
Seeker Overlay ON

* As therefore you received the Anointed Jesus the Lord , in him walk you , Colossians * having been rooted and being build up in him , and being established in the faith , as you were taught , abounding in it with thanksgiving . * See you , not any one you shall be the making a prey by means of the philosophy and empty deceit , according to the tradition of the men , according to the elements of the world , and not according to Anointed . * Because in him dwells all the fulness of the deity bodily , * and you are by him having been filled ; who is the head of all governments and authority ; * in whom also you were circumcised with a circumcision not done by hand , in the putting off of the body of the flesh , in the circumcision of the Anointed , * having been buried with him by the dipping ; in which also you were raised by means of the faith of the strong working of the God of that one having raised him out of dead ones ; * and you , dead being in the faults and by the uncircumcision of the flesh of you , he made alive together with him , having freely forgiven us all the faults ; * having blotted out that against us written by hand in the ordinances , which was contrary to us , and it he has removed out of the midst , having nailed it to the cross ; * having stripped off the governments and the authorities , he made a show by publicity , having triumphed over them in it . * Not therefore any one you let judge in food or in drink , or in respect of a feast , or of a new moon , or of sabbaths ; * which are a shadow of the things about coming , the but body of Anointed . Colossians * No one you let deprive of the prize , wishing by humility of mind and a religious worship of the messengers , what things not he has seen prying into , without cause being puffed up by the mind of the flesh of himself , * and not holding firmly the head , from whom all the body , by means of the joints and ligaments being served and being compacted , grows the growth of the God . * If you died with Anointed from the elements of the world , why as living in world do you impose on yourselves ordinances ; * (not thou shouldst have touched , nor thou shouldst have tasted , nor thou shouldst have handled ? * which is all for corruption in the using ,) according to the commands and teachings of the men ; which things is a wordy show indeed having of wisdom in self –devised worship and humility and non –indulgence of body , not in honor any , for a filling up of the flesh .

Seeker Overlay: Off On

[BookofColossians] [Colossians:1] [Colossians:2] [Colossians:3] [Discuss] Tag Colossians:2:6-23 [Audio][Presentation]