
rwp@Colossians:3:1 @{If then ye were raised together with Christ} (\ei oun sunˆgerthˆte t“i Christ“i\). Condition of the first class, assumed as true, like that in strkjv@2:20| and the other half of the picture of baptism in strkjv@2:12| and using the same form \sunˆgerthˆte\ as then which see for the verb \sunegeir“\. Associative instrumental case of \Christ“i\. {The things that are above} (\ta an“\). "The upward things" (cf. strkjv@Phillipians:3:14|), the treasure in heaven (Matthew:6:20|). Paul gives this ideal and goal in place of merely ascetic rules. {Seated on the right hand of God} (\en dexiƒi tou theou kathˆmenos\). Not periphrastic verb, but additional statement. Christ is up there and at God's right hand. Cf. strkjv@2:3|.

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