
rwp@Colossians:2:7 @{Rooted} (\erriz“menoi\). Perfect passive participle of old verb \rizo“\ from \riza\, root. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Ephesians:3:17|. Paul changes the figure from walk to growing tree. {Builded up in him} (\epoikodomoumenoi en aut“i\). Present passive participle (rooted to stay so) of \epoikodome“\, old verb, to build upon as in strkjv@1Corinthians:3:10,12|. The metaphor is changed again to a building as continually going up (present tense). {Stablished} (\bebaioumenoi\). Present passive participle of \bebaio“\, old verb from \bebaios\ (from \bain“, bai“\), to make firm or stable. {In your faith} (\tˆi pistei\). Locative case, though the instrumental case, {by your faith}, makes good sense also. {Even as ye were taught} (\kath“s edidachthˆte\). First aorist passive indicative of \didask“\, an allusion to \parelabete\ in verse 6| and to \emathete\ in strkjv@1:7|. {In thanksgiving} (\en eucharistiƒi\). Hence they had no occasion to yield to the blandishments of the Gnostic teachers.

rwp@Colossians:2:7 refers to 'rooted' in 'Ephesians:3:17 '. Verse 18 has nothing to

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