him , that he has great concern on behalf of you , and for those in Laodicea , and for those in Hierapolis . * Salutes you Luke the physician the beloved , and Demas . * Salute you those in Laodicea brethren , and Nymphas , and the in house of him congregation . * And when may have been read among you the letter , make you , that also in the Laodiceans congregation it may be read , and that from Laodicea that also you may read . Colossians * And say you to Archippus : See the service which thou didst receive in Lord , that her thou mayest fulfil . * The salvation in the my hand of Paul . Remember you of me the chains . The favor with you .

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